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Package podcast generates a fully compliant iTunes and RSS 2.0 podcast feed for GoLang using a simple API.

Full documentation with detailed examples located at


To use, go get and import the package like your typical GoLang library.

$ go get -u

import ""

The API exposes a number of method receivers on structs that implements the logic required to comply with the specifications and ensure a compliant feed. A number of overrides occur to help with iTunes visibility of your episodes.

Notably, the Podcast.AddItem function performs most of the heavy lifting by taking the Item input and performing validation, overrides and duplicate setters through the feed.

Full detailed Examples of the API are at

Go Modules

This library is supported on GoLang 1.7 and higher.

We have implemented Go Modules support and the CI pipeline shows it working with new installs, tested with Go 1.13. To keep 1.7 compatibility, we use go mod vendor to maintain the vendor/ folder for older 1.7 and later runtimes.

If either runtime has an issue, please create an Issue and I will address.


For version 1.x, you are not restricted in having full control over your feeds. You may choose to skip the API methods and instead use the structs directly. The fields have been grouped by RSS 2.0 and iTunes fields with iTunes specific fields all prefixed with the letter I.

However, do note that the 2.x version currently in progress will break this extensibility and enforce API methods going forward. This is to ensure that the feed can both be marshalled, and unmarshalled back and forth (current 1.x branch can only be unmarshalled - hence the work for 2.x).

Fuzzing Inputs

go-fuzz has been added in 1.4.1, covering all exported API methods. They have been ran extensively and no issues have come out of them yet (most tests were ran overnight, over about 11 hours with zero crashes).

If you wish to help fuzz the inputs, with Go 1.13 or later you can run go-fuzz on any of the inputs.

go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/
go-fuzz -func FuzzPodcastAddItem

To obtain a list of available funcs to pass, just run go-fuzz without any parameters:

$ go-fuzz
2020/02/13 07:27:32 -func flag not provided, but multiple fuzz functions available:
FuzzItemAddDuration, FuzzItemAddEnclosure, FuzzItemAddImage, FuzzItemAddPubDate,
FuzzItemAddSummary, FuzzPodcastAddAtomLink, FuzzPodcastAddAuthor, FuzzPodcastAddCategory,
FuzzPodcastAddImage, FuzzPodcastAddItem, FuzzPodcastAddLastBuildDate, FuzzPodcastAddPubDate,
FuzzPodcastAddSubTitle, FuzzPodcastAddSummary, FuzzPodcastBytes, FuzzPodcastEncode,

If you do find an issue, please raise an issue immediately and I will quickly address.


The 1.x branch is now mostly in maintenance mode, open to PRs. This means no more planned features on the 1.x feature branch is expected. With the success of 6 iTunes-accepted podcasts I have published with this library, and with the feedback from the community, the 1.x releases are now considered stable.

The 2.x branch's primary focus is to allow for bi-direction marshalling both ways. Currently, the 1.x branch only allows unmarshalling to a serial feed. An attempt to marshall a serialized feed back into a Podcast form will error or not work correctly. Note that while the 2.x branch is targeted to remain backwards compatible, it is true if using the public API funcs to set parameters only. Several of the underlying public fields are being removed in order to accommodate the marshalling of serialized data. Therefore, a version 2.x is denoted for this release.


We use SemVer versioning schema. You can rest assured that pulling 1.x branches will remain backwards compatible now and into the future.

However, the new 2.x branch, while keeping the same API, is expected break those that bypass the API methods and use the underlying public properties instead.

Release Notes


* Slim down Go Modules for consumers (#32)


* Implement fuzz logic testing of exported funcs (#31)
* Upgrade CICD Pipeline Tooling (#31)
* Update documentation for 1.x and 2.3 (#31)
* Allow godoc2ghmd to run without network (#31)


* Add Go Modules, Update vendor folder (#26, #25)
* Add C.I. GitHub Actions (#25)
* Add additional error checks found by linters (#25)
* Go Fmt enclosure_test.go (#25)


* Correct count len of UTF8 strings (#9)
* Implement duration parser (#8)
* Fix Github and GoDocs Markdown (#14)
* Move podcast.go Private Methods to Respected Files (#12)
* Allow providing GUID on Podcast (#15)


* increased itunes compliance after feedback from Apple:
  - specified what categories should be set with AddCategory().
  - enforced title and link as part of Image.
* added Podcast.AddAtomLink() for more broad compliance to readers.


