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Tags: elenimijalis/cookiecutter



Toggle 1.4.0's commit message
1.4.0 (2016-03-20) Shortbread


The goal of this release is changing to a strict Jinja2 environment, paving the way to more awesome in the future, as well as adding support for Jinja2 extensions.

New Features:

-   Added support for Jinja2 extension support, thanks to [@hackebrot]( (\cookiecutter#617).
-   Now raises an error if Cookiecutter tries to render a template that contains an undefined variable. Makes generation more robust and secure (\cookiecutter#586). Work done by [@hackebrot]( (\cookiecutter#111, \cookiecutter#586, \cookiecutter#592)
-   Uses strict Jinja2 env in prompt, thanks to [@hackebrot]( (\cookiecutter#598, \cookiecutter#613)
-   Switched from pyyaml/ruamel.yaml libraries that were problematic across platforms to the pure Python [poyo]( library, thanks to [@hackebrot]( (\cookiecutter#557, \cookiecutter#569, \cookiecutter#621)
-   User config values for `cookiecutters_dir` and `replay_dir` now support environment variable and user home expansion, thanks to [@nfarrar]( for the suggestion and [@hackebrot]( for the PR (\cookiecutter#640, \cookiecutter#642)
-   Add [jinja2-time]( as default extension for dates and times in templates via `{% now 'utc' %}`, thanks to [@hackebrot]( (\cookiecutter#653)

Bug Fixes:

-   Provided way to define options that have no defaults, thanks to [@johtso]( (\cookiecutter#587, \cookiecutter#588)
-   Make sure that `replay.dump()` and `replay.load()` use the correct user config, thanks to [@hackebrot]( (\cookiecutter#590, \cookiecutter#594)
-   Added correct CA bundle for Git on Appveyor, thanks to [@maiksensi]( (\cookiecutter#599, \cookiecutter#602)
-   Open `HISTORY.rst` with `utf-8` encoding when reading the changelog, thanks to [@0-wiz-0]( for submitting the issue and [@hackebrot]( for the fix (\cookiecutter#638, \cookiecutter#639)
-   Fix repository indicators for [private repository]( urls, thanks to [@habnabit]( for the fix (\cookiecutter#595) and [@hackebrot]( for the tests (\cookiecutter#655)

Other Changes:

-   Set path before running tox, thanks to [@maiksensi]( (\cookiecutter#615, \cookiecutter#620)
-   Removed xfail in test\_cookiecutters, thanks to [@hackebrot]( (\cookiecutter#618)
-   Removed django-cms-plugin on account of 404 error, thanks to [@mativs]( and [@pydanny]( (\cookiecutter#593)
-   Fixed docs/usage.rst, thanks to [@macrotim]( (\cookiecutter#604)
-   Update .gitignore to latest Python.gitignore and ignore PyCharm files, thanks to [@audreyr](
-   Use open context manager to read context\_file in generate() function, thanks to [@hackebrot]( (\cookiecutter#607, \cookiecutter#608)
-   Added documentation for choice variables, thanks to [@maiksensi]( (\cookiecutter#611)
-   Set up Scrutinizer to check code quality, thanks to [@audreyr](
-   Drop distutils support in, thanks to [@hackebrot]( (\cookiecutter#606, \cookiecutter#609)
-   Change cookiecutter-pypackage-minimal link, thanks to [@kragniz]( (\cookiecutter#614)
-   Fix typo in one of the template's description, thanks to [@ryanfreckleton]( (\cookiecutter#643)
-   Fix broken link to [\_copy\_without\_render]( in *troubleshooting.rst*, thanks to [@ptim]( (\cookiecutter#647)
-   Added more cookiecutter templates to the mix:
    -   [cookiecutter-pipproject]( by [@wdm0006]( (\cookiecutter#624)
    -   [cookiecutter-flask-2]( by [@wdm0006]( (\cookiecutter#624)
    -   [cookiecutter-kotlin-gradle]( by [@thomaslee]( (\cookiecutter#622)
    -   cookiecutter-tryton\_ by [@cedk]( (\cookiecutter#631)
    -   [django-starter]( by [@tkjone]( (\cookiecutter#635)
    -   [django-docker-bootstrap]( by [@legios89]( (\cookiecutter#636)
    -   [cookiecutter-mediawiki-extension]( by [@JonasGroeger]( (\cookiecutter#645)
    -   [cookiecutter-django-gulp]( by [@valerymelou]( (\cookiecutter#648)


Toggle 1.3.0's commit message
1.3.0 (2015-11-10) Pumpkin Spice


The goal of this release is to extend the user config feature and to
make hook execution more robust.

New Features:

-   Abort project generation if `pre_gen_project` or `post_gen_project`
    hook scripts fail, thanks to [@eliasdorneles] (\cookiecutter#464, \cookiecutter#549)
-   Extend user config capabilities with additional cli options
    `--config-file` and `--default-config` and environment variable
    `COOKIECUTTER_CONFIG`, thanks to [@jhermann], [@pfmoore], and
    [@hackebrot] (\cookiecutter#258, \cookiecutter#424, \cookiecutter#565)

Bug Fixes:

-   Fixed conditional dependencies for wheels in, thanks to
    [@hackebrot] (\cookiecutter#557, \cookiecutter#568)
-   Reverted skipif markers to use correct reasons (bug fixed in
    pytest), thanks to [@hackebrot] (\cookiecutter#574)

Other Changes:

-   Improved path and documentation for rendering the Sphinx
    documentation, thanks to [@eliasdorneles] and [@hackebrot]
    (\cookiecutter#562, \cookiecutter#583)
-   Added additional help entrypoints, thanks to [@michaeljoseph]
    (\cookiecutter#563, \cookiecutter#492)
-   Added Two Scoops Academy to the README, thanks to
    [@hackebrot] (\cookiecutter#576)
-   Now handling trailing slash on URL, thanks to [@ramiroluz]
    (\cookiecutter#573, \cookiecutter#546)
-   Support for testing x86 and x86-64 architectures on appveyor, thanks
    to [@maiksensi] (\cookiecutter#567)
-   Made tests work without installing Cookiecutter, thanks to
    [@vincentbernat] (\cookiecutter#550)
-   Encoded the result of the hook template to utf8, thanks to
    [@ionelmc] (\cookiecutter#577. \cookiecutter#578)
-   Added test for \_run\_hook\_from\_repo\_dir, thanks to [@hackebrot]
    (\cookiecutter#579, \cookiecutter#580)
-   Implemented bumpversion, thanks to [@hackebrot] (\cookiecutter#582)
-   Added more cookiecutter templates to the mix:
    -   [cookiecutter-octoprint-plugin] by [@foosel] (\cookiecutter#560)
    -   [wagtail-cookiecutter-foundation] by [@chrisdev], et al. (\cookiecutter#566)



Toggle 1.2.1's commit message
version 1.2.1


Toggle 1.1.0's commit message
version 1.1.0


Toggle 1.0.0's commit message
version 1.0.0


Toggle 0.9.1's commit message
version 0.9.1


Toggle 0.9e.1's commit message
version 0.9.1


Toggle 0.9.0's commit message
version 0.9.0


Toggle 0.8.0's commit message
0.8.0 release


Toggle 0.7.2's commit message
Cross-platform compatibility fixes.