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Rodrigo Ramele edited this page Mar 5, 2021 · 5 revisions

State of this project

I have learnt a lot, a lot with this project, and I had an incredible amount of fun with it too. I think the basic engine is close to completion, but I have delve so deeply into it that it is being hard for me to see the whole picture, and to prioritize.

Let's think as if this is a game, what is missing ?

  • A way to win. Once all the islands have been conquered, you have won. We need a winning screen to see this.
  • Constrain: Limit the amount of thrust to 1000.
  • Constrain: Use the battery power when it is available to move and to fire. Once power is exhausted, the unit should stop. Walrus should stop on the spot and Mantas should put their thrust on zero.
  • Mantas should crash when hit ground.
  • Constrain: Walrus and Manta lifecycle.
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