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Installation Guide

Chris Dunlap edited this page Sep 23, 2024 · 20 revisions

General recommendations

  • Create a dedicated non-privileged user account
    The munged daemon should be run as a dedicated non-privileged user, and its files and directories should be owned by this unique user. The recommended user/group name for this account is "munge". This should be a system account with a login shell like /usr/sbin/nologin to prevent logins.

  • Maintain consistent UID/GID mappings for users across nodes
    Since authentication is based on UID and GID, users authenticating with MUNGE need to have consistent UID/GID mappings across all nodes within the security realm. Since the munge user is a system account, its UID and GID do not need to be kept in sync across nodes.

  • Keep system clocks in sync
    MUNGE credentials are valid for a limited time defined by their embedded time-to-live value (5 minutes by default). The fastest and slowest system clocks across all nodes within the security realm should be within this time interval.

Software dependencies

  • Libgcrypt or OpenSSL
    Either the Libgcrypt or OpenSSL cryptographic library is required. Libgcrypt is distributed under LGPLv2.1+. For the 3.0.0 release, OpenSSL switched to the ASLv2 license which is compatible with the GPLv3+ license used by MUNGE, but all prior releases are covered by the dual OpenSSL and SSLeay license which, on some distributions, is incompatible with the GPL.

  • bzip2
    Support for bzip2 compression will be included if the library is found when the software is built.

  • zlib
    Support for zlib compression will be included if the library is found when the software is built.

  • pkgconf or pkg-config
    A .pc file will be installed if a suitable directory is found or specified when the software is built.

Building the latest release

Installing from the release tarball

The release tarball can be verified by its GPG signature or SHA-512 checksum.

The typical commands ./configure; make; make install should configure, build, and install the software. Adjust as needed for your environment.

  $ tar xJf munge-0.5.15.tar.xz
  $ cd munge-0.5.15
  $ ./configure \
     --prefix=/usr \
     --sysconfdir=/etc \
     --localstatedir=/var \
  $ make
  $ make check
  $ sudo make install

Note that configure will not exist if you have instead downloaded a GitHub-generated source code asset (ending with .zip or .tar.gz). The configure script is generated by running ./bootstrap which requires autoconf, automake, and libtool to be installed.

The configure script has heuristics that attempt to guess the best settings for the given system, but the following options allow further customization of the installation:

  • --with-crypto-lib=(libgcrypt|openssl)
    cryptographic library selection

  • --with-logrotateddir=DIR / --without-logrotateddir
    installation directory for logrotate config files

  • --with-munge-socket=PATH
    socket pathname default for client/server communication

  • --with-pkgconfigdir=DIR / --without-pkgconfigdir
    installation directory for pkg-config .pc files

  • --with-runstatedir=DIR
    installation director for modifiable per-process data; overrides --runstatedir if both are specified

  • --with-sysconfigdir=DIR / --without-sysconfigdir
    installation directory for systemd/sysvinit config files

  • --with-systemdunitdir=DIR / --without-systemdunitdir
    installation directory for systemd service unit files

  • --with-sysvinitddir=DIR / --without-sysvinitddir
    installation directory for SysV-style init scripts

The configure --runstatedir option appears in autoconf-2.70, and was backported to Debian's autoconf-2.69-9. The --with-runstatedir option can also be used to specify this directory in case the configure script was built by an earlier version of autoconf.

The make check command is optional; it runs the test suite.

Installing from git

  $ git clone
  $ cd munge
  $ ./bootstrap
  $ ./configure \
     --prefix=/usr \
     --sysconfdir=/etc \
     --localstatedir=/var \
  $ make
  $ make check
  $ sudo make install

While the release tarball contains configure, a git checkout does not since the autotools-derived products are not under version control. The configure script is generated by running ./bootstrap which requires autoconf, automake, and libtool to be installed.

