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Automated project build with Gulp and Webpack


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Gulp Project

Gulp Project

Automated project build with Gulp and Webpack.

English | Русский

Release version TypeScript MIT License

Table of contents


  • Import data from JSON files and templating HTML (import, iteration, etc).
  • Compiling SASS / SCSS files to CSS, adding browser prefixes, grouping media queries.
  • Import and export of ECMAScript modules inside JS files.
  • Transpiling JS files to ES5 using Babel (optional).
  • Building JS files using Rollup (optional).
  • Optimization and compression of raster (JPG, PNG, GIF) and vector (SVG) images.
  • Convert SVG files to Base64 and then import to CSS (optional).
  • Convert images to WebP format (optional).
  • Automatic import of Icomoon icons in SASS/SCSS from selection.json file.
  • Watching and automatic recompilation of files.
  • Generation abstract page with list of project files and used dependencies (optional).
  • Linting SASS and JS files with Stylelint and ESLint.
  • Sourcemaps generation (optional).
  • Creating ZIP archives with source and compiled files (optional).
  • Uploading project files to server via FTP (optional).
  • PageSpeed Insights reports on the local server (optional).

System requirements

For image compression you will additionally need to install the following libraries:

Mac OS

brew install libjpeg libpng


apt-get install -y libjpeg libpng


You can configure common params using configurator or define them yourself in /config.js file.


Go to project directory and install required dependencies:

npm ci

After that, start building:


Project structure

gulp-project                        # Root directory
├── gulp                            # Gulp files
│   └── config                      # Global params
├── src                             # Source files
│   ├── abstract                    # Source files for abstract page
│   ├── data                        # JSON files
│   ├── fonts                       # Fonts
│   ├── icomoon                     # Icomoon project files
│   ├── images                      # Images
│   ├── js                          # JavaScript files
│   ├── styles                      # SASS / SCSS files
│   ├── partials                    # Included HTML files
│   ├── swipers                     # JSON files with Swiper params
│   ├── templates                   # Templates (Handlebars, Mustache etc)
│   ├── vectors                     # SVG files for embedding in CSS
│   └── index.html                  # Index page
├── .browserslistrc                 # Supported browsers list
├── .editorconfig                   # IDE settings
├── .env                            # Environment settings
├── .eslintrc                       # ESLint configuration file
├── .gitignore                      # Git ignored files
├── .stylelintignore                # Stylelint inglored files
├── .stylelintrc                    # Stylelint configuration file
├──                    # Release notes
├── config.js                       # User params
├── gulpfile.js                     # Main file for Gulp
├── package-lock.json               # Dependencies tree
├── package.json                    # Project info
├──                    # Documentation in Russian
└──                       # Documentation

Config files

Each time the build is run, params are imported from following files:

  • Global params /gulp/config
  • User params /config.js

Parameter priority (in ascending order):

  • Global params
  • User params
  • Presets (params from presets fields in configuration files)
  • cli params

Common params

Параметр Тип По умолчанию Описание
minify object false Minify files
sourcemaps object false Generate sourcemaps for CSS and JS files
babel boolean false Transpile JS to ES5 with Babel
rollup boolean false Building JS with Rollup
webp boolean false Convert all images to WebP format
abstract boolean false Generate abstract page with project files list
debug boolean false Enable debug mode
force array [] Task names for force upload
preset string 'global' Name of applying preset
open string 'index' Startup page (without .html extension)
host string 'default' FTP host key from config.ftp file
mode string 'dev' Building mode (dev/build), available globally in HTML as @@mode

Run with cli params

All of the above params can be passed to command line through appropriate flags.

Example running with cli params:

gulp --babel --minify js --open catalog

The described command is equivalent to the following entry in configuration file:

    babel: true,
    minify: {
        css: false, // inherited from global params
        js: true
    open: 'catalog'


Presets allow you to start building with predefined params depending on task name or create your own combinations of params.

To create a new preset, add params to presets field in /config.js file.

Params from preset will be applied if:

  • Preset name is equivalent to current task name (build - for build task, deploy - for deploy task, etc);
  • Preset name passed as cli param --preset.

Preset example

config.presets = {
    deploy: {
        babel: true,
        compress: true,
        mode: 'build'

This preset is equivalent to launching with following params:

gulp deploy --babel --compress --mode build

Custom preset example

config.presets = {
    myPreset: {
        debug: true,
        minify: {
            css: true,
            js: true

The above params will be applied when --preset flag is explicitly specified:

gulp --preset myPreset

Global preset

Params from global preset are always applied and can only be overridden from command line.

config.presets = {
    global: {
        abstract: true,
        open: 'home'

Working with files

HTML files

HTML files are placed in /src directory.

Included files are placed in /src/partials/ directory.

For convenient work with HTML files, you can use gulp-file-include operators:

  • @@include
  • @@if
  • @@for
  • @@loop

Documentation and usage examples can be found here.

SASS / SCSS files

SASS / SCSS files are placed in /src/styles directory.

JS files

JS files are placed in /src/js directory.

⚠️ Files merging

By default, all SASS and JS files are combined into one output file. If you need to create a separate file, append .module postfix to file name (e.g. component.module.scss). Thereafter component.css file will be created and added to all project pages.


Images are placed in /src/images directory.

Compression settings are set in config.plugins.image param.

To convert all images to WebP format, set config.webp param to true.

Convert SVG to Base64

To convert SVG files to Base64 and subsequent embedding to CSS, move them to the /src/vectors directory.

Icomoon icons

To add icons, move Icomoon project files from website to /src/icomoon directory.

The icons will be available in SASS via $icomoon-icons map.

Templates (Handlebars, Mustache)

If you are using HTML compilers like Handlebars or Mustache, you can store template files in /src/templates directory.


Before deploying files to server, you must set FTP params in .env file.

After that, run the command:

gulp deploy

Adding FTP host

By default, files are uploaded to default host.

If you need to create another FTP host, add params to .env file:


After that, import environment params in config.js file and use host name as object key:

config: {
    ftp: {
        custom: {
            host: process.env.FTP_CUSTOM_HOST,
            user: process.env.FTP_CUSTOM_USER,
            password: process.env.FTP_CUSTOM_PASSWORD,
            dest: process.env.FTP_CUSTOM_DEST,
            uri: process.env.FTP_CUSTOM_URI

To upload files to the custom host, run command:

gulp deploy --host custom

Force upload

Before building, you can pass a list of required tasks through the --force flag. Then only selected tasks will be launched, and all others will be ignored.

This can be useful if you want to build and deploy recently modified files only.

gulp deploy --force html,css,js

Production mode

In production mode transpiling to ES5 and minification of files are enabled by default, so passing --minify and --babel flags is not required.

If you want to change this behavior, edit config.presets.deploy preset.

Creating ZIP files

To create ZIP files with source and compiled files, run the task:

gulp zip

File names for ZIP files are specified in param.

Audit with PageSpeed Insights

Google Lighthouse is an open source auditing tool that helps developers improve performance and accessibility of their web projects.

PageSpeed Insights reports are generated on the local server for each project page after running the command:

gulp reports

Depending on number of pages and hardware resources, this task may take a long time to complete.


The MIT License (MIT)