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Installation guide

Edmundo Alvarez Jimenez edited this page Feb 5, 2012 · 6 revisions

CheckApp 0.1.2 Installation

To install CheckApp on a development server, you have to follow these steps:

  1. Install Python 2.5 or higher (but don't use Python 3). The easiest way to do it is to install it from your distro's repositories. Install also python-imaging from the repositories.

  2. Install Django 1.2 on that server. Django website has a nice guide to install it:

  3. Install South on the server. Here is a guide to do it:

  4. Install MySQL on the server. You also need to create an schema called checkapp and a user with permissions to handle that schema.

  5. Install MySQL module for Python. In a Debian based distribution, you can do it by installing python-mysqldb package.

  6. Decompress CheckApp tarball on your system. Go to that folder using a terminal and enter to checkapp folder.

  7. Edit, changing your database data, email settings, DEBUG flag, TIME_ZONE, MEDIA_ROOT, SECRET_KEY and TEMPLATE_DIRS to fit your installation. Here is a guide to generate a new SECRET_KEY:

  8. Execute python syncdb on your terminal to generate database tables. It will ask you to create an admin for the admin interface. I recommend you doing that.

  9. If you want to change your server domain name, you can access to your database, and modify data on django_site table.

  10. Now it's time to run your development server. Just execute python runserver 8080, and you should access to your own CheckApp going to: http://localhost:8080

  11. Before start using CheckApp, you need to add some Platforms, Categories and Pins objects manually. Use the admin interface or Django's shell to add them.

Please note that using Django's server is not intended for a production server, so you should use another web server to host the application!

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