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A decorator around the sql extension API, gives powerful tools to create fixture data for tests quickly.

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SQL Data Mods Codeship Status for forceedge01/sql-api-wrapper

The idea is to declutter the framework by separating logic that relates to data manipulation in the database vs interactions on the web interface. This extension provides a framework where you will configure how your database tables will be interacted with and provide a very easy context class that leverages this configuration to manipulate the data for you.

Release details:

Major: Initialize context through initializer using the extensions channel.

Minor: Post create hook introduced. Allow extra data to be supplied for auxiliary records.

Patch: NA.

Tools provided by this package:

  • DataModSQLContext - Use your data mods directly with step defintions provided by this class. Just register with the behat.yml file and you are good to go.
  • Decorated API BaseProvider Class - for advanced and easy integration with data modules.
  • DataRetriever class - Retrieve data in a robust way and make a solid foundation for your test framework quickly.


# Insert single entry for a datamod.
Given I have a "User" fixture
# OR with specific data
Given I have a "User" fixture with the following data set:
| name  | Wahab Qureshi              |
| email | |

# Insert multiple entries for a datamod.
Given I have multiple "User" fixtures with the following data sets:
| name           | email                      |
| Wahab Qureshi  | |
| Sabhat Qureshi | |
| Jawad Qureshi  |    |

The createFixture call will attempt to delete the existing record before it creates another one so you always end up with a fresh copy. As easy as it sounds, foreign key constraints may not let that happen. In cases like these you can disable foreign key checks on the test database (most of the time you won't need to do this).


composer require --dev genesis/sql-api-wrapper

Sample configurating in the behat.yml file:

                - Genesis\SQLExtensionWrapper\DataModSQLContext:
                    debug: false # 1 for all debug, 2 for only SQL queries.
                    userUniqueRef: aq # Optional
                engine: mysql # mssql, pgsql, sqlite
                host: localhost
                port: 1234
                dbname: mydb
                username: root
                password: root
                schema: myschema
                dbprefix: dev_
            dataModMapping: # Optional
                "*": \QuickPack\DataMod\ # Configure path for all data mods using *.
                "User": \QuickPack\DataMod\User\User # Configure single data mod.

debug - Turns debugging on off. userUniqueRef: Appends the string onto first column of data provided to the fixture step definitions if its a string. This is so every user has its own unique data if multiple users are targeting a single database. connectionDetails: Your database connection details. dataModMapping: Point where your dataMods are via the namespace. (Optional)

Please note: The extension expects you to have your dataMods located in the features/bootstrap/DataMod folder. If you have a different mapping to this, you will have to define your autoload strategy in the composer.json file or manually require the files in. You can set the mapping in php like so:

You can register the context file through php as well.

use Behat\Testwork\Hook\Scope\BeforeSuiteScope;
use Genesis\SQLExtensionWrapper\DataModSQLContext;
use Genesis\SQLExtensionWrapper\BaseProvider;

class FeatureContext
     * @BeforeSuite
    public static function loadDataModSQLContext(BeforeSuiteScope $scope)
            'engine' => 'dblib',
            'name' => 'databaseName',
            'schema' => 'dbo',
            'prefix' => 'dev_',
            'host' => 'myhost',
            'port' => '1433',
            'username' => 'myUsername',
            'password' => 'myPassword'

        // Default path is \\DataMod\\ which points to features/DataMod/, override this way.
            '*' => '\\Custom\\DataMod\\'

            ['debug' => false]

BaseProvide Class

The wrapper provides with powerful tools around the behat-sql-extension API class. Methods provided:

  • createFixture(array $data = [], string $uniqueColumn = null) // Recreates a record for fresh usage. Overridable from data mod.
  • getSingle(array $where) // Returns a single record defined by the mapping.
  • getColumn(string $column, array $where) // Returns a single column value from the database.
  • getValue(string $key) // Get key value based on mapping.
  • truncate() // Truncates a table.
  • subSelect(string $column, array $where) // Provides the ability to sub select a column for any query.
  • rawSubSelect(string $table, string $column, array $where) // Provides the ability to sub select a column for any query without a data mod.
  • saveSession(string $primaryKey) // Save the current session for later re-use.
  • restoreSession() // Restore the session saved by saveSession.
  • getRequiredData(array $data, string $key, boolean $format) // Extended: Extracts value from an array.
  • getOptionalData(array $data, string $key, mixed $default = null, boolean $format = false) // Extended: Optional value from an array, provide default otherwise.
  • getFieldMapping(string $key) // Extended: Get field mapping provided in the getDataMapping method.
  • getKeyword(string $key) // Get the keyword for mapped key.