Installing from RPMs on Red Hat compatible systems

RPMs for recent AlmaLinux, CentOS, and Fedora can be built directly from the release tarball (ending with .tar.xz); note that this method using rpmbuild -t will not work with a GitHub-generated source code asset (ending with .zip or .tar.gz). Build dependencies can be installed from an SRPM if necessary, and the SRPM can be built from the tarball:

  $ rpmbuild -ts munge-0.5.15.tar.xz
  Wrote: SRPMS/munge-0.5.15-1.el9.src.rpm

  $ sudo dnf builddep SRPMS/munge-0.5.15-1.el9.src.rpm
  Package bzip2-devel-1.0.8-8.el9.x86_64 is already installed.
  Package gcc-11.2.1-9.4.el9.alma.x86_64 is already installed.
  Package gnupg2-2.3.3-1.el9.x86_64 is already installed.
  Package make-1:4.3-7.el9.x86_64 is already installed.
  Package openssl-devel-1:3.0.1-23.el9_0.x86_64 is already installed.
  Package procps-ng-3.3.17-4.el9.x86_64 is already installed.
  Package systemd-250-6.el9_0.x86_64 is already installed.
  Package zlib-devel-1.2.11-31.el9_0.1.x86_64 is already installed.

As of 0.5.14, GPG verification of the source can be enabled by specifying --with=verify to rpmbuild. This requires the public key (dun.gpg) and corresponding detached GPG signature (munge-0.5.15.tar.xz.asc) to reside in the same directory as the release tarball (munge-0.5.15.tar.xz):

  $ ls
  dun.gpg  munge-0.5.15.tar.xz  munge-0.5.15.tar.xz.asc

  $ rpmbuild -tb --with=verify munge-0.5.15.tar.xz

The test suite can be run by specifying --with=check:

  $ rpmbuild -tb --with=verify --with=check munge-0.5.15.tar.xz

Or it can be disabled by specifying --without=check:

  $ rpmbuild -tb --with=verify --without=check munge-0.5.15.tar.xz

Three or more binary RPMs will be generated: munge, munge-devel, munge-libs, and potentially a debugsource and a couple debuginfo RPMs. The munge RPM contains the munged daemon, mungekey executable, and client executables (munge, unmunge, and remunge). The munge-devel RPM contains the munge.h header file for developing applications using MUNGE. The munge-libs RPM contains a shared library for running applications that use MUNGE.

The binary RPMs can be installed with rpm. For example:

  $ sudo rpm --install --verbose \
     RPMS/x86_64/munge-0.5.15-1.el9.x86_64.rpm \
     RPMS/x86_64/munge-debuginfo-0.5.15-1.el9.x86_64.rpm \
     RPMS/x86_64/munge-debugsource-0.5.15-1.el9.x86_64.rpm \
     RPMS/x86_64/munge-devel-0.5.15-1.el9.x86_64.rpm \
     RPMS/x86_64/munge-libs-0.5.15-1.el9.x86_64.rpm \

Securing the installation

The munged daemon does not generally require root privileges; see the supported authentication methods for details. If possible, munged should be run as a dedicated non-privileged user in accordance with the principle of least privilege.

The munged daemon uses the following system directories (note that directories of the form ${somedir} refer to the configure script's installation directories and must be substituted accordingly). Typical values when configuring with --prefix=/usr, --sysconfdir=/etc, --localstatedir=/var, and --runstatedir=/run are shown in brackets.

  • ${sysconfdir}/munge [/etc/munge]
    This directory will contain the daemon's key. Its permissions should be set to 0700.

  • ${localstatedir}/lib/munge [/var/lib/munge]
    This directory will contain the daemon's PRNG seed file. On systems where a file-descriptor-passing authentication method is used, this is also where the daemon creates pipes for authenticating clients. Its permissions should be set to 0711 if using file-descriptor-passing, or 0700 otherwise.

  • ${localstatedir}/log/munge [/var/log/munge]
    This directory will contain the daemon's log file. Its permissions should be set to 0700.

