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Express Finance

A simple stocks portfolio performance tracker.

About the application

Web application for portfolio, tracking stocks, markets, and financial news. Real-Time stock, currencies and crypto information using Finnhub Stock API. The free API allows for access to several features like company news, basic financials, company earnings, crypto exchanges and symbols etc. Visit for more information.

Link to application


  • Users can login and create a portfolio containing a list of stocks they own and view a snapshot of how their portfolio is perfmorming.
  • Users can create a watchlist of stocks they are interested in.
  • User can read financial news about the company.

Setting up the project

The application uses the following technologies/frameworks :

  • axios
  • node/express/ejs/express-ejs-layouts
  • postgresql

Additional node packages are also needed :

  • finnhub.js
  • sequelize
  • dotenv

Run npm install to install all dependencies

You will need the following keys in the .env file.

  • PORT - describes the port you are using
  • SECRET_KEY - for encrypting userid
  • API_TOKEN - API token key. the token can be obtained for free at
  • SANDBOX_API_TOKEN - sandbox API token key for testing endpoints. also from
  • ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY - API token from This is used for searching stocks.
  • STOCKDATA_TOKEN - API token from


  • The application is using PostgreSQL. Postgresql should be installed. Once installed, create a new database named express_finance
  • Run the sequelize scripts in createModel.txt to create models.

A free API key must be obtained from This API key will be stored in the .env file. (Read Changes section at the bottom of the page.)


an imbedded png ERD

Table definitions :

field name data type description
id serial_primary_key primary key
username varchar(255) user generated user name. unique
firstname varchar(25) user first name
lastname varchar(25) user last name
email varchar(50) email address
password varchar(255) user password
status varchar(1) user status. active or disabled
field name data type description
id serial_primary_key primary key
userId foreign_key linked to user table pk
portfolioname varchar(50) portfolio name
dateadded date creation date of portfolio
portfoliocontent (renamed to portofliodetail)
field name data type description
id serial_primary_key primary key
portfolioId foreign_key linked to portfolio table pk
stockname varchar(255) stock name
symbol varchar(10) stock symbol
stockcount integer(8) number of this stock in the portfolio (renamed to stockcount)
dateadded date date added to portfolio
field name data type description
id serial_primary_key primary key
userId foreign_key linked to user table pk
portofliocontentId foreign_key linked to portfoliocontentId table pk
transdate date transaction date
symbol varchar(10) stock symbol
transtype varchar(1) transaction type. buy or sell
stockcount integer (8) number of stocks bought or sold in the transaction (renamed to quantity)
price double (changed to decimal(10,2)) purchase price of stock
field name data type description
id serial_primary_key primary key
userId foreign_key linked to user table pk
stockname varchar(255) stock name
symbol varchar(10) stock symbol
dateadded date date stock added to watchlist

RESTful Routing Chart

Method Path Description
GET / Home page
GET /register Registers a new account
POST /login Login page
GET /lookup Search stocks
GET /results/:id Displays results
POST /portfolio create a new portofolio
POST /portofolio/:id/usertransactions Add stocks to portfolio (modified)
POST /watchlist/:id add stock to watchlist
GET /company/id display company profile
DELETE /portofolio/:id remove stock from portfolio (Changed. Deletes portfolio)
DELETE /watchlist/:id remove stock from watchlist
GET /logout logout

Application structure

Home page

  • Displays financial news
  • If user has not logged in, a Login and Register button/link will be displayed.
  • If user is logged in, a Logout button/link will be displayed.

Login page

  • A username and password fields, and a submit button will be displayed.
  • A successful login will take them to their dashboard.

Register page

  • If the user has no account, they will be asked to register one.

  • The following information will be required to create an account :

      1. Username (this will be used as for logins)
      2. First Name 
      3. Last Name
      4. Email address
      5. Password
  • Once an account is successfuly created, they will be redirected to their dashboard.


  • The dashboard displays the user's account information, list of porfolios and watchlist.

Portfolios page

  • Displays the stocks in the portfolio.
  • Shows information about how the stocks are performing.

Watchlist page

  • Displays the stocks in the user's watchlist.
  • Shows information about how the stocks are performing.

Search stocks

  • This is tied to the search bar in the navigation. Any searches done will be displayed here.
  • Buttons to add to Portfolio or Watchlist will diplayed beside the results.
  • Links to each stock information will be available here.

Company profile

  • This will display the company's financial information as well as stock prices.

Other page elements

  • Contains website logo
  • Search bar for stock prices
Navigation bar
  • Menu for navigating the website.
  • Menu might inlcude links to the Home page, News page, Portfolio page, Dashboard, Login/Register, and Logout.
  • Localized current date and time


Home page Home Page

Login page Login page

Registration page Registration Page

Stock search Search results

portfolio Portfolio page

Watchlist page Watchhlist

company profile page Company Profile

Dashboard User's dashboard

User Stories

  • As a user, I would like to be able to log in.
  • As a user, I would like to be able to add stocks I currently own in a portfolio to be tracked.
  • As a user, I woule like to be able to add stocks I am interested in a watchlist.


  1. Creation of registration and login page. All data will be stored in PostgresSql.
  2. Search and save stocks to portfolio and/or watchlist.
  3. Display stock prices.
  4. Show performance of stocks in the portfolio.

Stretch goals

  1. Show real-time stock prices in company profile page. (Done)
  2. Add a crypto portfolio.


  1. User can now register and login. User can logout and clear session.
  2. User can create portfolios.
  3. User can search stocks and add to portfolio.
  4. News are published when clicking thet NEWS link in the navigation
  5. Performance of each stock can be viewed in portfolio.
  6. Watchlist contains current prices of stocks.
  7. User can edit account details.


  1. Renamed table/model portfoliocontent to portfoliodetail
  2. Renamed table/model usertransactions to usertransaction
  3. Renamed column portfoliocontentId to portfoliodetailsId in usertransaction table/model.
  4. Renamed column stockcount to quantity in usertransaction table/model.
  5. Renamed column stockcount to quantity in portfoliodetail table/model.
  6. Changed datatype of price in usertransaction table/model from integer to decimal(10,2)
  7. Stocks will not be removed from porfolio. Instead, it will be closed after selling all.
  8. Majority of the API endpoints are from

RESTful routes changes/additions

Method Path Description
POST /portfolio/add Adds a portofolio
GET /portfolio/details/:id Renders details.ejs. This is to list stocks in selected portfolio
GET /portfolio/to?symbol Renders addstock.ejs. Displays form for adding stock to a portfolio
POST /portfolio/add_stock/?symbol Adds stocks to portfolio
GET /news Renders news.ejs. Displays finance news
GET /watchlist/addstock?symbol Adds stock to watchlist. Page redirected to /watchlist. This is the page view of watchlist.
GET /user Opens account information with form to edit details.
PUT /user Updates account information.
DELETE /portofolio/:id remove stock from portfolio (Changed. Deletes portfolio)
POST /portofolio/:id/usertransactions Add stocks to portfolio (modified)


  • Create watchlist table/model.
  • List stocks of a selected portfolio.
  • List stock of watchlist.
  • Display portfolio performance.
  • Create company profile page. Shows news, stock quotes.


  1. Added Intra-day chart


Express Finance is a simple personal stocks portfolio tracker.






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