* fixes Item.Duration being set incorrectly.
* changed Item.AddEnclosure() parameter definition (Bytes not Seconds!).
* added Item.AddDuration formatting and override.
* added more documentation surrounding Item.Enclosure{}


* added Podcast.AddSubTitle() and truncating to 64 chars.
* added a number of Guards to protect against empty fields.


* added Podcast.AddPubDate() and Podcast.AddLastBuildDate() overrides.
* added Item.AddImage() to mask some cumbersome addition of IImage.
* added Item.AddPubDate to simply datetime setters.
* added more examples (mostly around Item struct).
* tweaked some documentation.


* Enabling CDATA in ISummary fields for Podcast and Channel.


* Initial release.
* Full documentation, full examples and complete code coverage.


RSS 2.0:



Click to expand code.
// ResponseWriter example using Podcast.Encode(w io.Writer).
	httpHandler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	    // instantiate a new Podcast
	    p := podcast.New(
	        "eduncan911 Podcasts",
	        "An example Podcast",
	        &pubDate, &updatedDate,
	    // add some channel properties
	    p.AddAuthor("Jane Doe", "")
	    p.AddSummary(`link <a href=""></a>`)
	    p.IExplicit = "no"
	    for i := int64(1); i < 3; i++ {
	        n := strconv.FormatInt(i, 10)
	        d := pubDate.AddDate(0, 0, int(i))
	        // create an Item
	        item := podcast.Item{
	            Title:       "Episode " + n,
	            Link:        "" + n + ".mp3",
	            Description: "Description for Episode " + n,
	            PubDate:     &d,
	        item.AddImage("" + n + ".png")
	        item.AddSummary(`item <a href=""></a>`)
	        // add a Download to the Item
	        item.AddEnclosure(""+n+".mp3", podcast.MP3, 55*(i+1))
	        // add the Item and check for validation errors
	        if _, err := p.AddItem(item); err != nil {
	            fmt.Println(item.Title, ": error", err.Error())
	    // set the Content Type to that of XML
	    w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/xml")
	    // finally, Encode and write the Podcast to the ResponseWriter.
	    // a simple pattern is to handle any errors within this check.
	    // alternatively if using middleware, you can just return
	    // the Podcast entity as it also implements the io.Writer interface
	    // that complies with several middleware packages.
	    if err := p.Encode(w); err != nil {
	        http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
	rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
	httpHandler(rr, nil)
	// Output:
	// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	// <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:itunes="">
	//   <channel>
	//     <title>eduncan911 Podcasts</title>
	//     <link></link>
	//     <description>An example Podcast</description>
	//     <generator>go podcast v1.3.1 (</generator>
	//     <language>en-us</language>
	//     <lastBuildDate>Mon, 06 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000</lastBuildDate>
	//     <managingEditor> (Jane Doe)</managingEditor>
	//     <pubDate>Sat, 04 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000</pubDate>
	//     <image>
	//       <url></url>
	//       <title>eduncan911 Podcasts</title>
	//       <link></link>
	//     </image>
	//     <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"></atom:link>
	//     <itunes:author> (Jane Doe)</itunes:author>
	//     <itunes:summary><![CDATA[link <a href=""></a>]]></itunes:summary>
	//     <itunes:image href=""></itunes:image>
	//     <itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit>
	//     <item>
	//       <guid></guid>
	//       <title>Episode 1</title>
	//       <link></link>
	//       <description>Description for Episode 1</description>
	//       <pubDate>Sun, 05 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000</pubDate>
	//       <enclosure url="" length="110" type="audio/mpeg"></enclosure>
	//       <itunes:author> (Jane Doe)</itunes:author>
	//       <itunes:summary><![CDATA[item <a href=""></a>]]></itunes:summary>
	//       <itunes:image href=""></itunes:image>
	//     </item>
	//     <item>
	//       <guid></guid>
	//       <title>Episode 2</title>
	//       <link></link>
	//       <description>Description for Episode 2</description>
	//       <pubDate>Mon, 06 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000</pubDate>
	//       <enclosure url="" length="165" type="audio/mpeg"></enclosure>
	//       <itunes:author> (Jane Doe)</itunes:author>
	//       <itunes:summary><![CDATA[item <a href=""></a>]]></itunes:summary>
	//       <itunes:image href=""></itunes:image>
	//     </item>
	//   </channel>
	// </rss>