  • ${runstatedir}/munge [/run/munge]
    This directory will contain the Unix domain socket for clients to communicate with the local daemon. It will also contain the daemon's pid file. This directory must allow execute permissions for all. Its permissions should be set to 0755.

These directories must be owned by the same user as the running daemon process. They cannot allow write permissions for group unless the sticky bit is set or the directory is owned by the trusted group (see munged for details on the --trusted-group option), and they cannot allow write permissions for other unless the sticky bit is set. In addition, all of their parent directories in the path up to the root directory must be owned by either root or the same user as the daemon process. They cannot allow write permissions for group unless the sticky bit is set or the directory is owned by the trusted group, and they cannot allow write permissions for other unless the sticky bit is set.

Configuration and setup

Creating a key

All munged daemons within a security realm share a common key. This key is used to cryptographically protect the credential. Consequently, credentials are only valid within a given security realm.

The mungekey executable is the key management utility. To ensure the key file maintains the correct ownership and permissions, it should be run by the same user ID that will run the munged daemon process. For example, to create a key:

  $ sudo -u munge /usr/sbin/mungekey --verbose

The key resides in /etc/munge/munge.key. This file must be owned by the same user ID that will run the munged daemon process, and its permissions should be set to 0600. Additionally, this key file will need to be securely propagated (e.g., via ssh) to all hosts within the security realm.

Setting command-line options

When starting the daemon via systemd or the init script, command-line options to munged can be specified in the OPTIONS line of the sysconfig file (typically found in /etc/default/munge or /etc/sysconfig/munge).

Starting and stopping the daemon

The key file /etc/munge/munge.key must be created before starting the daemon.


Start the daemon automatically at boot:

  $ sudo systemctl enable munge.service

Start the daemon now:

  $ sudo systemctl start munge.service

Stop the daemon:

  $ sudo systemctl stop munge.service

Init script

Systems utilizing init scripts typically start the daemon by passing the "start" command to the script. The location of the script varies. For example:

  $ sudo /etc/init.d/munge start

Stopping the daemon is done similarly:

  $ sudo /etc/init.d/munge stop


Start the daemon from the command-line so it runs as a non-privileged user (e.g., "munge"):

  $ sudo -u munge /usr/sbin/munged

Stop the daemon with the --stop command-line option:

  $ sudo -u munge /usr/sbin/munged --stop

Or stop the daemon by sending a SIGTERM to the munged process:

  $ sudo -u munge kill $(cat /run/munge/

Do not stop the daemon by sending a SIGKILL (i.e., kill -9). That prevents the daemon from cleaning up -- updating its seed file, removing its pid file, removing its socket, etc.


Verify functionality

The following steps can be performed to verify that the software is properly installed and functioning:

  • Encode a credential. This tests if the munge executable and libmunge library can be found, if munged is running, and if the client (munge / libmunge) can communicate with the server (munged).
  $ munge -n
  • Encode and decode a credential. This is similar to the previous test, but also tests that the credential has been properly encoded and successfully decoded. Additionally, it shows the metadata that has been encoded into the credential.
  $ munge -n | unmunge
  • Remotely decode a locally-encoded credential. This tests if local and remote munged daemons are running with the same key, if the two versions are compatible, if the local defaults for encoding the credential can be decoded by the remote daemon, and if the clocks between both hosts are within the time interval specified in seconds by the -t / --ttl option.
  $ munge -n -t 10 | ssh somehost unmunge
  • Locally decode a remotely-encoded credential. This tests if local and remote munged daemons are running with the same key, if the two versions are compatible, if the remote defaults for encoding the credential can be decoded by the local daemon, and if the clocks between both hosts are within the time interval specified in seconds by the -t / --ttl option.
  $ ssh somehost munge -n -t 10 | unmunge

Check the default locations

The default locations for the socket, key file, log file, pid file, and seed file are configured at build time. These defaults are shown in brackets in the munged --help output:

  $ /usr/sbin/munged --help

Check the log

The munged daemon logs descriptive error messages when possible. If munged fails to start, check the log for details.

