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  • CLI Utility to query/manage TFE based on tfe-cli


  • Copy the binary (either Windows or Linux) to a path on your machine. Add the .exe extension if using it on Windows
    PS> .\tfectl.exe
    Query TFE from the command line.
      tfectl [command]
    Available Commands:
      completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
      help        Help about any command
      run         Manage TFE runs
      team        Manage TFE teams
      variable    Manage TFE workspace variables
      workspace   Manage TFE workspaces
      -h, --help                  help for tfectl
      -l, --log string            log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic)
      -o, --organization string   terraform organization or set TFE_ORG
      -q, --query string          JMESPath compatible query to parse JSON output
      -t, --token string          terraform token or set TFE_TOKEN
      -v, --version               version for tfectl
    Use "tfectl [command] --help" for more information about a command.


  • TFE_ADDRESS: TFE URL defaults to
  • TFE_ORG: TFE Organization
  • TFE_TOKEN: token with read access to Organization specified in TFE_ORG
  • Additionally TFE_ORG and TFE_TOKEN variables can be passed via CLI


  • To see available options
# /sbin/tfectl --help
Query TFE from the command line.

  tfectl [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  run         Manage TFE runs
  team        Manage TFE teams
  variable    Manage TFE workspace variables
  workspace   Manage TFE workspaces

  -h, --help                  help for tfectl
  -l, --log string            log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic)
  -o, --organization string   terraform organization or set TFE_ORG
  -q, --query string          JMESPath compatible query to parse JSON output
  -t, --token string          terraform token or set TFE_TOKEN
  -v, --version               version for tfectl

Use "tfectl [command] --help" for more information about a command.


  • List

    • Run with no arguments returns workspaceName and workspaceID for all workspaces in org
    • Run with --filter
      $ tfectl workspace list --filter workspace-1
          "name": "workspace-1",
          "id": "ws-RZP914jsX1Hmc9Yo"
          "locked": false,
          "execution_mode": "remote",
          "terraform_version": "1.3.0"
    • Run with --detail
      $ tfectl workspace list --filter workspace-1 --detail
          "name": "workspace-1",
          "id": "ws-RZP914jsX1Hmc9Yo",
          "locked": false,
          "terraform_version": "1.3.0",
          "created_days_ago": "819.167082",
          "updated_days_ago": "2.279692",
          "last_remote_run_days_ago": "2.281231",
          "last_state_update_days_ago": "30.174812"
  • Lock/Unlock

    • Run with a comma-separated string of workspaceIDs or a workspaceName filter (mutually exclusive)
      $ tfectl workspace lock --ids ws-SxWNNcYPkLD48ZC7
          "id": "ws-SxWNNcYPkLD48ZC7",
          "locked": true,
          "name": "test-workspace-1"
    • Operation can be run against a workspace that is already locked
      $ tfectl workspace lock --filter dev-workspace
          "id": "ws-5xUNCXVKrryoPcEp",
          "locked": true,
          "name": "dev-workspace"
    • Optionally the lock operation takes a --reason argument
  • Lock All/ Unlock All

    • Locks/Unlocks all workspaces in the specified org
      $ tfectl workspace lockall
          "id": "ws-SxWNNcYPkLD48ZC7",
          "locked": true,
          "name": "test-workspace-1"
          "id": "ws-LXkPCWnJKJ1FSgjs",
          "locked": true,
          "name": "uat-workspace"
          "id": "ws-E9o8VitHDAvCp3wj",
          "locked": true,
          "name": "uat-2-workspace"
          "id": "ws-5xUNCXVKrryoPcEp",
          "locked": true,
          "name": "dev-workspace"


  • run sub-command lets you manage runs against one or more workspaces

  • Bulk Queue

    • Bulk queue plans against one or many workspaces
      $ tfectl run queue --filter workspace-sandbox
          "id": "run-pX9Lrq5KCrsgCYFH",
          "workspace_id": "ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ",
          "workspace_name": "workspace-sandbox",
          "status": "pending"
  • Apply runs

    • Apply pending plans - takes a comma-separated-string of runIDs
      $ tfectl run apply --ids run-UowKQd1cF7bgNfCp
          "id": "run-UowKQd1cF7bgNfCp",
          "workspace_id": "ws-N2qoyJxF1TkfeRYy",
          "workspace_name": "test-workspace-2",
          "status": "applying"
  • Query runs