Click to expand code.
// instantiate a new Podcast
	p := podcast.New(
	    "Sample Podcasts",
	    "An example Podcast",
	    &createdDate, &updatedDate,
	// add some channel properties
	p.ISubtitle = "A simple Podcast"
	p.AddSummary(`link <a href=""></a>`)
	p.AddAuthor("Jane Doe", "")
	for i := int64(9); i < 11; i++ {
	    n := strconv.FormatInt(i, 10)
	    d := pubDate.AddDate(0, 0, int(i))
	    // create an Item
	    item := podcast.Item{
	        Title:       "Episode " + n,
	        Description: "Description for Episode " + n,
	        ISubtitle:   "A simple episode " + n,
	        PubDate:     &d,
	    item.AddImage("" + n + ".png")
	    item.AddSummary(`item k <a href=""></a>`)
	    // add a Download to the Item
	    item.AddEnclosure(""+n+".mp3", podcast.MP3, 55*(i+1))
	    // add the Item and check for validation errors
	    if _, err := p.AddItem(item); err != nil {
	        os.Stderr.WriteString("item validation error: " + err.Error())
	// Podcast.Encode writes to an io.Writer
	if err := p.Encode(os.Stdout); err != nil {
	    fmt.Println("error writing to stdout:", err.Error())
	// Output:
	// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	// <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:itunes="">
	//   <channel>
	//     <title>Sample Podcasts</title>
	//     <link></link>
	//     <description>An example Podcast</description>
	//     <generator>go podcast v1.3.1 (</generator>
	//     <language>en-us</language>
	//     <lastBuildDate>Mon, 06 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000</lastBuildDate>
	//     <managingEditor> (Jane Doe)</managingEditor>
	//     <pubDate>Wed, 01 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000</pubDate>
	//     <image>
	//       <url></url>
	//       <title>Sample Podcasts</title>
	//       <link></link>
	//     </image>
	//     <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"></atom:link>
	//     <itunes:author> (Jane Doe)</itunes:author>
	//     <itunes:subtitle>A simple Podcast</itunes:subtitle>
	//     <itunes:summary><![CDATA[link <a href=""></a>]]></itunes:summary>
	//     <itunes:image href=""></itunes:image>
	//     <item>
	//       <guid></guid>
	//       <title>Episode 9</title>
	//       <link></link>
	//       <description>Description for Episode 9</description>
	//       <pubDate>Mon, 13 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000</pubDate>
	//       <enclosure url="" length="550" type="audio/mpeg"></enclosure>
	//       <itunes:author> (Jane Doe)</itunes:author>
	//       <itunes:subtitle>A simple episode 9</itunes:subtitle>
	//       <itunes:summary><![CDATA[item k <a href=""></a>]]></itunes:summary>
	//       <itunes:image href=""></itunes:image>
	//     </item>
	//     <item>
	//       <guid></guid>
	//       <title>Episode 10</title>
	//       <link></link>
	//       <description>Description for Episode 10</description>
	//       <pubDate>Tue, 14 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000</pubDate>
	//       <enclosure url="" length="605" type="audio/mpeg"></enclosure>
	//       <itunes:author> (Jane Doe)</itunes:author>
	//       <itunes:subtitle>A simple episode 10</itunes:subtitle>
	//       <itunes:summary><![CDATA[item k <a href=""></a>]]></itunes:summary>
	//       <itunes:image href=""></itunes:image>
	//     </item>
	//   </channel>
	// </rss>

