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Principles of Reactive Programming

These are my notes and study guide how I approach studying Principles of Reactive Programming from Coursera.

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What is Reactive Programming (RP)?

The basic principle of reactive programming is: Reacting to sequence of events that happen in time, and, using these patterns to, build software systems that are more robust, more resilient, more flexible and better positioned to meet modern demands. -- Reactive Manifesto

In computing, reactive programming is a programming paradigm oriented around data flows and the propagation of change. This means that it should be possible to express static or dynamic data flows with ease in the programming languages used, and that the underlying execution model will automatically propagate changes through the data flow. -- Wikipedia

Week 6: Supervision and Akka Persistence

Supervision describes a dependency relationship between actors: the supervisor delegates tasks to subordinates and therefore must respond to their failures. -- - Supervision and Monitoring

Akka persistence enables stateful actors to persist their internal state so that it can be recovered when an actor is started, restarted after a JVM crash or by a supervisor, or migrated in a cluster. The key concept behind Akka persistence is that only changes to an actor's internal state are persisted but never its current state directly (except for optional snapshots). These changes are only ever appended to storage, nothing is ever mutated, which allows for very high transaction rates and efficient replication. Stateful actors are recovered by replaying stored changes to these actors from which they can rebuild internal state. This can be either the full history of changes or starting from a snapshot which can dramatically reduce recovery times. Akka persistence also provides point-to-point communication with at-least-once message delivery semantics. -- - Persistence


Akka persistence uses persistence plugins to store the event journal entries or snapshot 'current-state' entries into a persistence store or log. There are a lot of plugins available on the Akka Community Projects site, the most notable ones are:



Week 5: The Actor Model using Akka

Actors are very lightweight concurrent entities. They process messages asynchronously using an event-driven receive loop. Pattern matching against messages is a convenient way to express an actor's behavior. They raise the abstraction level and make it much easier to write, test, understand and maintain concurrent and/or distributed systems. You focus on workflow—how the messages flow in the system—instead of low level primitives like threads, locks and socket IO. --




Hint 1

The Stash trait enables an actor to temporarily stash away messages that can not or should not be handled using the actor's current behavior. Upon changing the actor's message handler, i.e., right before invoking context.become or context.unbecome, all stashed messages can be "unstashed", thereby prepending them to the actor's mailbox. This way, the stashed messages can be processed in the same order as they have been received originally. To stash messages call stash(), to unstash call unstashAll(). Invoking stash() adds the current message (the message that the actor received last) to the actor's stash. It is typically invoked when handling the default case in the actor's message handler to stash messages that aren't handled by the other cases.

Use the Stash trait instead of the Queue in the example.

Hint 2

To send messages, akka knows the following patterns, tell, ask and forward Only use tell (fire and forget), you don't need the two other patterns.

Hint 3

The BinaryTreeSet class:

class BinaryTreeSet extends Actor with ActorLogging with Stash {
  import BinaryTreeNode._
  import BinaryTreeSet._

  var counter = 0

  def createRoot: ActorRef = {
    counter += 1
    context.actorOf(BinaryTreeNode.props(0, initiallyRemoved = true), "rt-" + counter)

  var root = createRoot

  // optional
  def receive = normal

  // optional
  /** Accepts `Operation` and `GC` messages. */
  val normal: Receive = {
    case msg: Insert =>
      root ! msg

    case msg: Contains =>
      root ! msg

    case msg: Remove =>
      root ! msg

    case GC =>"Receiving GC, creating newRoot and becoming garbageCollecting")
      val newRoot = createRoot
      root ! CopyTo(newRoot)

  // optional
  /** Handles messages while garbage collection is performed.
    * `newRoot` is the root of the new binary tree where we want to copy
    * all non-removed elements into.
  def garbageCollecting(newRoot: ActorRef): Receive = LoggingReceive {
    case o: Operation =>"(Enqueue): {}", o)

    case CopyFinished =>"(CopyFinished): destroying old tree nodes and replacing `root` with `newRoot` and replaying pending queue, and becoming normal")
      root ! PoisonPill
      root = newRoot

Hint 4

The BinaryTreeNode class:

class BinaryTreeNode(val elem: Int, initiallyRemoved: Boolean) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  import BinaryTreeNode._
  import BinaryTreeSet._