    • Query/Get run-details from runIDs
      $ tfectl run get --ids run-UowKQd1cF7bgNfCp
          "id": "run-UowKQd1cF7bgNfCp",
          "workspace_id": "ws-N2qoyJxF1TkfeRYy",
          "workspace_name": "test-workspace-2",
          "status": "applied"


  • CRUD operations on workspace variables

  • Query/List workspace variables

      $ tfectl variable list --workspace-filter workspace-sandbox
          "workspace_id": "ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ",
          "workspace_name": "workspace-sandbox",
          "variables": [
              "id": "var-RH7Q9pyD8gtgabtz",
              "key": "WORKSPACE_VAR_1",
              "value": "",
              "description": "",
              "category": "env",
              "hcl": false,
              "sensitive": false
              "id": "var-wQutb5uQeSb4SwRn",
              "key": "workspace_tf_var",
              "value": "",
              "description": "",
              "category": "terraform",
              "hcl": false,
              "sensitive": true
              "id": "var-cSB5E11TRewuyfd9",
              "key": "WORKSPACE_VAR_2",
              "value": "",
              "description": "",
              "category": "env",
              "hcl": false,
              "sensitive": false
              "id": "var-SP4Lcue83mCKVvHW",
              "key": "WORKSPACE_SECRET_VAR",
              "value": "",
              "description": "",
              "category": "env",
              "hcl": false,
              "sensitive": true
  • Create new workspace variable

      $ tfectl variable create --workspace-id ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ --description "test" --key "testCLI" --value "testCLI value" --sensitive true --type terraform --hcl
        "id": "var-uCgZrzkPhis6qXTS",
        "key": "testCLI",
        "value": "",
        "description": "test",
        "category": "terraform",
        "hcl": true,
        "sensitive": true
  • Update existing workspace variable

     $ tfectl variable update --variable-id var-uCgZrzkPhis6qXTS --workspace-id ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ --value "test CLI Value 2" --key "testCLI" --hcl --sensitive true
       "id": "var-uCgZrzkPhis6qXTS",
       "key": "testCLI",
       "value": "",
       "description": "Variable Updated by tfectl",
       "category": "terraform",
       "hcl": true,
       "sensitive": true
  • Delete existing workspace variable

     $ tfectl variable delete --variable-id var-uCgZrzkPhis6qXTS --workspace-id ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ
     # Returns current variables (similar to variable list)
         "workspace_id": "ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ",
         "workspace_name": "workspace-sandbox",
         "variables": [
             "id": "var-RH7Q9pyD8gtgabtz",
             "key": "WORKSPACE_VAR_1",
             "value": "",
             "description": "",
             "category": "env",
             "hcl": false,
             "sensitive": false
             "id": "var-wQutb5uQeSb4SwRn",
             "key": "workspace_tf_var",
             "value": "",
             "description": "",
             "category": "terraform",
             "hcl": false,
             "sensitive": true
             "id": "var-cSB5E11TRewuyfd9",
             "key": "WORKSPACE_VAR_2",
             "value": "",
             "description": "",
             "category": "env",
             "hcl": false,
             "sensitive": false
             "id": "var-SP4Lcue83mCKVvHW",
             "key": "WORKSPACE_SECRET_VAR",
             "value": "",
             "description": "",
             "category": "env",
             "hcl": false,
             "sensitive": true
  • Create variables from file

     $ tfectl variable create from-file --file variables.json --workspace-id ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ
         "id": "var-oDNV14eJf9ijjcc2",
         "key": "test1",
         "value": "value1",
         "description": "Test Variable 1",
         "category": "env",
         "hcl": false,
         "sensitive": false
         "id": "var-e1vFqg3ooToLi5xR",
         "key": "test2",
         "value": "",
         "description": "Test Variable 2 - sensitive",
         "category": "env",
         "hcl": false,
         "sensitive": true


  • Using GNU Make
  make build
  • Linux
  $ CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -o tfectl_linux_x86_64
  • Windows
  $ CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -o tfectl_win_x86_64


  • see


CLI Utility to query/manage TFE/TFC







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