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Ian's Configuration Files


Tools I Used

  • Obsidian: note taking
  • WezTerm: terminal emulator
  • asdf: version manager
  • btop: top alternative
  • direnv: per directory env
  • fd: find alternative
  • fzf: fuzzy finder
  • lazygit: git TUI
  • neovim: editor
  • rg: grep alternative
  • starship: shell prompt
  • tmux: terminal multiplexer
  • zoxide: quick cd
  • zsh

Interesting Widgets I Built

  • cvim: edit clipboard using vim
  • fpass: copy password from pass via fzf
  • fzf-finder: a file explorer built based on fzf, bat, exa
  • gfw: a shell proxy manager
  • git-fzf-log: pick git log via fzf, using ctrl-l to show commit and open file before changes in neovim
  • git-multistatus: quickly check git status of multiple repos using fzf, starship, and lazygit
  • tmux-up: a tmux session manager
  • tt: a wrap script which sends keys to tmux panes

Featured Configuration


  • Neovim: Copy the folder nvim to ~/.config/nvim.
  • Vim:
    • Minimal: Just copy default/.vimrc to ~/.vimrc
    • Unpacked: Download vimfiles from the latest job in the workflow. See README in it to setup.
    • Packed: Download vimfiles-packed from the latest job in the workflow. See README in it to setup.

The Minimal/Unpacked version requires running :PackUpdate to install dependencies. I build the packed version so I can copy it to iPad and use it in iVim.


I use the shell script to merge the zshrc config file.