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Net Simulator Readme

flamecopper edited this page Sep 24, 2012 · 2 revisions


Full duplex data communication: allows data to transmit in two directions simultaneously

In-Order Delivery of Packets to the Network-layer: it is import to ensure that the network layers receives the frame same order in which it was sent.On frames that are lost or damaged along the way. These frame has to be resent. The problem arises when the frames are lost damaged in the transition.Hence these frames needs to be resent along the way are receiving on the correct sequence on the receiving end.

Selective repeat transmission strategy: Buffering all the arrived packet fall, within the windows, hence selective repeat will be achieved. In addition,accompanied by the negative acknowledgement,frame error are identified,and a request for that particular frame is sent.

Synchronization with the network-layer by granting credit:Synchronization can be achieved by utilizing the method enable_network_layer(int nr_of_bufs).The amount of credits required to send the packet to the receiver,initially given to the network layer is equivalent to the size of the reciever’s window.During implementation,in the PEvent.FRAME_ARRIVAL,the integer nr_of_bufs is incremented in the while loop as shown below: while(between(ack_expected,r.ack,next_frame_to_send)){ stop_timer(ack_expected % NR_BUFS); ack_expected = inc(ack_expected % NR_BUFS); enable_network_layer(1); } This is done so when a successfully transmission has been acknowledged by the receiver.

Negative Acknowledgement: Declaring a Boolean no_nak variable for the expected frame to be received allows negative acknowledgement to be achieved. An error detected in the received frame will call for a negative acknowledgement has to be sent,to assume the network has got high level of correctness.

Separate acknowledgement when the reverse traffic is light or more:Separate acknowledgement is achieved by utilizing a timer that sends an acknowledgement packet for the last frame acknowledged/received successfully by the receiver after a delay.

  Source Code: /**

  • @author OO YE KEI ALVIN U1022711A TS2U23 */

import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask;

public class SWP { public static final int MAX_SEQ = 7; // should be 2n - 1 public static final int NR_BUFS = (MAX_SEQ + 1) / 2;//NUMBER OF BUFFERS

// the following are protocol variables private int oldest_frame = 0; private PEvent event = new PEvent();
private Packet out_buf[] = new Packet[NR_BUFS]; boolean[] arrived = new boolean[NR_BUFS]; //the following are used for simulation purpose only private SWE swe = null; private String sid = null;

public SWP(SWE sw, String s) {
    swe = sw;
    sid = s;
//the following methods are all protocol related
private void init() {
    for (int i = 0; i < NR_BUFS; i++) {
        out_buf[i] = new Packet();

private void wait_for_event(PEvent e) {
    swe.wait_for_event(e); //may be blocked
    oldest_frame = e.seq;  //set timeout frame seq

private void enable_network_layer(int nr_of_bufs) {
    //network layer is permitted to send if credit is available

private void from_network_layer(Packet p) {

private void to_network_layer(Packet packet) {

private void to_physical_layer(PFrame fm) {
    System.out.println("SWP: Sending frame: seq = " + fm.seq
            + " ack = " + fm.ack + " kind = "
            + PFrame.KIND[fm.kind] + " info = " +;

private void from_physical_layer(PFrame fm) {
    PFrame fm1 = swe.from_physical_layer();
    fm.kind = fm1.kind;
    fm.seq = fm1.seq;
    fm.ack = fm1.ack; =;

//implement my mehtods here

boolean no_nak = true; // no acknowledgement request
private Packet in_buf[] = new Packet[NR_BUFS]; // buffers for the inbound stream
Timer[] f_timer = new Timer[NR_BUFS];
Timer ack_timer;

public void disable_network_layer(){
    //network layer is not permitted to send if nothing is avaliable

 public void send_frame(int framekind, int frame_nr, int frame_expected, Packet[] buffer) {
    /*construct and send a data,ack,nak frame*/
    PFrame frame = new PFrame();
    frame.kind = framekind;
    if (framekind == PFrame.DATA) { = buffer[frame_nr % NR_BUFS];
    frame.seq = frame_nr;
    frame.ack = (frame_expected + MAX_SEQ) % (MAX_SEQ + 1);
    if (framekind == PFrame.DATA) {
        no_nak = false;
    if (framekind == PFrame.DATA) {

public static int inc(int num) {
    num = ((num + 1) % (MAX_SEQ + 1));
    return num;

private static boolean between(int seq_nr_a, int seq_nr_b, int seq_nr_c) {
    int a = seq_nr_a;
    int b = seq_nr_b;
    int c = seq_nr_c;
    return ((a <= b) && (b < c)) || ((c < a) && (a <= b)) || ((b < c) && (c < a));