  • For systemd, check runtime status information for the munge unit:
  $ sudo systemctl status --full munge.service
  • For systemd, check the systemd journal:
  $ sudo journalctl -xe | grep munged
  • For systemd, limit journal output to services run by the munge user:
  $ sudo journalctl _UID=$(id -u munge)
  • The munged daemon writes to /var/log/munge/munged.log by default; but, the location of this file can be changed with the munged --log-file option.

  • If munged is started with the --syslog option, log messages are instead written to syslog using the daemon facility value. The name of the corresponding log file will vary depending on the syslog configuration.

Run the daemon in the foreground

If munged fails to start, try running it in the foreground. When run in this manner, log messages are written to stderr. But remember to start munged as the appropriate user:

  $ sudo -u munge /usr/sbin/munged --foreground

"Force" the daemon to run (but use with caution!)

Some error conditions can be overridden by "forcing" the daemon. Use the munged --force option to override errors for an existing socket, a lack of PRNG entropy, and insecure file/directory permissions. But use with caution as overriding these errors can affect security:

  $ sudo -u munge /usr/sbin/munged --force

Common errors

  • munge: Error: Failed to access "/run/munge/munge.socket.2": No such file or directory (Did you start munged?)
    The client was unable to connect to the munged daemon listening on the socket /run/munge/munge.socket.2. The daemon is likely not running. Try starting it. If it fails to start, check the log for an error message.

  • munge: Error: Failed to access "/run/munge/munge.socket.2": Permission denied
    The client received a permission denied error when trying to connect to the munged daemon listening on the socket /run/munge/munge.socket.2. The permissions on the /run/munge directory are likely incorrect; they should be 0755. And the socket should have permissions 0777.

  • unmunge: Error: Invalid credential
    The munged daemon decoding the credential is likely using a different key than the daemon that encoded it. First check the key files for both daemons. If they match, try restarting both daemons; since the key file is read when the daemon starts, a running daemon could be using a key that differs from the current contents of its key file.

  • unmunge: Error: Expired credential
    The current time (according to the local clock on the host decoding the credential) exceeds the creation time of the credential (according to the local clock on the host that encoded it) plus its embedded time-to-live value. Either the clocks are out of sync, or too much time has passed since the credential was created.

  • unmunge: Error: Rewound credential
    The current time (according to the local clock on the host decoding the credential) precedes the creation time of the credential (according to the local clock on the host that encoded it). Either the clocks are out of sync, or you've opened a rift in the space-time continuum.

  • unmunge: Error: Replayed credential
    The credential has previously been decoded by this munged daemon.

  • unmunge: Error: Unauthorized credential for client UID=1234 GID=1234
    Either the UID of the client decoding the credential does not match the UID restriction with which the credential was encoded, or the GID of the client decoding the credential (or one of its supplementary group GIDs) does not match the GID restriction with which the credential was encoded.

  • munged: Error: Failed to find keyfile "/etc/munge/munge.key": No such file or directory (Did you run mungekey?)
    A key has not been created. See mungekey. Note that this file will need to be securely propagated to all hosts within the security realm.

  • munged: Error: Found pid 1234 bound to socket "/run/munge/munge.socket.2"
    A munged daemon (pid 1234) is already listening on the socket /run/munge/munge.socket.2. The munged daemon creates the socket when it starts, and removes it when it terminates. While multiple munged daemons can run concurrently on the same host, each daemon must use a different socket.


Applications written in C/C++ can use the interface defined in <munge.h>. Compiler and linker flags can be obtained from pkg-config:

  $ cc $(pkg-config --cflags --libs munge) -o foo foo.c

Scripts can invoke the munge and unmunge executables -- specify --help for usage information, or Read The Fantastic Manpages.