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Surrogate Assisted Bayesian Calibration


The following repository provides a tool to do a stochastic calibration of computationally expensive models using a surrogated assisted bayesian inversion technique proposed by Oladyshkin et al (2020). The implementation of the code is done in Python, but a MATLAB version by Oladyshkin can be found as BAL-GPE Matlab Toolbox.

The repository is organized as follows:

  1. AnalyticalFunctionExample: In this folder an example of the metod is implemented with an analytical function
  2. GPE_BAL_Telemac: In this folder the calibration methodology is coupled with TELEMAC 2D and GAIA to calibrate a 2D hydromorphodynamic model for reservoir sedimentantion
  3. run_multiple_Telemac: In the folder a function to run Telemac from python multiple times is presented. This function is useful when one is creating the initial surrogate model (also known as metamodel) that will later be updated through the Bayesian Active Learning technique.

All folders are independent of each other and a detailed explanation of the files can be found inside each folder.


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  • Eduardo Acuna
  • Kilian Mouris
  • Sebastian Schwindt
  • Farid Mohammadi

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