//implement the protocol 6 on selective repeat here
public void protocol6() {
    int ack_expected = 0;
    int next_frame_to_send = 0;
    int frame_expected = 0;
    int too_far = NR_BUFS;//winodw size
    //grant credits to the network layer based on the window size
    PFrame frame = new PFrame();//scratch variable
    int i;//index of the buffer pools
    for(i = 0;i < NR_BUFS;i++){
        arrived[i] = false;
    while(true) {	
   switch(event.type) {
      case (PEvent.NETWORK_LAYER_READY):
              from_network_layer(out_buf[next_frame_to_send % NR_BUFS]);
              //send a frame when the data is ready
              next_frame_to_send = inc(next_frame_to_send);
      case (PEvent.FRAME_ARRIVAL ):
              //start of acknowledgement
              if(frame.kind == PFrame.DATA){
               if((frame.seq != frame_expected) && no_nak){
                    //check if falls between the sliding windows
              if(between(frame_expected,frame.seq,too_far) && arrived[frame.seq % NR_BUFS] == false){
                        //accept the frame in any order
                        arrived[frame.seq % NR_BUFS] = true;//mark buffer as full
                        in_buf[frame.seq % NR_BUFS] =;
                        while(arrived[frame_expected % NR_BUFS]){
                            to_network_layer(in_buf[frame_expected % NR_BUFS]);
                            no_nak = true;
                            arrived[frame_expected % NR_BUFS] = false;
                            frame_expected = inc(frame_expected);
                            too_far = inc(too_far);
              if((frame.kind == PFrame.NAK) && between(ack_expected,inc(frame.ack),next_frame_to_send)){
                  stop_timer(ack_expected % NR_BUFS);
                  ack_expected =  inc(ack_expected);
          case (PEvent.CKSUM_ERR): 
          case (PEvent.TIMEOUT): 
               send_frame(PFrame.ACK,0,frame_expected,out_buf); /*ack timer expired;send ack */
	   System.out.println("SWP: undefined event type = " + event.type); 


private void start_timer(int seq) { stop_timer(seq); //create new timer and new timertask f_timer[seq % NR_BUFS] = new Timer(); //schedule the task for execution after 200ms f_timer[seq % NR_BUFS].schedule(new f_task(seq), 200); }

private void stop_timer(int seq) { if (f_timer[seq % NR_BUFS] != null) { f_timer[seq % NR_BUFS].cancel(); f_timer[seq % NR_BUFS] = null; } } private void start_ack_timer( ) { stop_ack_timer();

    //starts another timer for sending separate ack
    ack_timer = new Timer();
    ack_timer.schedule(new ack_task(), 50);


private void stop_ack_timer() { if (ack_timer != null) { ack_timer.cancel(); ack_timer = null; } } class ack_task extends TimerTask {

    public void run() {
        //stop timer

class f_task extends TimerTask {

    private int seq;

    public f_task(int seq) {
        this.seq = seq;

    public void run() {
        //stops this timer, discarding any scheduled tasks for the current seq
//create test cases from the main method

public static void main(String[] args) {
    /*test method and the class*/
    int[] position = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
    System.out.println("Current Next");
    for (int i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
        System.out.println(position[i] + " " + inc(position[i]));
    System.out.println("Running Test Case to check if in between the values");
    int[][] inbetween = {{1, 2, 9}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 10, 6}, {7, 6, 3}};
    for (int a = 0; a < inbetween.length; a++) {
        int[] value = inbetween[a];
        System.out.println(value[0] + " " + value[1] + " " + value[2]
                + " " + between(value[0], value[1], value[2]));


Source Folders: EventQueue.class Forwarder.class FrameHandler.class NetSim.class NetworkReceiver.class NetworkSender.class Packet.class PacketQueue.class PEvent.class PFrame.class PFrameMsg.class SWE.class SWP$ack_task.class SWP$f_task.class SWP.class

Send Files send_file_1.txt send_file_2.txt

Edited Files

Package Used In SWP: Java.util.Timer Java.util.TimerTask

File to run: java NetSim [1-3] to set the quality level of transmission java VMach [1-2] virtual machine to run the files

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