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Inochi Creator script

This script will generate the dependency lists for inochi-creator, using as reference the commit hash from the ./com.inochi2d.inochi-creator.yml file.

Verification stage

  • Extract the commit hash from the ./com.inochi2d.inochi-creator.yml file (checkout target)
  • The next part of the process can be skipped if you use the -f/--force argument.
    • If it's not a nightly build and a .dep_target file exists.
      • Extract the commit hash from .dep_target.
      • If both hashes are the same, then the process exits with err code 1.

Download Stage

  • Clears the working folder (./
  • Clones inochi-creator repository.
  • Checkouts the commit hash from the checkout target.
  • Clones all the forked repositories into the deps folder.
  • If its not a nightly build, then it sincronizes the deps with the inochi-creator repo through the following steps.
    • Checkout the latest tag for inochi-creator.
    • Check the date from inochi-creator's latest tag head.
    • For each repo find the latest commit before the date of the latest tag's head.
    • Checkout that commit.
  • Fix the tag for inochi2d if it's broken.
  • Checkout semver version required for gitver.

Build Stage

  • Add all the forked repositories as local dependencies for the inochi-creator project.
  • Run dub describe to download the dependencies and list the required versions on dub.selections.json.

Process Stage

  • Get from flatpak-builder-tools.
  • Run through the processed dub.selections.json to generate dub-add-local-sources.json.
    • Adds the gitver and semver repositories.
    • Replace all the forked libraries with the propper git repositories and commit hashes.
  • If it's a nightly build, it will remove the .dep_target file.
    • If its not, it will store the checkout target to the .dep_target file.