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# Tina4 CMS Module Welcome to the Tina4CMS module, how does it work? ``` composer require tina4stack/tina4cms composer exec tina4 initialize:run ``` Add the database connection to your index.php file which would have been created ``` require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; global $DBA; $DBA = new \Tina4\DataSQLite3("test.db","", "", "d/m/Y"); echo new \Tina4\Tina4Php(); ``` Run the CMS ```commandline composer start 8080 ``` Open up the CMS to setup the admin user http://localhost:8080/cms/login -> will get you started ### The Landing Page - home You need to create a landing page called "home" as your starting page for things to working properly. ### Customization Make a *base.twig* file in your */src/templates* folder, it needs the following blocks ``` {{ title }} {% block headers %} {% endblock %} {% block body %} {% block navigation %} {% include "navigation.twig" %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% endblock %} {% block footer %} {% endblock %} {% endblock %} ``` or an example which extends the existing base in the tina4-cms ``` {% extends "@tina4cms/base.twig" %} {% block headers %} {% endblock %} {% block body %}
{% block navigation %} {% include "navigation.twig" %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% endblock %}
{% endblock %} ``` #### Example of a navigation.twig which you can over write Create a *navigation.twig* file in your *src/templates* folder ``` {% set menus = Content.getMenu("") %} ``` ### Including your snippets in the CMS There are two ways you can do this: When you want to include content as it is, and not have the snippet parsed with Twig you can simply use the following: Use the raw filter when you want to have scripts or other things included correctly ``` {{snippetName | raw}} or {{snippetName}} ``` The following is how you would include a snippet where you want variables in the page for example parsed in the snippet ``` {{ include(getSnippet("snippetName")) }} ``` #### Example: Page content of "home" ``` {% set world = "World!" %} {{ include (getSnippet("mySnippet")) }} ``` Snippet content of "mySnippet" ``` Hello {{world}}! ``` Adding articles into a page ``` {% set articles = Content.getArticles ("", 8) %} {% for article in articles %}{% include "snippets/medium.twig" with {"article": article} %}{% endfor %} {% set params = {"tag": "all", "skip": 4, "limit": 4, "template": "medium.twig"} %} {% include "load-more.twig" with params %} ``` Overwriting the default CMS twig namespace - your own namespace ``` CMS_TWIG_NAMESPACE="" ``` # tina4php-ecomm


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