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This Julia package provides a code evaluation engine that Quarto can use. Please run the quarto CLI tool rather than this package directly unless you would like to help with the development of this engine.

Starting from the pre-release v1.5.29 this engine is available out-of-the-box with quarto when you set engine: julia in your Quarto notebook files (setting it project-wide via _quarto.yml is not yet supported). You don't need to follow the developer instructions below.

Developer Documentation

This Julia package can run Quarto notebooks containing Julia code and save the results to Jupyter notebooks. These intermediate .ipynb files can then be passed to quarto render for final rendering to a multitude of different output formats.


Install this package into an isolated named environment rather than your global environment so that it does not interact with any other packages.

julia --project=@quarto -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("QuartoNotebookRunner")'


julia --project=@quarto
julia> using QuartoNotebookRunner

julia> server = QuartoNotebookRunner.Server();

julia>!(server, "notebook.qmd"; output = "notebook.ipynb")

julia> QuartoNotebookRunner.close!(server, "notebook.qmd")

Notebooks are run in isolated Julia processes. The first call to run! for each notebook will start a new Julia process. Subsequent run!s will reuse the same process for each notebook. The process will be closed when close! is called.

Each run! of a notebook will evaluate code blocks in a new Julia Module so that struct definitions and other global constants can be redefined between runs. Non-constant globals are GC'd between runs to avoid memory leaks.

Note that no caching is implemented, or any form of reactive evaluation.

Daemon mode

Start the socket server with:

julia --project=@quarto -e 'import QuartoNotebookRunner; QuartoNotebookRunner.serve(; port = 1234)'

and then interact with it via the JSON API from any other language. See test/client.js for an example.

Source code structure

The source for this package is split into two distinct parts.


The QuartoNotebookRunner package is what users install themselves (or have installed via quarto). This package manages the parsing of Quarto notebooks, passing of parsed code blocks to the worker processes that run the code in isolation, as well as communicating with the quarto process that requests the rendering of a notebook.


The QuartoNotebookWorker package, located at src/QuartoNotebookWorker, is a "local" package that is loaded into every worker process that runs a notebook. This worker package has no dependencies outside of the standard library.

There are several external package dependencies that are used by this worker package, but the code for them is vendored dynamically into the worker package, rather than being added as external dependencies. This avoids a user potentially running into conflicting versions of packages should they require a different version.

To debug issues within the worker package you can directly run a REPL with it loaded rather than having to create a notebook and run code through it. Use the following to import QuartoNotebookWorker in a REPL session:

julia> using QuartoNotebookRunner # Load the runner package.

julia> QuartoNotebookRunner.WorkerSetup.debug() # Start a subprocess with the worker package loaded.

A new Julia REPL will start inside of the current one.

julia> QuartoNotebookWorker.<tab> # Access the worker package.

Use ctrl-d (or exit()) to exit the worker REPL and return to the main REPL.

If you have Revise, TestEnv, or Debugger available within your global environment then those will be loaded into the interactive worker process as well to aid in debugging. Editing code within the src/QuartoNotebookWorker folder will reflect the changes in the REPL via Revise in the normal way.

Adding package "integrations"

Some packages require custom integrations to be written to make them behave as expected within the worker processes that run notebooks. For example, Plots.jl requires a custom integration to work correctly with quarto's image format and dimension settings.

This is achieved by using Julia's native package extension mechanism. You can find all the current package integrations in the src/QuartoNotebookWorker/ext folder. Typically this is done via adding function hooks within the __init__ method of the extension that run at different points during notebook execution.

Package Extensions

As discussed above QuartoNotebookWorker is implemented as a full Julia package rather than just a Module loaded into the worker processes. This allows for any package to extend the functionality provided by the worker. To do this make use Requires.jl (or the mechanism that it leverages) to load extension code that requires QuartoNotebookWorker.

function __init__()
    @require QuartoNotebookWorker="38328d9c-a911-4051-bc06-3f7f556ffeda" include("extension.jl")

With this addition whenever PackageName is loaded into a .qmd file that is being run with engine: julia the extension code in the extension.jl file will be loaded. Below are the available interfaces that are can be extended.


The expand function is used to inform QuartoNotebookWorker that a specific Julia type should not be rendered and instead should be converted into a series of notebook cells that are themselves evaluated and rendered. This allows for notebooks to generate a dynamic number of cells based on runtime information computed within the notebook rather than just the static cells of the original notebook source.

The below example shows how to create a Replicate type that will be expanded into n cells of the same value.

import PackageName
import QuartoNotebookWorker

function QuartoNotebookWorker.expand(r::PackageName.Replicate)
    # Return a list of notebook `Cell`s to be rendered.
    return [QuartoNotebookWorker.Cell(r.value) for _ in 1:r.n]

Where PackageName itself defines the Replicate type as

module PackageName

export Replicate

struct Replicate


The Cell type takes a value, which can be any Julia type. If it is a Function then the result of the Cell will be the result of calling the value(), including any printing to stdout and stderr that may occur during the call. If it is any other type then the result of the Cell will be the value itself.


To return a Function itself as the output of the Cell you can wrap it with Returns(func), which will then not call func.

Optional code keyword allows fake source code for the cell to be set, which will be rendered by quarto. Note that the source code is never parsed or evaluated. Additionally the options keyword allows for defining cell options that will be passed to quarto to control cell rendering such as captions, layout, etc.

Within a .qmd file you can then use the Replicate type as follows:

using PackageName

Generate two cells that each output `"Hello"` as their returned value.

Replicate("Hello", 2)

Next we generate three cells that each push the current `DateTime` to a shared
`state` vector, print `"World"` to `stdout` and then return the entire `state`
for rendering. The `echo: false` option is used to suppress the output of the
original cell itself.

#| echo: false
import Dates
let state = []
    Replicate(3) do
        return state


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