Table of Contents

atomlink.go author.go doc.go enclosure.go image.go item.go itunes.go podcast.go textinput.go

type AtomLink struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"atom:link"`
    HREF    string   `xml:"href,attr"`
    Rel     string   `xml:"rel,attr"`
    Type    string   `xml:"type,attr"`

AtomLink represents the Atom reference link.

type Author struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"itunes:owner"`
    Name    string   `xml:"itunes:name"`
    Email   string   `xml:"itunes:email"`

Author represents a named author and email.

For iTunes compliance, both Name and Email are required.

type Enclosure struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"enclosure"`

    // URL is the downloadable url for the content. (Required)
    URL string `xml:"url,attr"`

    // Length is the size in Bytes of the download. (Required)
    Length int64 `xml:"-"`
    // LengthFormatted is the size in Bytes of the download. (Required)
    // This field gets overwritten with the API when setting Length.
    LengthFormatted string `xml:"length,attr"`

    // Type is MIME type encoding of the download. (Required)
    Type EnclosureType `xml:"-"`
    // TypeFormatted is MIME type encoding of the download. (Required)
    // This field gets overwritten with the API when setting Type.
    TypeFormatted string `xml:"type,attr"`

Enclosure represents a download enclosure.

type EnclosureType int

EnclosureType specifies the type of the enclosure.

const (
    M4A EnclosureType = iota

EnclosureType specifies the type of the enclosure.

func (EnclosureType) String

func (et EnclosureType) String() string

String returns the MIME type encoding of the specified EnclosureType.

type ICategory struct {
    XMLName     xml.Name `xml:"itunes:category"`
    Text        string   `xml:"text,attr"`
    ICategories []*ICategory

ICategory is a 2-tier classification system for iTunes.

type IImage struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"itunes:image"`
    HREF    string   `xml:"href,attr"`

IImage represents an iTunes image.

Podcast feeds contain artwork that is a minimum size of 1400 x 1400 pixels and a maximum size of 3000 x 3000 pixels, 72 dpi, in JPEG or PNG format with appropriate file extensions (.jpg, .png), and in the RGB colorspace. To optimize images for mobile devices, Apple recommends compressing your image files.

type ISummary struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"itunes:summary"`
    Text    string   `xml:",cdata"`

ISummary is a 4000 character rich-text field for the itunes:summary tag.

This is rendered as CDATA which allows for HTML tags such as <a href="">.

type Image struct {
    XMLName     xml.Name `xml:"image"`
    URL         string   `xml:"url"`
    Title       string   `xml:"title"`
    Link        string   `xml:"link"`
    Description string   `xml:"description,omitempty"`
    Width       int      `xml:"width,omitempty"`
    Height      int      `xml:"height,omitempty"`

Image represents an image.

Podcast feeds contain artwork that is a minimum size of 1400 x 1400 pixels and a maximum size of 3000 x 3000 pixels, 72 dpi, in JPEG or PNG format with appropriate file extensions (.jpg, .png), and in the RGB colorspace. To optimize images for mobile devices, Apple recommends compressing your image files.

type Item struct {
    XMLName          xml.Name   `xml:"item"`
    GUID             string     `xml:"guid"`
    Title            string     `xml:"title"`
    Link             string     `xml:"link"`
    Description      string     `xml:"description"`
    Author           *Author    `xml:"-"`
    AuthorFormatted  string     `xml:"author,omitempty"`
    Category         string     `xml:"category,omitempty"`
    Comments         string     `xml:"comments,omitempty"`
    Source           string     `xml:"source,omitempty"`
    PubDate          *time.Time `xml:"-"`
    PubDateFormatted string     `xml:"pubDate,omitempty"`
    Enclosure        *Enclosure

    IAuthor            string `xml:"itunes:author,omitempty"`
    ISubtitle          string `xml:"itunes:subtitle,omitempty"`
    ISummary           *ISummary
    IImage             *IImage
    IDuration          string `xml:"itunes:duration,omitempty"`
    IExplicit          string `xml:"itunes:explicit,omitempty"`
    IIsClosedCaptioned string `xml:"itunes:isClosedCaptioned,omitempty"`
    IOrder             string `xml:"itunes:order,omitempty"`

Item represents a single entry in a podcast.

