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Appium Tizen Driver is a test automation tool for Tizen devices. Appium Tizen Driver automates xamarin apps, tested on emulators and real devices. Appium Tizen Driver is part of the Appium mobile test automation tool.


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Appium Tizen Driver

Appium Tizen Driver is a test automation tool for Tizen devices. Appium Tizen Driver automates application tests on emulators and real devices. Appium Tizen Driver is a part of the Appium mobile test automation tool.

Getting started with Appium on Tizen devices

In this short guide we will show how to write automation for end-to-end tests of Tizen applications. We will write the automation code in JS, using to control Aurum server and Tizen device.

You can find the entire source code used in tutorial and package.json with dependencies in the example directory. You will also find the application we used for tests there - org.example.appium-test-application for x86 and armv7l architectures.

Set up Appium server

First, you need to set up Appium server. Follow this manual to do this.

To use -tizen aurum strategy in findElement you will need to apply the add_aurum_support.patch from this repo. It adds the strategy and a new automation engine (aurum) to the Appium server.

To apply the patch:

  1. Copy it to the appium repository on your PC
  2. In appium repository, issue the following command:
git am add_aurum_support.patch

Now, your Appium will be ready


Now, install the NPM package:

npm install webdriverio

You are now ready to write the tests.


In this tutorial we show how to automate interaction with an application. Use your favorite test framework (e.g. mocha to add testing logic).

Write automation code


In this tutorial we will show basic methods of interaction with an application. We don't cover all the supported commands - you will find their list here. See the Appium and docs for detailed information about all supported commands.


Import the webdriverio module:

const { remote } = require('webdriverio');

Now, start a webdriverio session by creating a browser object. It will be used to interact with the device:

const browser = await remote({
    capabilities: {
        platformName: 'tizen',
        deviceName: 'TM1', // you will find this in "sdb devices" output
        appPackage: 'org.example.appium-test-application', // full package name of the tested app
        automationName: 'Aurum', // name of the automation engine to be used
        newCommandTimeout: 600
    appPackage: 'org.example.appium-test-application', // full package name of the tested app
    path: '/wd/hub/',
    port: 4723 // port on which Appium server listens to requests

Finding elements

To interact with a specific application UI element, get it with findElement() method:

const dummyButton = await browser.findElement('-tizen aurum', JSON.stringify({textField: "Dummy button [6/10]"}))

You can use one of the standard element search strategies supported by Appium or a much more powerful -tizen aurum strategy available only for Tizen devices and applications. With -tizen aurum strategy you can specify one or more selectors from the list below:

  • elementId - EFL's element ID
  • automationId - EFL's automation ID
  • textField - the text displayed on an element
  • widgetType - the widget type, e.g. Elm_Entry
  • widgetStyle - the widget style
  • isChecked, isCheckable, isClickable, isEnabled, isFocused, isFocusable, isScrollable, isSelected, isShowing, isActive - binary (true/false) EFL attributes of the elements
  • minDepth, maxDepth - the depth of an element in the tree
  • children - nested selectors

When you specify more than one selector, e.g.: {textField: "Password", widgetType: "Elm_Entry", isFocusable: true}, Appium will search for elements that fulfill all requirements - in the case of this example.

Interaction with elements

The touchFlick() method can be used to simulate swipes on a touchscreen. It may be useful to quickly move around an application:

const dummyButton = await browser.findElement('-tizen aurum', JSON.stringify({textField: "Dummy button [6/10]"}))
await browser.touchFlick(0,// x-offset - how much to move in the x-direction
                         -800, // y-offset - how much to move in the y-direction
                         dummyButton.ELEMENT, // the element used as the start point for the swiping finger
                         40) // the speed in pixels per second

To run complex touch sequences use touchPerform. It takes an array of actions to be performed as its argument:

await browser.touchPerform([
        action: 'press',
        options: {
            x: 360,
            y: 1000
        action: 'moveTo',
        options: {
            x: 360,
            y: 1
        action: 'release',
        options: {
            x: 360,
            y: 1

When specifying such action sequences remember, that touches must start with a press action and finish with release actions. If they don't, Appium won't be able to perform movement sequence. Add as many moveTo actions as you need.

