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Arek W edited this page May 3, 2016 · 9 revisions

Settings are used to store key value pairs. A settings object is instantiated on orm (default values), then a snapshot is created for every db connection and then a snapshot for each defined Model. So changes to orm.settings will take effect only to connections made after the change, and changes to db.settings will only affect models defined after the change.

var orm = require("orm");

orm.settings.set("some.deep.value", 123);

orm.connect("....", function (err, db) {
    // db.settings is a snapshot of the settings at the moment
    // of orm.connect(). changes to it don't affect orm.settings

    console.log(db.settings.get("some.deep.value")); // 123
    console.log(db.settings.get("some.deep"));       // { value: 123 }

    db.settings.set("other.value", { some: "object" });

    console.log(db.settings.get("other.value"));     // { some: "object" }
    console.log(orm.settings.get("other.value"));    // undefined

Here's the structure of the default settings:

var Settings = {
	properties : {
		primary_key            : "id",
		association_key        : "{name}_{field}",
		required               : false
	instance   : {
		identityCache          : true,
		identityCacheSaveCheck : true,
		autoSave               : false,
		autoFetch              : false,
		autoFetchLimit         : 1,
		cascadeRemove          : true,
		returnAllErrors        : false
	connection : {
		reconnect              : true,
		pool                   : false,
		debug                  : false
Setting Description
properties.primary_key the property name for the primary key of models without an id defined
properties.association_key the property name of an association key (example: "user_id")
properties.required if the default behaviour of a property is to be required or not
instance.identityCache if instances should use an identity cache
instance.identityCacheSaveCheck if instances should be returned from identity cache if the instance is saved or not (don't change this unless you know what you're doing)
instance.autoSave if activated, makes instances save instantly when any property is changed
instance.autoFetch if associations should be fetched automatically or not
instance.autoFetchLimit if autoFetch is activated, is the depth of associations it should fetch
instance.cascadeRemove removes associations when removing instances
instance.returnAllErrors if activated, instance saving will hold all errors and return them as an Array instead of returning on first error
connection.reconnect try to reconnect when connection is lost
connection.pool use the driver connection pool (if supported)
connection.debug print coloured queries to stdout
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