Article minimal requirements are:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Link

Audio minimal requirements are:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Enclosure (HREF, Type and Length all required)


  • Setting the minimal fields sets most of other fields, including iTunes.
  • Use the Published time.Time setting instead of PubDate.
  • Always set an Enclosure.Length, to be nice to your downloaders.
  • Use Enclosure.Type instead of setting TypeFormatted for valid extensions.
func (i *Item) AddDuration(durationInSeconds int64)

AddDuration adds the duration to the iTunes duration field.


Click to expand code.
i := podcast.Item{
	    Title:       "item title",
	    Description: "item desc",
	    Link:        "item link",
	d := int64(533)
	// add the Duration in Seconds
	// Output:
	// 8:53
func (i *Item) AddEnclosure(
    url string, enclosureType EnclosureType, lengthInBytes int64)

AddEnclosure adds the downloadable asset to the podcast Item.

func (*Item) AddImage

func (i *Item) AddImage(url string)

AddImage adds the image as an iTunes-only IImage. RSS 2.0 does not have the specification of Images at the Item level.

Podcast feeds contain artwork that is a minimum size of 1400 x 1400 pixels and a maximum size of 3000 x 3000 pixels, 72 dpi, in JPEG or PNG format with appropriate file extensions (.jpg, .png), and in the RGB colorspace. To optimize images for mobile devices, Apple recommends compressing your image files.

func (i *Item) AddPubDate(datetime *time.Time)

AddPubDate adds the datetime as a parsed PubDate.

UTC time is used by default.


Click to expand code.
p := podcast.New("title", "link", "description", nil, nil)
	i := podcast.Item{
	    Title:       "item title",
	    Description: "item desc",
	    Link:        "item link",
	d := pubDate.AddDate(0, 0, -11)
	// add the pub date
	// before adding
	if i.PubDate != nil {
	    fmt.Println(i.PubDateFormatted, *i.PubDate)
	// this should not override with Podcast.PubDate
	if _, err := p.AddItem(i); err != nil {
	// after adding item
	fmt.Println(i.PubDateFormatted, *i.PubDate)
	// Output:
	// Tue, 24 Jan 2017 08:21:52 +0000 2017-01-24 08:21:52 +0000 UTC
	// Tue, 24 Jan 2017 08:21:52 +0000 2017-01-24 08:21:52 +0000 UTC
func (i *Item) AddSummary(summary string)

AddSummary adds the iTunes summary.

Limit: 4000 characters

Note that this field is a CDATA encoded field which allows for rich text such as html links: <a href="<a href=""></a>">Apple</a>.

type Podcast struct {
    XMLName        xml.Name `xml:"channel"`
    Title          string   `xml:"title"`
    Link           string   `xml:"link"`
    Description    string   `xml:"description"`
    Category       string   `xml:"category,omitempty"`
    Cloud          string   `xml:"cloud,omitempty"`
    Copyright      string   `xml:"copyright,omitempty"`
    Docs           string   `xml:"docs,omitempty"`
    Generator      string   `xml:"generator,omitempty"`
    Language       string   `xml:"language,omitempty"`
    LastBuildDate  string   `xml:"lastBuildDate,omitempty"`
    ManagingEditor string   `xml:"managingEditor,omitempty"`
    PubDate        string   `xml:"pubDate,omitempty"`
    Rating         string   `xml:"rating,omitempty"`
    SkipHours      string   `xml:"skipHours,omitempty"`
    SkipDays       string   `xml:"skipDays,omitempty"`
    TTL            int      `xml:"ttl,omitempty"`
    WebMaster      string   `xml:"webMaster,omitempty"`
    Image          *Image
    TextInput      *TextInput
    AtomLink       *AtomLink

