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dtchepak edited this page Jun 28, 2012 · 7 revisions
  • Move unreleased changes in CHANGELOG to new version heading.
  • Update source/docs/index.html to point to new ZIP file to download (
  • Ensure BreakingChanges.txt up to date and move unreleased breaking changes to new version heading.
  • Ensure Acknowledgements up to date.
  • Make final commit and tag this commit as "vx.y.z" (z changes on patches, y on new features or minor changes to behaviour, x for breaking API changes).
  • Build using: config=Release target=ALL deploy generate_docs. This will build to output/release.
  • Test nuget package on a project using a local repository.
  • Push final commit and tags to main repo.
  • Upload release to github.
  • Push release to nuget: nuget push (path_to_pkg).
  • Publish website (built to output dir).
  • Announce (mailing list, twitter, and unleash carrier pidgeons to spread the joyous news). Be sure to credit people who contributed to the release!
  • ...
  • Profit!

Note: I had trouble with jekyll v0.11.2 on Windows & Ruby193 (maruku would give undefined method errors). I had to gem install jekyll --version '0.11.0', and then uninstall version 0.11.2 of jekyll using gem uninstall jekyll to get it to work. I also had to gem install liquid --version '2.2.2' and uninstall the later version of that, as per this StackOverflow answer.

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