  // initiallyRemoved, is removed, will be GC'ed
  def node(value: Int) = context.actorOf(Props(new BinaryTreeNode(value, initiallyRemoved = false)), s"$value")

  var subtrees = Map[Position, ActorRef]()
  var removed = initiallyRemoved

  // optional
  def receive = normal

  def nodeInfo: String = s"elem: [$elem], initiallyRemoved: [$initiallyRemoved], removed: [$removed], subtrees: [$subtrees]"

  // optional
  /** Handles `Operation` messages and `CopyTo` requests. */
  val normal: Receive = LoggingReceive {
    // contains
    case msg @ Contains(requester, id, e) if e == elem && removed =>
      log.debug("(Contains): {}, returning ContainsResult({}, false)", nodeInfo,  id)
      requester ! ContainsResult(id, result = false)

    case msg @ Contains(requester, id, e) if e == elem && !removed =>
      log.debug("(Contains): {} == {}, not removed, returning ContainsResult({}, true)", e, elem, id)
      requester ! ContainsResult(id, result = true)

    case msg @ Contains(requester, id, e) if e < elem && subtrees.get(Left).isEmpty =>
      log.debug("(Contains): Left is empty: Subtrees: {}, returning ContainsResult({}, false)", subtrees, id)
      requester ! ContainsResult(id, result = false)

    case msg @ Contains(_, _, e) if e < elem && subtrees.get(Left).nonEmpty =>
      log.debug("(Contains): Left is nonEmpty, sending message: {}", msg)
      subtrees.get(Left).foreach (_ ! msg)

    case msg @ Contains(requester, id, e) if e > elem && subtrees.get(Right).isEmpty =>
      log.debug("(Contains): Right is empty: Subtrees: {}, returning ContainsResult({}, false)", subtrees, id)
      requester ! ContainsResult(id, result = false)

    case msg @ Contains(_, _, e) if e > elem && subtrees.get(Right).nonEmpty =>
      log.debug("(Contains): Right is nonEmpty, sending message: {}", msg)
      subtrees.get(Right).foreach (_ ! msg)

    // insert
    case msg @ Insert(requester, id, e) if e == elem =>
      log.debug("(Insert): {} == {}, returning OperationFinished({})", e, elem, id)
      removed = false
      requester ! OperationFinished(id)

    case msg @ Insert(_, _, e) if e < elem && subtrees.get(Left).isEmpty =>
      log.debug("(Insert): Left is empty, creating node and sending message: {}", msg)
      val leftNode = node(e)
      leftNode ! msg
      subtrees += Left -> leftNode

    case msg @ Insert(_, _, e) if e < elem && subtrees.get(Left).nonEmpty =>"(Insert): Left is nonEmpty, sending message to node")
      subtrees.get(Left).foreach (_ ! msg)

    case msg @ Insert(_, _, e) if e > elem && subtrees.get(Right).isEmpty =>
      log.debug("(Insert): Right is empty, creating node and sending message: {}", msg)
      val rightNode = node(e)
      rightNode ! msg
      subtrees += Right -> rightNode

    case msg @ Insert(_, _, e) if e > elem && subtrees.get(Right).nonEmpty =>"(Insert): Right is nonEmpty, sending message to node")
      subtrees.get(Right).foreach (_ ! msg)

    // Remove
    case msg @ Remove(requester, id, e) if e == elem =>
      log.debug("(Remove): {} == {}, returning OperationFinished({})", e, elem, id)
      removed = true
      requester ! OperationFinished(id)

    case msg @ Remove(requester, id, e) if e < elem && subtrees.get(Left).isEmpty =>"(Remove): Left isEmpty, returning OperationFinished({})", id)
      requester ! OperationFinished(id)

    case msg @ Remove(_, _, e) if e < elem && subtrees.get(Left).nonEmpty =>"(Remove): Left is nonEmpty, sending message: {}", msg)
      subtrees.get(Left).foreach (_ ! msg)

    case msg @ Remove(requester, id, e) if e > elem && subtrees.get(Right).isEmpty =>"(Remove): Right isEmpty, returning OperationFinished({})", id)
      requester ! OperationFinished(id)

    case msg @ Remove(_, _, e) if e > elem && subtrees.get(Right).nonEmpty =>"(Remove): Right is nonEmpty, sending message: {}", msg)
      subtrees.get(Right).foreach (_ ! msg)

