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This repository includes the data and code used to support the analyses in Painting by Numbers: Data-Driven Histories of Nineteenth-Century Art (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2021). Each of the categories of data and do files used for regression analysis are described briefly below. Data supporting graphs and figure in the books are identified by figures number; the captions for each of the figures are below. For large datasets, this file provides citations for the sources that were transcribed to create the dataset.

#Data Supporting Graphs & Regressions

Graphs 2.1 Number of Works Listed in Each Exhibition Dataset, per year, 1740 – 1915 (N = 528,931). Sources: Diana Greenwald, Historical American Art Exhibition Database, see Table 2.2; Jon Whiteley, The Subject Index to Paintings Exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1673–1881 (1993), Sackler Library, University of Oxford; H.W. Janson (ed.), Catalogues of the Paris Salon 1673 to 1881. 60 vols. New York: Garland Publishing, 1977; Catalogs of the Exhibitions of the Royal Academy, 1769 to 1914, URL: artists/search/exhibition-catalogues; The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition: A Chronicle, 1769 – 2018, edited by Mark Hallett, Sarah Victoria Turner, Jessica Feather, Baillie Card, Tom Scutt, and Maisoon Rehani. London: Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2018.

2.2 Cumulative Number of Works Listed in Each Exhibition Dataset, 1740 - 1915 (N = 528,931). Sources: See Figure 2.1.

2.7 Number of Paintings Shown at the Paris Salon, 1740 - 1881 (N = 136, 346)

2.8 Percentage of Portraits Displayed at the Salon that Depicted Members of the House of Bourbon or the Bonaparte Family, 1740 - 1881 (N=36, 248)

2.9 Total Number of Works Exhibited in Each State from 1773-1914, as listed in the Historical American Art Exhibition Database (N = 258,340). Source: Historical American Art Exhibition Database.

2.10 Percentage of Artworks Displayed at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts that are Old Masters or Works by Living Artists, 1811 - 1913 (N = 39,128). Source: Greenwald, Historical American Art Exhibition Database.

2.14 Rejection Rate of Submissions to the Royal Academy Annual Exhibition, 1860 - 1914 (N = 460,929). Source: The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition: A Chronicle, 1769 – 2018, edited by Mark Hallett, Sarah Victoria Turner, Jessica Feather, Baillie Card, Tom Scutt, and Maisoon Rehani. London: Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2018.

2.15 Average Number of Works per Artist Shown at the Royal Academy Annual Exhibition, 1815 – 1914. Source: See Figure 2.14.

3.2 Percentage of All Prizes Awarded at the Salon Given to Rural Genre Painters, 1831 - 1881 (N =1,344). Sources: L’Artiste (1831–81) and H.W. Janson (ed.), Catalogues of the Paris Salon 1673 to 1881. 60 vols. New York: Garland Publishing, 1977.

3.3 "Number of Paintings Displayed at the Salon that were Landscape and Rural Genre

Painting, 1831 - 1881 (N = 30,419). Source: Jon Whiteley, “Introduction to Subject Index to Paintings Exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1673–1881,” Oxford, 1993. Sackler Library, University of Oxford."

3.4 Percentage of Paintings Displayed at the Salon that were Landscape and Rural Genre Painting, 1831 - 1881 (N = 114,445). Source: See Figure 3.3.

3.5 Subcategories of Rural Genre Painting, 1831 - 1881, Five-Year Rolling Averages (N = 2,286). Source: See Figure 3.3.

3.6 Kinds of Work Shown in Rural Genre Painting Depicting Work, 1831 - 1881, Five-Year Rolling Averages (N = 942). Source: See Figure 3.3.

3.8 Comparison between Different Subsets of Genre Painting, 1831 - 1881, Five-Year Rolling Averages (N = 114,455). Source: See Figure 3.3.

3.9 Percentage of Landscape and Rural Genre Paintings of Identified Locations in France, 1831 - 1881 (N = 30,419). Source: See Figure 3.3.

3.10 Percentage of Landscape Paintings Displayed at the Salon Depicting Calvados, 1840 - 1881, with trend line (N = 28,133). Source: See Figure 3.3.

3.11 Price of One-Way Travel to Calvados from Paris, 1840-1880. Source: Guillaume Daudin, Raphaël Franck, Hillel Rapoport “Costs of travel within French departments, 1840—80.” Provided via email by G. Daudin July 2014. Prices quoted every ten years; linear interpolation used between observations.

4.3 Percentage of Paintings Exhibited at the National Academy that are by Women Artists, 1826 - 1900 (N = 41,887). Source: Mary Bartlett Cowdrey (ed.), National Academy of Design Exhibition Record, 1826-1860, 1943; Maria Naylor (ed.), National Academy of Design Exhibition Record, 1861-1900, 1973.

4.4 Percentage of Paintings Exhibited at the National Academy Identified as Still Life Paintings, 1826 - 1900 (N = 41,887). Source: See Figure 4.3.

4.5 Percentage of Artists Exhibiting Still Life Paintings at the National Academy, Divided by Identifiable Gender, 1826 – 1900 (N=38,893). Source: See Figure 4.3 and Markus Perl, Gender API, URL:

4.6 "Object Type" of Works by Male Artists in the American Wing, Metropolitan Museum of Art as of August 2018 (N = 5,058). Source: Collection data provided in clean spreadsheet format by Leela Outcalt, Senior Collections Manager, via email on August 22, 2018.

