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firepick1 committed Sep 25, 2014
1 parent 12ce923 commit 4c1eb60
Showing 1 changed file with 164 additions and 164 deletions.
328 changes: 164 additions & 164 deletions calcOffset.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,184 +14,184 @@ using namespace std;
using namespace firesight;

bool Pipeline::apply_calcOffset(json_t *pStage, json_t *pStageModel, Model &model) {
string tmpltPath = jo_string(pStage, "template", "", model.argMap);
Scalar offsetColor(32,32,255);
offsetColor = jo_Scalar(pStage, "offsetColor", offsetColor, model.argMap);
int xtol = jo_int(pStage, "xtol", 32, model.argMap);
int ytol = jo_int(pStage, "ytol", 32, model.argMap);
vector<int> channels = jo_vectori(pStage, "channels", vector<int>(), model.argMap);
assert(model.image.cols > 2*xtol);
assert(model.image.rows > 2*ytol);
Rect roi= jo_Rect(pStage, "roi", Rect(xtol, ytol, model.image.cols-2*xtol, model.image.rows-2*ytol), model.argMap);
if (roi.x == -1) {
roi.x = (model.image.cols - roi.width)/2;
if (roi.y == -1) {
roi.y = (model.image.rows - roi.height)/2;
Rect roiScan = Rect(roi.x-xtol, roi.y-ytol, roi.width+2*xtol, roi.height+2*ytol);
float minval = jo_float(pStage, "minval", 0.7f, model.argMap);
float corr = jo_float(pStage, "corr", 0.99f);
string outputStr = jo_string(pStage, "output", "current", model.argMap);
const char *errMsg = NULL;
int flags = INTER_LINEAR;
int method = CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED;
Mat tmplt;
int borderMode = BORDER_REPLICATE;

if (tmpltPath.empty()) {
errMsg = "Expected template path for imread";
} else {
if (model.image.channels() == 1) {
tmplt = imread(tmpltPath.c_str(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
} else {
tmplt = imread(tmpltPath.c_str(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
string tmpltPath = jo_string(pStage, "template", "", model.argMap);
Scalar offsetColor(32,32,255);
offsetColor = jo_Scalar(pStage, "offsetColor", offsetColor, model.argMap);
int xtol = jo_int(pStage, "xtol", 32, model.argMap);
int ytol = jo_int(pStage, "ytol", 32, model.argMap);
vector<int> channels = jo_vectori(pStage, "channels", vector<int>(), model.argMap);
assert(model.image.cols > 2*xtol);
assert(model.image.rows > 2*ytol);
Rect roi= jo_Rect(pStage, "roi", Rect(xtol, ytol, model.image.cols-2*xtol, model.image.rows-2*ytol), model.argMap);
if (roi.x == -1) {
roi.x = (model.image.cols - roi.width)/2;
if ( {
LOGTRACE2("apply_calcOffset(%s) %s", tmpltPath.c_str(), matInfo(tmplt).c_str());
if (model.image.rows<tmplt.rows || model.image.cols<tmplt.cols) {
errMsg = "Expected template smaller than image to match";
} else {
errMsg = "imread failed";
if (roi.y == -1) {
roi.y = (model.image.rows - roi.height)/2;
if (!errMsg) {
if (model.image.channels() > 3) {
errMsg = "Expected at most 3 channels for pipeline image";
} else if (tmplt.channels() != model.image.channels()) {
errMsg = "Template and pipeline image must have same number of channels";
Rect roiScan = Rect(roi.x-xtol, roi.y-ytol, roi.width+2*xtol, roi.height+2*ytol);
float minval = jo_float(pStage, "minval", 0.7f, model.argMap);
float corr = jo_float(pStage, "corr", 0.99f);
string outputStr = jo_string(pStage, "output", "current", model.argMap);
const char *errMsg = NULL;
int flags = INTER_LINEAR;
int method = CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED;
Mat tmplt;
int borderMode = BORDER_REPLICATE;

if (tmpltPath.empty()) {
errMsg = "Expected template path for imread";
} else {
for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < channels.size(); iChannel++) {
if (channels[iChannel] < 0 || model.image.channels() <= channels[iChannel]) {
errMsg = "Referenced channel is not in image";
if (model.image.channels() == 1) {
tmplt = imread(tmpltPath.c_str(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
} else {
tmplt = imread(tmpltPath.c_str(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
if ( {
LOGTRACE2("apply_calcOffset(%s) %s", tmpltPath.c_str(), matInfo(tmplt).c_str());
if (model.image.rows<tmplt.rows || model.image.cols<tmplt.cols) {
errMsg = "Expected template smaller than image to match";
} else {
errMsg = "imread failed";