    // CopyTo
    case CopyTo(_) if removed && subtrees.isEmpty =>"(CopyTo): {}, node is removed and substrees are empty, becoming copied and sending OperationFinished to self", nodeInfo)
      context.become(copying(subtrees.values.toSet, insertConfirmed = false))
      self ! OperationFinished(elem)

    case CopyTo(treeNode) if !removed && subtrees.isEmpty =>"(CopyTo): {}, node is not removed and substrees are empty, becoming copyTo and sending INSERT to newTree", nodeInfo)
      treeNode ! Insert(self, 1, elem)
      context.become(copying(subtrees.values.toSet, insertConfirmed = false))

    case CopyTo(treeNode) if removed && subtrees.isEmpty =>"(CopyTo): {}, node is removed and substrees are empty, returning CopyFinished", nodeInfo)
      treeNode ! Insert(self, 1, elem)
      context.become(copying(subtrees.values.toSet, insertConfirmed = false))

    case msg @ CopyTo(treeNode) if removed && subtrees.nonEmpty =>
      val nodes: Set[ActorRef] = subtrees.values.toSet
      nodes.foreach (_ ! msg)
      context.become(copying(nodes, insertConfirmed = true))"(CopyTo): {} node *is removed*, and subtrees is nonEmpty, becoming copying({}, true) ", nodeInfo, nodes)

    case msg @ CopyTo(treeNode) if !removed && subtrees.nonEmpty =>
      treeNode ! Insert(self, 1, elem)
      val nodes: Set[ActorRef] = subtrees.values.toSet
      nodes.foreach (_ ! msg)
      context.become(copying(nodes, insertConfirmed = false))"(CopyTo): {} node is not removed, and subtrees is nonEmpty, becoming copying({}, false) ", nodeInfo, nodes)

    case msg =>"Dropping msg: {}, info: {}", msg, nodeInfo)

  // optional
  /** `expected` is the set of ActorRefs whose replies we are waiting for,
    * `insertConfirmed` tracks whether the copy of this node to the new tree has been confirmed.
  def copying(expected: Set[ActorRef], insertConfirmed: Boolean): Receive = LoggingReceive {
    case OperationFinished(_) if expected.isEmpty =>"(OperationFinished): {}, I've been copied, children are finished, returning CopyFinished to parent and stopping self", nodeInfo)
      context.parent ! CopyFinished

    case OperationFinished(_) if expected.nonEmpty =>"(OperationFinished): {}, I've been copied, waiting on children, becoming copying({}, true)", nodeInfo)
      context.become(copying(expected, insertConfirmed = true))

    case CopyFinished if expected.isEmpty && insertConfirmed =>"(CopyFinished): child finished, no more children and I've been copied, returning CopyFinished to parent and stopping self")
      context.parent ! CopyFinished

    case CopyFinished if expected.nonEmpty =>
      val newExpected = expected.filterNot(_ == sender())
      context.become(copying(newExpected, insertConfirmed))
      if(newExpected.isEmpty) {"(CopyFinished): all children are finished, returning CopyFinished to parent and stopping self")
        context.parent ! CopyFinished
      } else {"(CopyFinished): child finished, waiting for another child, becoming copying({}, {})", newExpected, insertConfirmed)

    case CopyFinished if expected.isEmpty && !insertConfirmed =>"(CopyFinished): children are finished, but I'm not copied yet, becoming copying({}, {})", expected, insertConfirmed)
      context.become(copying(expected, insertConfirmed))

Week 4: Rx: Reactive Extensions

Users expect real time data. They want their tweets now. Their order confirmed now. They need prices accurate as of now. Their online games need to be responsive. As a developer, you demand fire-and-forget messaging. You don't want to be blocked waiting for a result. You want to have the result pushed to you when it is ready. Even better, when working with result sets, you want to receive individual results as they are ready. You do not want to wait for the entire set to be processed before you see the first row. The world has moved to push; users are waiting for us to catch up. Developers have tools to push data, this is easy. Developers need tools to react to push data. -- Introduction to Rx

Rx offers a natural paradigm for dealing with sequences of events. A sequence can contain zero or more events. Rx proves to be most valuable when composing sequences of events. -- Introduction to Rx