4.7 "Object Type" of Works by Female Artists in the American Wing, Metropolitan Museum of Art as of August 2018 (N = 357). Source: See Figure 4.6.

4.10 "Number of Known Works Produced by Lilly Martin Spencer, by decade* (N = 483). Source: Robin Bolton-Smith and William H. Truettner, Lilly Martin Spencer (1822 - 1902): The Joys of Sentiment, Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1973.

4.11 Types of Known Works by Lilly Martin Spencer, c. 1838 - 1901 (N = 483). Source: See Figure 4.10.

5.1 Number of Depictions of Named Countries Shown at the Royal Academy, Based on Titles, 1769 – 1914. Source: Catalogs of the Exhibitions of the Royal Academy, 1769 to 1914, URL: and Mark Hallett, Sarah Victoria Turner, Jessica Feather, Baillie Card, Tom Scutt, and Maisoon Rehani (ed.), The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition: A Chronicle, 1769 – 2018 (London: Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2018.) URL:

5.2 Percentage of Works Shown at the Royal Academy with an Identified Location, 1769 – 1914 (N = 184,203). Source: See Figure 5.1.

5.3 Keywords in Titles that Might Signify References to Empire in Works Shown at the Royal Academy, 1769 – 1914 (N=1,939). Source: See Figure 5.1.

5.4 Detail Map of Depictions of European Countries, divided by British Imperial Status, displayed at the Royal Academy from 1769 – 1914. Source: See Figure 5.1.

5.5 Detail Map of Number of Depictions of Non-European Countries, divided by British Imperial status, displayed at the Royal Academy from 1769 – 1914. Source: See Figure 5.1.

5.7 Number of Depictions of Named Countries Shown at the Royal Academy, Divided by British Imperial Status, 1769 - 1914 (N = 21,739). Source: Figure 5.1.

5.8 Percentage of Total Depictions at the Royal Academy that feature Australia, Egypt, India, Jamaica, and the United States, 1769 – 1914 (N = 21,739) Source: Figure 5.1.

5.15 Percentage of Total Depictions at the Royal Academy that feature England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, 1769 - 1914

5.16 Number of Portraits Shown at the Royal Academy Over Time, 1769 - 1914 (N = 67,019)

5.17 Types of Sitters featured in Portraits Displayed at the Royal Academy, by decade, 1769 - 1914 (N = 73,690)

Regressions Dataset for Chapter 3 & Appendix C Regressions

Do Files for Chapter 3 & Appendix C Regressions

#HAAExD Component Data Sources

Smithsonian’s Pre-1877 Art Exhibition Catalogue Index (ed. James L. Yarnall and William H. Gerdts, 1986) Wide range of exhibition catalogues from small galleries and American art institutions not indexed in the large venues listed below

Publications in California Art, no. 7: Exhibition Record of the San Francisco Art Association, Mechanics’ Institute & California State Agricultural Society (ed. Ellen Halteman, 2000) Works exhibited at a mix of juried and not-juried shows in Northern California from the 1850s to 1905

Annual Exhibition Record of Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Volume 1, 1807 -1870 (Anna Rutledge, ed. Peter Falk, 1988) Index to all works shown at juried and non-juried shows, and special exhibitions at PAFA. In this period, PAFA focused on contemporary American artist and on displaying art historically important works (from plaster casts to European contemporary) in Philadelphia.

Annual Exhibition Record of Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Volume 2, 1876 - 1913 (ed. Peter Falk, 1989) Index to all works shown at juried and non-juried shows, and special exhibitions at PAFA. In this period, PAFA focused on contemporary American artists.

National Academy of Design Exhibition Record, 1826-1860 (ed. Mary Bartlett Cowdrey, 1943) & National Academy of Design Exhibition Record, 1861-1900 (ed. Maria Naylor, 1973) Index to all works shown at the National Academy of Design. Exhibition rules changed over time, but shows were commonly used as a venue for members of the Academy to exhibit new work. American Academy of Fine Arts and American Art-Union, Exhibition Record 1816-1852 (ed. Mary Bartlett Cowdrey, 1953) The two other major art institutions in antebellum New York.

The American Academy showed work by "eminent" American artists, mostly Benjamin West and John Trumbull, and plaster casts. The Art-Union purchased and exhibited contemporary American art and then distributed the works by lottery.

Nineteenth-Century San Francisco Art Exhibition Catalogues: A Descriptive Checklist and Index (ed. Ellen Halteman Schwartz, 1981) Index to works shown at small galleries and single-artist shows in San Francisco during the nineteenth century. Complementary to Halteman, Publications in California Art, no. 7.

#Whiteley Index of Salon Painting

Jon Whiteley, The Subject Index to Paintings Exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1673–1881 (1993), Sackler Library, University of Oxford, and in Catalogues of the Paris Salon, 1673 to 1881, 60 vols., ed. H. W. Janson (New York: Garland, 1977)

#The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition: A Chronicle

Catalogs of the Exhibitions of the Royal Academy, 1769 to 1914, https://; The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition: A Chronicle, 1769–2018, ed. Mark Hallett, Sarah Victoria Turner, Jessica Feather, Baillie Card, Tom Scutt, and Maisoon Rehani (London: Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2018),

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