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Branches and Releases

Dustin Campbell edited this page Nov 14, 2016 · 1 revision


We do our work out of two branches:

  • master: This is where normal development takes place. 99% of PRs should be submitted against master.
  • release: This is where stabilization for official releases occurs. Prior to a release, we will merge master to release to prepare for stabilization.

There is one other branch that exists for legacy purposes:

  • legacy-omnisharp-extension: This is a branch from the last commit before the extension transitioned from the old version that shipped in the box with VS Code to the C# extension we have today. You shouldn't need to worry about this branch, but it is where the Legacy C# Support extension was built from.


Marketplace Releases

  • Marketplace releases will be built from the release branch and will usually increment the minor version number (e.g., 1.4.0, 1.5.0, etc.).
  • Updates to Marketplace releases will increment the patch number (e.g. 1.5.1, 1.5.2).
  • All Marketplace releases will be tagged with the version number in the form of v.X.X.X and included in our GitHub Releases.


  • Pre-releases will be build from the master branch and will be marked as a pre-release like so: vX.X.0-beta1.
  • All pre-releases will also be tagged with the version number in the form of vX.X.X-betaX and included in our GitHub Releases marked as "pre-release".
  • Pre-releases will never be released on the Marketplace.
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