You can think of Rx as providing an API similar to Java 8 / Groovy / Scala collections (methods like filter, forEach, map, reduce, zip etc) - but which operates on an asynchronous stream of events rather than a collection. So you could think of Rx as like working with asynchronous push-based collections (rather than the traditional synchronous pull based collections). -- Camel Rx

Please note that Rx focusses on push-based events. There is no way for the network to go from a push-based model to a pull-based model like with Reactive Streams, because the network has no notion of an upstream (the demand stream), in which the subscriber communicates its demand for data to the publisher. With Rx there is only a downwards stream, in which the publisher pushes the data-items to the subscribers. The RxJavaReactiveStreams project makes Rx compatible with Reactive Streams.





Hint 1

The textValues and clicks observables:

 def textValues: Observable[String] =
      Observable[String]({ subscriber =>
        val eventHandler: PartialFunction[Event, Unit] = {
          case ValueChanged(source) =>
        Subscription {
 def clicks: Observable[Button] =
      Observable[Button] ({ subscriber =>
        val eventHandler: PartialFunction[Event, Unit] = {
          case ButtonClicked(source) =>
        Subscription {

Hint 2

Wikipedia API:

def sanitized: Observable[String] =" ", "_"))
def recovered: Observable[Try[T]] =
def timedOut(totalSec: Long): Observable[T] =

def concatRecovered[S](requestMethod: T => Observable[S]): Observable[Try[S]] =

Hint 3


    val searchTerms: Observable[String] =

    val suggestions: Observable[Try[List[String]]] =

    val suggestionSubscription: Subscription =
      suggestions.observeOn(eventScheduler).subscribe { (x: Try[List[String]]) => = _)
          .recover { case t: Throwable =>
          status.text = t.getLocalizedMessage

    val selections: Observable[String] =
      button.clicks.flatMap { _ =>
        suggestionList.selection.items.self match {
               case seq: Seq[String] if seq.nonEmpty =>
               case _ =>

    val pages: Observable[Try[String]] =

    val pageSubscription: Subscription =
      pages.observeOn(eventScheduler) subscribe { (x: Try[String]) => (editorpane.text = _)
         .recover { case t: Throwable =>
            status.text = t.getLocalizedMessage

Week 3 - Futures and Composition

Futures provide a nice way to reason about performing many operations in parallel– in an efficient and non-blocking way. The idea is simple, a Future is a sort of a placeholder object that you can create for a result that does not yet exist. Generally, the result of the Future is computed concurrently and can be later collected. Composing concurrent tasks in this way tends to result in faster, asynchronous, non-blocking parallel code. -- ScalaDocs



Notes from the previous year

Hint 1: Future combinators

Most combinators are explained in the videos by Eric Meijer. Please view these videos again and implement them in the nodescala package object. Some combinators are already available in the Future object itself, so if you are lazy, you can reuse those.

Hint 2: A future that does not complete

Does a Promise[T]().future complete?

Hint 3: Launching the web server

The timeout looks a whole lot like the userInterrupted future structure

Hint 4: TerminatedRequested Future

Reuse the future userInterrupted and timeout. When any of those fail, the terminatedRequested future should fail.

Hint 5: Unsubscribe from the server

Note that to cancel a Future, you should use the val subscription: Subscription = { (ct: CancellationToken) => } future construct.
The { ct => } construct returns a Subscription that can be used to unsubscribe from. When you call subscription.unsubscribe, the CancellationToken, that is available in the curried function (the context if you will), that contains the members isCancelled: Boolean and nonCancelled = !isCancelled properties, can be queried to figure out whether or not the future has been canceled.

So the question remains, how does one unsubscribe, the thereby cancel all requests that the server handles, when a subscription is in scope?

Hint 6: Creating the response

The respond method, that will be called by the start method (you should implement both), will stream the result back using the exchange's write method.

In a loop, you should check whether or not the token has been canceled.

In a loop, you should check whether or not the response has more Strings; it is an Iterator.

After you're done writing to the exchange, please close the stream using exchange.close()

Hint 7: The solution

The solution is:

private def respond(exchange: Exchange, token: CancellationToken, response: Response): Unit = {
  while(response.hasNext && token.nonCancelled) {

Hint 8: The start method

Eric Meijer likes the async-await construct, because you can use imperative constructs together with async constructs but still being non-blocking. The while(ct.nonCanceled) 'problem' makes it imperative.