if (!errMsg) {
Mat result;
Mat imagePlanes[] = { Mat(), Mat(), Mat() };
Mat tmpltPlanes[] = { Mat(), Mat(), Mat() };
if (channels.size() == 0) {
if (model.image.channels() == 1) {
imagePlanes[0] = model.image;
tmpltPlanes[0] = tmplt;
} else {
cvtColor(model.image, imagePlanes[0], CV_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(tmplt, tmpltPlanes[0], CV_BGR2GRAY);
} else if (model.image.channels() == 1) {
imagePlanes[0] = model.image;
tmpltPlanes[0] = tmplt;
} else {
split(model.image, imagePlanes);
split(tmplt, tmpltPlanes);
if (!errMsg) {
if (model.image.channels() > 3) {
errMsg = "Expected at most 3 channels for pipeline image";
} else if (tmplt.channels() != model.image.channels()) {
errMsg = "Template and pipeline image must have same number of channels";
} else {
for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < channels.size(); iChannel++) {
if (channels[iChannel] < 0 || model.image.channels() <= channels[iChannel]) {
errMsg = "Referenced channel is not in image";

json_t *pRects = json_array();
json_t *pChannels = json_object();
json_object_set(pStageModel, "channels", pChannels);
json_object_set(pStageModel, "rects", pRects);
if (!errMsg) {
Mat result;
Mat imagePlanes[] = { Mat(), Mat(), Mat() };
Mat tmpltPlanes[] = { Mat(), Mat(), Mat() };
if (channels.size() == 0) {
if (model.image.channels() == 1) {
imagePlanes[0] = model.image;
tmpltPlanes[0] = tmplt;
} else {
cvtColor(model.image, imagePlanes[0], CV_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(tmplt, tmpltPlanes[0], CV_BGR2GRAY);
} else if (model.image.channels() == 1) {
imagePlanes[0] = model.image;
tmpltPlanes[0] = tmplt;
} else {
split(model.image, imagePlanes);
split(tmplt, tmpltPlanes);

json_t *pRect = json_object();
json_array_append(pRects, pRect);
json_object_set(pRect, "x", json_integer(roiScan.x+roiScan.width/2));
json_object_set(pRect, "y", json_integer(roiScan.y+roiScan.height/2));
json_object_set(pRect, "width", json_integer(roiScan.width));
json_object_set(pRect, "height", json_integer(roiScan.height));
json_object_set(pRect, "angle", json_integer(0));
json_t *pOffsetColor = NULL;
json_t *pRects = json_array();
json_t *pChannels = json_object();
json_object_set(pStageModel, "channels", pChannels);
json_object_set(pStageModel, "rects", pRects);

for (int iChannel=0; iChannel<channels.size(); iChannel++) {
int channel = channels[iChannel];
Mat imageSource(imagePlanes[channel], roiScan);
Mat tmpltSource(tmpltPlanes[channel], roi);
json_t *pRect = json_object();
json_array_append(pRects, pRect);
json_object_set(pRect, "x", json_integer(roiScan.x+roiScan.width/2));
json_object_set(pRect, "y", json_integer(roiScan.y+roiScan.height/2));
json_object_set(pRect, "width", json_integer(roiScan.width));
json_object_set(pRect, "height", json_integer(roiScan.height));
json_object_set(pRect, "angle", json_integer(0));
json_t *pOffsetColor = NULL;

matchTemplate(imageSource, tmpltSource, result, method);
LOGTRACE4("apply_calcOffset() matchTemplate(%s,%s,%s,CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) channel:%d",
matInfo(imageSource).c_str(), matInfo(tmpltSource).c_str(), matInfo(result).c_str(), channel);
for (int iChannel=0; iChannel<channels.size(); iChannel++) {
int channel = channels[iChannel];
Mat imageSource(imagePlanes[channel], roiScan);
Mat tmpltSource(tmpltPlanes[channel], roi);

vector<Point> matches;
float maxVal = *max_element(result.begin<float>(),result.end<float>());
float rangeMin = corr * maxVal;
float rangeMax = maxVal;
matMaxima(result, matches, rangeMin, rangeMax);
matchTemplate(imageSource, tmpltSource, result, method);
LOGTRACE4("apply_calcOffset() matchTemplate(%s,%s,%s,CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) channel:%d",
matInfo(imageSource).c_str(), matInfo(tmpltSource).c_str(), matInfo(result).c_str(), channel);