    IAuthor     string `xml:"itunes:author,omitempty"`
    ISubtitle   string `xml:"itunes:subtitle,omitempty"`
    ISummary    *ISummary
    IBlock      string `xml:"itunes:block,omitempty"`
    IImage      *IImage
    IDuration   string  `xml:"itunes:duration,omitempty"`
    IExplicit   string  `xml:"itunes:explicit,omitempty"`
    IComplete   string  `xml:"itunes:complete,omitempty"`
    INewFeedURL string  `xml:"itunes:new-feed-url,omitempty"`
    IOwner      *Author // Author is formatted for itunes as-is
    ICategories []*ICategory

    Items []*Item
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Podcast represents a podcast.

func New(title, link, description string,
    pubDate, lastBuildDate *time.Time) Podcast

New instantiates a Podcast with required parameters.

Nil-able fields are optional but recommended as they are formatted to the expected proper formats.


Click to expand code.
ti, l, d := "title", "link", "description"
	// instantiate a new Podcast
	p := podcast.New(ti, l, d, &pubDate, &updatedDate)
	fmt.Println(p.Title, p.Link, p.Description, p.Language)
	fmt.Println(p.PubDate, p.LastBuildDate)
	// Output:
	// title link description en-us
	// Sat, 04 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000 Mon, 06 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000

func (*Podcast) AddAtomLink

func (p *Podcast) AddAtomLink(href string)

AddAtomLink adds a FQDN reference to an atom feed.

func (*Podcast) AddAuthor

func (p *Podcast) AddAuthor(name, email string)

AddAuthor adds the specified Author to the podcast.


Click to expand code.
p := podcast.New("title", "link", "description", nil, nil)
	// add the Author
	p.AddAuthor("the name", "")
	// Output:
	// (the name)
	// (the name)

func (*Podcast) AddCategory

func (p *Podcast) AddCategory(category string, subCategories []string)

AddCategory adds the category to the Podcast.

ICategory can be listed multiple times.

Calling this method multiple times will APPEND the category to the existing list, if any, including ICategory.

Note that Apple iTunes has a specific list of categories that only can be used and will invalidate the feed if deviated from the list. That list is as follows.

* Arts
  * Design
  * Fashion & Beauty
  * Food
  * Literature
  * Performing Arts
  * Visual Arts
* Business
  * Business News
  * Careers
  * Investing
  * Management & Marketing
  * Shopping
* Comedy
* Education
  * Education Technology
  * Higher Education
  * K-12
  * Language Courses
  * Training
* Games & Hobbies
  * Automotive
  * Aviation
  * Hobbies
  * Other Games
  * Video Games
* Government & Organizations
  * Local
  * National
  * Non-Profit
  * Regional
* Health
  * Alternative Health
  * Fitness & Nutrition
  * Self-Help
  * Sexuality
* Kids & Family
* Music
* News & Politics
* Religion & Spirituality
  * Buddhism
  * Christianity
  * Hinduism
  * Islam
  * Judaism
  * Other
  * Spirituality
* Science & Medicine
  * Medicine
  * Natural Sciences
  * Social Sciences
* Society & Culture
  * History
  * Personal Journals
  * Philosophy
  * Places & Travel
* Sports & Recreation
  * Amateur
  * College & High School
  * Outdoor
  * Professional
* Technology
  * Gadgets
  * Podcasting
  * Software How-To
  * Tech News
* TV & Film


Click to expand code.
p := podcast.New("title", "link", "description", nil, nil)
	// add the Category
	p.AddCategory("Bombay", nil)
	p.AddCategory("American", []string{"Longhair", "Shorthair"})
	p.AddCategory("Siamese", nil)
	fmt.Println(len(p.ICategories), len(p.ICategories[1].ICategories))
	// Output:
	// 3 2
	// Bombay,American,Siamese

func (*Podcast) AddImage

func (p *Podcast) AddImage(url string)

AddImage adds the specified Image to the Podcast.

