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Alexander Edelmann edited this page Feb 1, 2019 · 2 revisions

The Eclipse Vorto Project provides an open platform for IoT Stakeholders to create and manage device descriptions as Vorto Information Models in a centralized and common repository. The device descriptions are assembled from re-usable and abstract semantic building blocks (aka. Function Blocks).

Why Vorto ?

Having this easy access to device capabilities, IoT platform - and solution providers can provide support for more devices in their platform/solution, hence making it much more attractive for customers.

Target Groups

Model Contributors

  • Device Manufacturers developing device firmware for the integration with (multiple) IoT platforms
  • Domain- and Modeling Experts, that create models for (existing) standardized semantics, like LwM2M, OSGI-DAL, Bluetooth etc.
  • IoT Hackers/Makers that build IoT apps integrating devices. They describe devices on behalf of the device manufacturer.

Generator Contributors

  • IoT Platform Providers (e.g. Bosch IoT Suite, AWS IoT etc), providing Code Generators, converting Vorto Models to source code that is compliant to their platform. This allows device manufacturers to easily provide SW that works out-of-the-box with the specific IoT Platform.

Model Consumers

  • IoT Platform Providers (Bosch IoT Suite, AWS IoT etc), that process Vorto Models in their platform. Examples are device provisioning or data validation in digital twin.
  • IoT Solution Developers, that would like to build device-agnostic IoT solutions ,removing tight-coupling to specific devices.
  • IoT Hackers/Makers, that create IoT solutions that build IoT solutions for certain devices.

Generator Consumers

  • Device Manufacturers who want to provide device firmware that supports the integration with multiple IoT platforms (Bosch IoT Suite, AWS IoT etc.)
  • IoT Hackers/Makers who want to develop prototypes that integrate device functionality in their apps
  • IoT Solution Developers, that develop gateway apps and therefore use generators to generate out-of-the-box device connectivity stubs (e.g. BLE, GPIO, etc) or generate mapping code for selected IoT platforms.
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