To get the text displayed on an element, use webdriverio getElementText method:

const entryJson = await browser.findElement('-tizen aurum', JSON.stringify({textField: "Entry"}))
const entryId = entryJson.ELEMENT;

const entryText = await browser.getElementText(entryId);
console.log(`Entry button text: ${entryText}`);

See the documentation of other get* Appium methods to learn how to get other properties.

Use the click method to easily click elements:

const singlelineEntryJson = await browser.findElement('-tizen aurum', JSON.stringify({textField: "Singleline Entry"}))
const singlelineEntry = browser.$(singlelineEntryJson);

Finally, if you want to set a value of an element, use the setValue method:

const entryField = browser.$(await browser.findElement('-tizen aurum', JSON.stringify({widgetType: "Elm_Entry"})));
await entryField.setValue('test text string');

Terminating a session

Remember to terminate an Appium session after tests. Use deleteSession method to do this:

await browser.deleteSession()


  • getAttribute
  • click
  • touchUp
  • touchDown
  • touchMove
  • touchLongClick
  • getLocation
  • getLocationInView
  • getText
  • elementEnabled
  • elementDisplayed
  • getSize
  • setValue
  • setValueImmediate
  • clear
  • replaceValue
  • flick
  • pullFile
  • pushFile
  • takeScreenShot
  • getScreenshotData
  • getScreenshot
  • doFindElementOrEls
  • findElOrEls
  • getAutomationId
  • getDeviceTime
  • inputText
  • pressHardwareKey
  • back
  • installApp
  • removeApp
  • isAppInstalled
  • launchApp
  • startApp
  • closeApp
  • isStartedApp
  • doTouchAction
  • performTouch



Use npm to install all dependencies. From the directory containing package.json run:

npm install


This project uses for automation of builds, tests and linter.

You can install gulp by issuing:

npm install -g gulp

The gulp config used for this project can be found here: and in

gulp test

To run unit tests you need org.tizen.elm-demo-tizen-mobile application installed on the device under test. The app: armv7l device, x86 emulator.

Call gulp unit-test to run unit tests from test/ directory.

The tests are implemented with framework and use asserts from

You may want to run only selected tests. To do this, add .only to chosen describes or its, e.g.:

describe.only('some test suite, we want to run', function () {

// Within some test suite
  it.only('should should be executed', function () {

You can also disable tests by adding .skip to describes, its, e.g.:

  it.skip('won't be run this time', function () {

gulp eslint

To run auto-linter issue:

gulp eslint

If you want eslint to automatically fix problems, run:

gulp eslint --fix


This implementation of Appium driver uses aurum as its backend.

Aurum project delivers:

  • aurum system library for Tizen devices
  • org.tizen.aurum-bootstrap Tizen application. It implements a server that receives gRPC commands from PC and manipulates the application in response to these requests.

Programs running on PC (test scripts) communicate with the bootstrap app over TCP port 50051, usually forwarded by SDB. PC programs call remote procedures in bootstrap app using gRPC protocol. All messages sent between PC and devices under test are serialized in Protocol Buffers format.

The communication protocol is defined in lib/commands/aurum.proto file in this repo.

The JS code for communication with bootstrap application (aurum_pb.js and aurum_grpc_pb.js) is generated from lib/commands/aurum.proto using lib/commands/ script. See these docs to learn how to use auto-generated JS code: protobuf, grpc.


Appium Tizen Driver is a test automation tool for Tizen devices. Appium Tizen Driver automates xamarin apps, tested on emulators and real devices. Appium Tizen Driver is part of the Appium mobile test automation tool.







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  • JavaScript 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%