if (logLevel >= FIRELOG_TRACE) {
for (size_t iMatch=0; iMatch<matches.size(); iMatch++) {
int mx = matches[iMatch].x;
int my = matches[iMatch].y;
float val =<float>(my,mx);
if (val < minval) {
LOGTRACE4("apply_calcOffset() ignoring (%d,%d) val:%g corr:%g", mx, my, val, val/maxVal);
} else {
LOGTRACE4("apply_calcOffset() matched (%d,%d) val:%g corr:%g", mx, my, val, val/maxVal);
json_t *pMatches = json_object();
char key[10];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%d", channel);
json_object_set(pChannels, key, pMatches);
if (matches.size() == 1) {
int mx = matches[0].x;
int my = matches[0].y;
float val =<float>(my,mx);
if (minval <= val) {
int dx = xtol - mx;
int dy = ytol - my;
json_object_set(pMatches, "dx", json_integer(dx));
json_object_set(pMatches, "dy", json_integer(dy));
json_object_set(pMatches, "match", json_float(val));
if (dx || dy) {
json_t *pOffsetRect = json_object();
json_array_append(pRects, pOffsetRect);
json_object_set(pOffsetRect, "x", json_integer(roi.x+roi.width/2-dx));
json_object_set(pOffsetRect, "y", json_integer(roi.y+roi.height/2-dy));
json_object_set(pOffsetRect, "width", json_integer(roi.width));
json_object_set(pOffsetRect, "height", json_integer(roi.height));
json_object_set(pOffsetRect, "angle", json_integer(0));
if (!pOffsetColor) {
pOffsetColor = json_array();
json_array_append(pOffsetColor, json_integer(offsetColor[0]));
json_array_append(pOffsetColor, json_integer(offsetColor[1]));
json_array_append(pOffsetColor, json_integer(offsetColor[2]));
vector<Point> matches;
float maxVal = *max_element(result.begin<float>(),result.end<float>());
float rangeMin = corr * maxVal;
float rangeMax = maxVal;
matMaxima(result, matches, rangeMin, rangeMax);

json_t *pRoiRect = json_object();
json_array_append(pRects, pRoiRect);
json_object_set(pRoiRect, "x", json_integer(roi.x+roi.width/2));
json_object_set(pRoiRect, "y", json_integer(roi.y+roi.height/2));
json_object_set(pRoiRect, "width", json_integer(roi.width));
json_object_set(pRoiRect, "height", json_integer(roi.height));
json_object_set(pRoiRect, "angle", json_integer(0));
if (pOffsetColor) {
json_object_set(pRoiRect, "color", pOffsetColor);
if (logLevel >= FIRELOG_TRACE) {
for (size_t iMatch=0; iMatch<matches.size(); iMatch++) {
int mx = matches[iMatch].x;
int my = matches[iMatch].y;
float val =<float>(my,mx);
if (val < minval) {
LOGTRACE4("apply_calcOffset() ignoring (%d,%d) val:%g corr:%g", mx, my, val, val/maxVal);
} else {
LOGTRACE4("apply_calcOffset() matched (%d,%d) val:%g corr:%g", mx, my, val, val/maxVal);
json_t *pMatches = json_object();
char key[10];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%d", channel);
json_object_set(pChannels, key, pMatches);
if (matches.size() == 1) {
int mx = matches[0].x;
int my = matches[0].y;
float val =<float>(my,mx);
if (minval <= val) {
int dx = xtol - mx;
int dy = ytol - my;
json_object_set(pMatches, "dx", json_integer(dx));
json_object_set(pMatches, "dy", json_integer(dy));
json_object_set(pMatches, "match", json_float(val));
if (dx || dy) {
json_t *pOffsetRect = json_object();
json_array_append(pRects, pOffsetRect);
json_object_set(pOffsetRect, "x", json_integer(roi.x+roi.width/2-dx));
json_object_set(pOffsetRect, "y", json_integer(roi.y+roi.height/2-dy));
json_object_set(pOffsetRect, "width", json_integer(roi.width));
json_object_set(pOffsetRect, "height", json_integer(roi.height));
json_object_set(pOffsetRect, "angle", json_integer(0));
if (!pOffsetColor) {
pOffsetColor = json_array();
json_array_append(pOffsetColor, json_integer(offsetColor[0]));
json_array_append(pOffsetColor, json_integer(offsetColor[1]));
json_array_append(pOffsetColor, json_integer(offsetColor[2]));

normalize(result, result, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX);
result.convertTo(result, CV_8U);
Mat corrInset = model.image.colRange(0,result.cols).rowRange(0,result.rows);
switch (model.image.channels()) {
case 3:
cvtColor(result, corrInset, CV_GRAY2BGR);
case 4:
cvtColor(result, corrInset, CV_GRAY2BGRA);
json_t *pRoiRect = json_object();
json_array_append(pRects, pRoiRect);
json_object_set(pRoiRect, "x", json_integer(roi.x+roi.width/2));
json_object_set(pRoiRect, "y", json_integer(roi.y+roi.height/2));
json_object_set(pRoiRect, "width", json_integer(roi.width));
json_object_set(pRoiRect, "height", json_integer(roi.height));
json_object_set(pRoiRect, "angle", json_integer(0));
if (pOffsetColor) {
json_object_set(pRoiRect, "color", pOffsetColor);

normalize(result, result, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX);
result.convertTo(result, CV_8U);
Mat corrInset = model.image.colRange(0,result.cols).rowRange(0,result.rows);
switch (model.image.channels()) {
case 3:
cvtColor(result, corrInset, CV_GRAY2BGR);
case 4:
cvtColor(result, corrInset, CV_GRAY2BGRA);

return stageOK("apply_calcOffset(%s) %s", errMsg, pStage, pStageModel);
return stageOK("apply_calcOffset(%s) %s", errMsg, pStage, pStageModel);

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