Podcast feeds contain artwork that is a minimum size of 1400 x 1400 pixels and a maximum size of 3000 x 3000 pixels, 72 dpi, in JPEG or PNG format with appropriate file extensions (.jpg, .png), and in the RGB colorspace. To optimize images for mobile devices, Apple recommends compressing your image files.


Click to expand code.
p := podcast.New("title", "link", "description", nil, nil)
	// add the Image
	if p.Image != nil && p.IImage != nil {
	// Output:

func (*Podcast) AddItem

func (p *Podcast) AddItem(i Item) (int, error)

AddItem adds the podcast episode. It returns a count of Items added or any errors in validation that may have occurred.

This method takes the "itunes overrides" approach to populating itunes tags according to the overrides rules in the specification. This not only complies completely with iTunes parsing rules; but, it also displays what is possible to be set on an individual episode level – if you wish to have more fine grain control over your content.

This method imposes strict validation of the Item being added to confirm to Podcast and iTunes specifications.

Article minimal requirements are:

* Title
* Description
* Link

Audio, Video and Downloads minimal requirements are:

* Title
* Description
* Enclosure (HREF, Type and Length all required)

The following fields are always overwritten (don't set them):

* PubDateFormatted
* AuthorFormatted
* Enclosure.TypeFormatted
* Enclosure.LengthFormatted


* Just set the minimal fields: the rest get set for you.
* Always set an Enclosure.Length, to be nice to your downloaders.
* Follow Apple's best practices to enrich your podcasts:
  <a href=""></a>
* For specifications of itunes tags, see:
  <a href=""></a>


Click to expand code.
p := podcast.New("title", "link", "description", &pubDate, &updatedDate)
	p.AddAuthor("the name", "")
	// create an Item
	date := pubDate.AddDate(0, 0, 77)
	item := podcast.Item{
	    Title:       "Episode 1",
	    Description: "Description for Episode 1",
	    ISubtitle:   "A simple episode 1",
	    PubDate:     &date,
	item.AddSummary("See more at <a href=\"\">Here</a>")
	// add the Item
	if _, err := p.AddItem(item); err != nil {
	    fmt.Println("item validation error: " + err.Error())
	if len(p.Items) != 1 {
	    fmt.Println("expected 1 item in the collection")
	pp := p.Items[0]
	    pp.GUID, pp.Title, pp.Link, pp.Description, pp.Author,
	    pp.AuthorFormatted, pp.Category, pp.Comments, pp.Source,
	    pp.PubDate, pp.PubDateFormatted, *pp.Enclosure,
	    pp.IAuthor, pp.IDuration, pp.IExplicit, pp.IIsClosedCaptioned,
	    pp.IOrder, pp.ISubtitle, pp.ISummary)
	// Output:
	// Episode 1 Description for Episode 1 &{{ } (the name)}     2017-04-22 08:21:52 +0000 UTC Sat, 22 Apr 2017 08:21:52 +0000 {{ } 183 183 audio/mpeg audio/mpeg} (the name)     A simple episode 1 &{{ } See more at <a href="">Here</a>}
func (p *Podcast) AddLastBuildDate(datetime *time.Time)

AddLastBuildDate adds the datetime as a parsed PubDate.

UTC time is used by default.


Click to expand code.
p := podcast.New("title", "link", "description", nil, nil)
	d := pubDate.AddDate(0, 0, -7)
	// Output:
	// Sat, 28 Jan 2017 08:21:52 +0000

func (*Podcast) AddPubDate

func (p *Podcast) AddPubDate(datetime *time.Time)

AddPubDate adds the datetime as a parsed PubDate.

UTC time is used by default.


Click to expand code.
p := podcast.New("title", "link", "description", nil, nil)
	d := pubDate.AddDate(0, 0, -5)
	// Output:
	// Mon, 30 Jan 2017 08:21:52 +0000

func (*Podcast) AddSubTitle

func (p *Podcast) AddSubTitle(subTitle string)

AddSubTitle adds the iTunes subtitle that is displayed with the title in iTunes.