Note: All methods provided by the wrapper are static, because they have a global state - we don't need to instantiate this wrapper.

Example usage

Creating a DataMod to use in your context files. This is as easy as just extending the BaseProvider class from your dataMods.

# User.php

namespace QuickPack\DataMod\User;

use Genesis\SQLExtensionWrapper\BaseProvider;

class User extends BaseProvider
     * Returns the base table to interact with.
     * @return string
    public static function getBaseTable()
        // Ridiculous naming as we find with most databases.
        return 'MySuperApplication.MyUsersNew';

     * Returns the data mapping for the base table. This is the data that is allowed to be passed in
     * to the data mod. <input> => <mapping>
     * Note any column mapped to '*' is excluded from the queries and only is a part of the data passed around.
     * @return array
    public static function getDataMapping()
        return [
            'id' => 'user_id',
            'name' => 'f_name',
            'email' => 'electronic_address',
            'dateOfBirth' => 'd_o_b',
            'gender' => 'gender',
            'status' => 'real_status',
            'anythingElse' => '*',
            'somethingElse' => '*',

Using DataMods in PHP Code

You can now use your data mods as above or directly using PHP code in step definitions. Using your UserDataMod in your context file.

# FeatureContext.php

use Exception;
use QuickPack\DataMod\User\User;

 * Ideally you would want to separate the data step definitions from interactive/assertive step definitions.
 * This is for demonstration only.
class FeatureContext
     * @Given I have a User
     * Use the API to create a fixture user.
    public function createUser()
        // This will create a fixture user.
        // The name will be set to 'Wahab Qureshi'. The rest of the fields if required by the database will be autofilled
        // with fixture data, if they are nullable, null will be stored.
        // If the record exists already, it will be deleted based on the 'name' key provided.
            'name' => 'Wahab Qureshi'
        ], 'name');

     * @Given I have (number) User(s)
     * Use the API to create random 10 users.
    public function create10Users($count)
        // Save this user's session.

        // Create 10 random users.
        for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
            // Store the ids created for these users maybe?
            $this->userIds[] = User::createFixture();

        // Restore session of the user we created above.

     * @Given I should see a User
     * Use the API to retrieve the user created.
    public function assertUserOnPage()
        // Assumptions - we ran the following before running this command:
        // Given I have a User
        // And I have 10 Users

        // Retrieve data created, this will reference the user created by 'Given I have a User' as the session was preserved.
        $id = User::getValue('id');
        $name = User::getValue('name');
        $dateOfBirth = User::getValue('dateOfBirth');
        $gender = User::getValue('gender');

        // Assert that data is on the page.

     * @Given I should see (number) User(s) in the list
     * Consumption of the users created above. For illustration purposes only.
    public function assertUserOnPage($number)
        $usersList = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('css', '#usersListContainer li');
        $actualCount = count($usersList);

        if ($number !== $actualCount) {
            throw new Exception("Expected to have '$number' users, got '$actualCount'");

Advanced DataModding

You can further extend your DataMod with other methods like so:


namespace QuickPack\DataMod\User;

use Genesis\SQLExtensionWrapper\BaseProvider;

class User extends BaseProvider

     * Special Method: Use this method to create auxiliary data off the initial create. This is suitable
     * for creating data where the tables are fragmented.
     * @param int $id The id of the created record.
     * @param array $data The data that was originally passed to create.
     * @return void
    public static function postCreateHook($id, array $data)

     * Special Method: This method if implemented is merged with the data provided.
     * Any data provided overwrites the default data.
     * This is a good opportunity to set foreign key values using the subSelect call.
     * @param array $data The data passed in to the data mod.
     * @return array
    public static function getDefaults(array $data)
        return [
            'dateOfBirth' => '1989-05-10',
            'gender' => Gender::subSelect('type', ['id' => 1])

     * Method uses subSelect to intelligently select the Id of the status and updates the user record.
     * This is a common case where you want your feature files to be descriptive and won't just pass in id's, use
     * descriptive names instead and infer values in the lower layers.
     * @param string $status The status name (enabled/disabled).
     * @param int $userId The user to update.
     * @return void
    public static function updateStatusById($status, $userId)
        self::update(self::getBaseTable(), [
            'status' => BaseProvider::rawSubSelect('Status', 'id', ['name' => $status])
        ], [
            'id' => $userId

The getDefaults() method is special, it will be called automatically if it exists. It allows you to set default values for any column. An example could be a boolean flag of some sort that you don't want to keep defining or want to override optionally. Another example could be setting foreign keys correctly.