Hint 9: The start method

You should first create a listener, then start the listener, which returns a Subscription. Then you should create a cancellable context using the {} construct. You should then loop while the context is nonCanceled, then you should wait for a nextRequest from the listener, then you should respond

Hint 10: The start method

Return a combined Subscription with the Subscription(subscription1, subscription2) construct.

Hint 11: The start method

You can respond by applying the handler with the request, which gives you a Response, and calling the respond method.

Hint 12: The solution

The solution is:

def start(relativePath: String)(handler: Request => Response): Subscription = {
  val listener = createListener(relativePath)
  val listenerSubscription: Subscription = listener.start()
  val requestSubscription: Subscription = { (ct: CancellationToken) =>
    async {
      while (ct.nonCancelled) {
        val (req, exch) = await (listener.nextRequest())
        respond(exch, ct, handler(req))
  Subscription(listenerSubscription, requestSubscription)

Hint 13: The solution

You could probably rewrite the solution to:

def start(relativePath: String)(handler: Request => Response): Subscription = {
  val listener = createListener(relativePath)
  val listenerSubscription: Subscription = listener.start()
  val requestSubscription: Subscription = { (ct: CancellationToken) =>
    Future {
      while (ct.nonCancelled) {
        Await.result(listener.nextRequest().map { req =>
          respond(req._2, ct, handler(req._1))
        }, Duration.Inf)
  Subscription(listenerSubscription, requestSubscription)


def start(relativePath: String)(handler: Request => Response): Subscription = {
  val listener = createListener(relativePath)
  val listenerSubscription: Subscription = listener.start()
  val requestSubscription: Subscription = { (ct: CancellationToken) =>
    Future {
      while (ct.nonCancelled) {
        Await.result(listener.nextRequest().map {
          case (req: Request, exch: Exchange ) => respond(exch, ct, handler(req))
        }, Duration.Inf)
  Subscription(listenerSubscription, requestSubscription)


Week 2 - Functional Reactive Programming

Functional reactive programming (FRP) is a programming paradigm for reactive programming (asynchronous dataflow programming) using the building blocks of functional programming (e.g. map, reduce, filter). FRP has been used for programming graphical user interfaces (GUIs), robotics, and music, aiming to simplify these problems by explicitly > modeling time. -- Wikipedia

I would advice reading / viewing the resources below to get a good idea on what Functional Reactive Programming is. The model we use this week is push based, in which systems take events and push them through a 'signal' network to achieve a result. The basic idea of FRP that we focus on this week is that events are combined into 'signals' that always have a current value, but change discretely. The changes are event-driven. But instead of having an event handler that returns Unit, (like the onClick handler and such), it returns a value.

FRP in a nutshell (for now at least):

When we do an assignment in Scala, the following happens:

scala> var a = 1
a: Int = 1

scala> var b = 2
b: Int = 2

scala> var c = a + b
c: Int = 3

scala> a = 2
a: Int = 2

scala> c
res1: Int = 3

scala> var c = a + b
c: Int = 4

As we can see, the value of c did not change, when we changed the value of a from 1 to 2. This is normal behavior because we have expressed the relationship at one point in the execution of the program.

But what if, c would change when we changed the value of a dependent value like a. This would mean that there is a dependency created between c, a and b that expresses how these values will relate over time. So the basic idea is that c will change when we change either a and/or b.

Hint 1: TweetText

The following should work:

 def tweetRemainingCharsCount(tweetText: Signal[String]): Signal[Int] =
    Signal(MaxTweetLength - tweetLength(tweetText()))

  def colorForRemainingCharsCount(remainingCharsCount: Signal[Int]): Signal[String] =
    Signal {
      remainingCharsCount() match {
        case count if (0 to 14).contains(count) => "orange"
        case count if count < 0 => "red"
        case _ => "green"

Hint 2: Polynomal

Please first try it yourself, then if you wish, verify.