Note that this field should be just a few words long according to Apple. This method will truncate the string to 64 chars if too long with "..."

func (*Podcast) AddSummary

func (p *Podcast) AddSummary(summary string)

AddSummary adds the iTunes summary.

Limit: 4000 characters

Note that this field is a CDATA encoded field which allows for rich text such as html links: <a href="<a href=""></a>">Apple</a>.


Click to expand code.
p := podcast.New("title", "link", "description", nil, nil)
	// add a summary
	p.AddSummary(`A very cool podcast with a long summary!
	See more at our website: <a href=""></a>
	if p.ISummary != nil {
	// Output:
	// A very cool podcast with a long summary!
	// See more at our website: <a href=""></a>

func (*Podcast) Bytes

func (p *Podcast) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns an encoded []byte slice.


Click to expand code.
p := podcast.New(
	    "eduncan911 Podcasts",
	    "An example Podcast",
	    &pubDate, &updatedDate,
	p.AddAuthor("Jane Doe", "")
	p.AddSummary(`A very cool podcast with a long summary using Bytes()!
	See more at our website: <a href=""></a>
	for i := int64(5); i < 7; i++ {
	    n := strconv.FormatInt(i, 10)
	    d := pubDate.AddDate(0, 0, int(i+3))
	    item := podcast.Item{
	        Title:       "Episode " + n,
	        Link:        "" + n + ".mp3",
	        Description: "Description for Episode " + n,
	        PubDate:     &d,
	    if _, err := p.AddItem(item); err != nil {
	        fmt.Println(item.Title, ": error", err.Error())
	// call Podcast.Bytes() to return a byte array
	// Output:
	// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	// <rss version="2.0" xmlns:itunes="">
	//   <channel>
	//     <title>eduncan911 Podcasts</title>
	//     <link></link>
	//     <description>An example Podcast</description>
	//     <generator>go podcast v1.3.1 (</generator>
	//     <language>en-us</language>
	//     <lastBuildDate>Mon, 06 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000</lastBuildDate>
	//     <managingEditor> (Jane Doe)</managingEditor>
	//     <pubDate>Sat, 04 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000</pubDate>
	//     <image>
	//       <url></url>
	//       <title>eduncan911 Podcasts</title>
	//       <link></link>
	//     </image>
	//     <itunes:author> (Jane Doe)</itunes:author>
	//     <itunes:summary><![CDATA[A very cool podcast with a long summary using Bytes()!
	// See more at our website: <a href=""></a>
	// ]]></itunes:summary>
	//     <itunes:image href=""></itunes:image>
	//     <item>
	//       <guid></guid>
	//       <title>Episode 5</title>
	//       <link></link>
	//       <description>Description for Episode 5</description>
	//       <pubDate>Sun, 12 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000</pubDate>
	//       <itunes:author> (Jane Doe)</itunes:author>
	//       <itunes:image href=""></itunes:image>
	//     </item>
	//     <item>
	//       <guid></guid>
	//       <title>Episode 6</title>
	//       <link></link>
	//       <description>Description for Episode 6</description>
	//       <pubDate>Mon, 13 Feb 2017 08:21:52 +0000</pubDate>
	//       <itunes:author> (Jane Doe)</itunes:author>
	//       <itunes:image href=""></itunes:image>
	//     </item>
	//   </channel>
	// </rss>

func (*Podcast) Encode

func (p *Podcast) Encode(w io.Writer) error

Encode writes the bytes to the io.Writer stream in RSS 2.0 specification.

func (*Podcast) String

func (p *Podcast) String() string

String encodes the Podcast state to a string.

type TextInput struct {
    XMLName     xml.Name `xml:"textInput"`
    Title       string   `xml:"title"`
    Description string   `xml:"description"`
    Name        string   `xml:"name"`
    Link        string   `xml:"link"`

TextInput represents text inputs.

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