Build dynamic URLs

You can use the getKeyword call provided by the BaseProvider class to get a reference for a key defined on a dataMod. For example

// We want to create a user and have its id placed in the URL such as '/user/<id>/', so we can visit the page.

// Normally with the above data mod configuration and behat-sql-extension you need to do the following:
$routes = [
    'user' => '/user/{MySuperApplication.MyUsersNew.user_id}/'

// Having a data mod gives you a way to abstract any table information 
// by just referencing the data mod itself. The above can be re-written as:
$routes = [
    'user' => '/user/' . User::getKeyword('id') . '/'

Just keep on using your standard visit page step definition using the genesis/test-routing

     * @Given I am on the :arg1 page
     * @Given I visit the :arg1 page
    public function iAmOnThePage($arg1)
        $url = Routing::getRoute($arg1, function ($url) {
            return BaseProvider::getApi()->get('keyStore')->parseKeywordsInString($url);

Advanced Integrations

To use a different version of the Api, you will have to make good use of polymorphism. Extend the BaseProvider in your project and implement the abstract method getAPI(). This method needs to return an object that implements Genesis\SQLExtension\Context\Interfaces\APIInterface.

# BaseDataMod.php

use Genesis\SQLExtensionWrapper\BaseProvider;
use Genesis\SQLExtension\Context;

 * Serves as a base class for your own project, makes refactoring easier if you decide to inject your own version of 
 * the API.
abstract class BaseDataMod extends BaseProvider
     * @var array The connection details the API expects.
    public static $connectionDetails;

     * @var Context\Interfaces\APIInterface
    private static $sqlApi;

     * @return Context\Interfaces\APIInterface
    public static function getAPI()
        if (! self::$sqlApi) {
            self::$sqlApi = new Context\API(
                new Context\DBManager(Context\DatabaseProviders\Factory(), self::$connectionDetails),
                new Context\SQLBuilder(),
                new Context\LocalKeyStore(),
                new Context\SQLHistory()

        return self::$sqlApi;

Then extend your data mods from the above class instead.

Data Retriever Class

The data retriever class makes it easy to work with test data sets and provide enough context around parameters passed around. We all know using array's are a pain. To ease the pain ever so slightly we have the following calls:

  • getRequiredData($searchArray, $key) // Implicit data conversion, throws exception when data not provided.
  • getOptionalData($searchArray, $key, $defaultValue, $format) // Explicit data conversion.

To ease the pain of working with TableNodes, here are some calls:

  • loopMultiTable($tableNode, callbackFunction)
  • loopSingleTable($tableNode, callbackFunction)
  • loopPageFieldsTable($tableNode, callbackFunction)
  • transformTableNodeToSingleDataSet($tableNode)
  • transformTableNodeToMultiDataSets($tableNode)

Data conversion built in for most common data types:

  • getFormattedValue($value, $fieldName) // Follows the following rules
| Fieldname | Conversion                | More info                                                        |
| %Date%    | Format to Y-m-d H:i:s     | This is particularly useful with dynamic dates such as yesterday |
| %Amount%  | To pence, Multiply by 100 | User friendly input such as 100 amount equals 10000 pence        |

Using a Bridge

You can also set a bridge between your framework data modules and the wrapper. Your bridge must implement the Genesis\SQLExtensionWrapper\BridgeInterface to work. You can register your bridge like so:

class FeatureContext
    public function __construct()
        $bridgeObject = new DoctrineBridge();


To get started with development of this project:

When in the root of the project run

dep use

Then run

dep project:dev

The above will init and download the vagrant box as the submodule, get the box running, and perform a composer install within.

Running unit tests:

dep project:test

This will run the unit tests within the vagrant box.


A decorator around the sql extension API, gives powerful tools to create fixture data for tests quickly.






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