  def computeDelta(a: Signal[Double], b: Signal[Double], c: Signal[Double]): Signal[Double] =
  Signal {
    Math.pow(b(), 2) - (4 * a() * c())

  def computeSolutions(a: Signal[Double], b: Signal[Double], c: Signal[Double], delta: Signal[Double]): Signal[Set[Double]] =
    Signal {
      delta() match {
        case discriminant if discriminant < 0 => Set()
        case discriminant if discriminant == 0 => Set(calcLeft(a(), b(), c()))
        case discriminant => Set(calcLeft(a(), b(), c()), calcRight(a(), b(), c()))

  def calcLeft(a: Double, b: Double, c: Double): Double =
    (-1 * b + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - (4 * a * c))) / (2 * a)

  def calcRight(a: Double, b: Double, c: Double): Double =
    (-1 * b - Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - (4 * a * c))) / (2 * a)

Hint 3: Calculator

Please first try it yourself, then if you wish, verify.

  def computeValues(namedExpressions: Map[String, Signal[Expr]]): Map[String, Signal[Double]] = {
    namedExpressions.mapValues { expr =>
      Signal(eval(expr(), namedExpressions))

  def eval(expr: Expr, references: Map[String, Signal[Expr]]): Double = {
    expr match {
      case Literal(v) => v
      case Ref(name) => eval(getReferenceExpr(name, references), references - name)
      case Plus(aExpr, bExpr)   => eval(aExpr, references) + eval(bExpr, references)
      case Minus(aExpr, bExpr)  => eval(aExpr, references) - eval(bExpr, references)
      case Times(aExpr, bExpr)  => eval(aExpr, references) * eval(bExpr, references)
      case Divide(aExpr, bExpr) => eval(aExpr, references) / eval(bExpr, references)
      case _ => Double.MaxValue

  /** Get the Expr for a referenced variables.
   *  If the variable is not known, returns a literal NaN.
  private def getReferenceExpr(name: String, references: Map[String, Signal[Expr]]): Expr = {
    references.get(name).fold[Expr](Literal(Double.NaN)) {
      exprSignal => exprSignal()


FRP Libraries



Week 1 - Functional Programming


Example source code

Test frameworks


Hint 1

For testing, you want to insert two values into the heap, for example with:

forAll { (x: Int, y: Int) => 

When you add the values into the heap and search for the minimum findMin, it would be handy to know whether x or y is the smallest, the following will help:

scala> def order = scala.math.Ordering.Int
order: math.Ordering.Int.type

scala> order.min(2,1)
res0: Int = 1

The heap has the method ord that does the same.

Hint 2

To generate a heap, you can use the following code:

lazy val genHeap: Gen[H] = for {
    n <- arbitrary[Int]
    h <- oneOf(empty, genHeap)
  } yield insert(n, h)

Hint 3

Did you notice the following? We have three methods, isEmpty, findMin and deleteMin. When you combine these methods you can iterate over the heap until its empty and put the contents into a list:

 def heapToList(h: H): List[Int] =
    if(isEmpty(h)) Nil else findMin(h) :: heapToList(deleteMin(h))

Lists can be sorted:

scala> val xs = List(2,3,1,5,6,2,3,4,0,1,2)
xs: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2)

scala> xs.sorted
res0: List[Int] = List(0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Lists can also be compared:

scala> List(1, 2) == List(1, 2)
res0: Boolean = true
scala> List(1, 2) == List(2, 1)
res1: Boolean = false

scala> List(1, 2) == List(2, 1).sorted
res2: Boolean = true

scala> List(2, 1).sorted == List(2, 1).sorted
res3: Boolean = true




Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is inevitable. -- Hystrix - GitHub

Applications in complex distributed architectures have dozens of dependencies, each of which will inevitably fail at some point. If the host application is not isolated from these external failures, it risks being taken down with them. -- Hystrix Wiki

Hystrix is not about Futures and Promises, it is about bulk-heading and isolating dependencies by limiting concurrent execution, circuit breakers, real time monitoring and metrics. Futures are just a mechanism by which async execution is exposed. Futures by themselves do not provide the same degree of fault-tolerance functionality (though parts of it can be achieved with careful use of timeouts and thread-pool sizing). You could think of Hystrix as a hardened extension of a Future. -- Google Groups

Note; it basically focusses on the Resilient part of Reactive applications.


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Number of students enrolled

On 2015-04-28 there were 23,200 students enrolled, which is roughly 12,000 less than last time (2014 edition).




Principles of Reactive Programming







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  • Scala 100.0%