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Web application that allows the management of groups of movies and users.

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CMDB - Chelas Movies Database

Home page

This project aims to allow, through our web interface, the ability to create, edit, and delete groups of movies. Groups management, including customization, requires the user to be logged in. Without requiring a valid authentication, the user can search the most popular movies, get the details of a specific movie or search a movie by an expression of their choice instead.

Our API was built by making use of some of the operations provided by the IMDb API.

Our server provides data access support for data stored in internal memory or in a elastic search database.

Our website lacks cross-browser compatibility and was not built to be screen responsive, therefore there may be some inconsistencies. The website supports pagination.

The whole project was a key evaluation point of the Introduction to Web Development course in the CSE undergraduate program of ISEL.

Table of Contents

Website pages preview

Popular movies page
Popular movies page
Groups page
Groups page
Movies page
Movies page
Movie details page
Movie details page

Application Structure

The application is divided in two major components.

  • The server component is responsible for implementing most of the application, such as data access, manipulation and storage, the management of the HTTP requests and responses, and internal error translation.
  • The client component is responsible for all the logic surrounding a client interaction, namely logging in or registering a new user.

Data Access

  • Elastic Search - Provides data access to a Elastic Search database. Consists of several sub-modules that know Elastic Search HTTP API.

  • Internal Memory - Provides data access to internal memory stored data in the local data package files.

  • Fetch - Provides access to two fetch modules implementations:

    • Local fetch - simulates a fetch operation, in order to mimic environmental conditions and work without any limitations.
    • Node Fetch - represents the node-fetch module used to retrieve resources from a container in the web.
  • Util - Provides access to auxiliary functions, including file operations such as asynchronous read and write. The only current format supported is JSON.

  • IMDb Movies - Provides access to the IMDb API.

Data Local

This module stores data regarding groups, users and IMDb queries output in a local environment as JSON files.

Data Manipulation

This module is responsible to map the received data with the CMDB internal data structure by providing functions and classes for this purpose. The functions that allows for pagination can also be found within.


Implements all internal errors that the application may have, each of which is indicated by a unique identifier.

  • The following image presents the mentioned errors:
    let errorCodes =  {


This module serves as a bridge between the Web and the Data Access modules. The services provided by the application are divided in two modules:

  • General - Contains all the logic of each of the application's functionalities. This module also verifies if the user has a valid token before allowing access to services functions and subsequent data management.

  • Users - Manages application users services, namely requesting user creation and retrieving user data.


  • These next two modules handle the HTTP requests and invoke the operations on the corresponding Services modules.

    • API - Provides a Web API that follows the REST principles. The response format is in JSON.

    • Site - Presents the user interface structure by rendering HTML views used in each of the website pages. The division of the modules is as follows:

      • General - Verifies if the user has a HTTP cookie to confirm that a login has been made before allowing access to the Services functionalities that require user authentication.
      • Users - This module implements the Passport and Express-Session modules integration in the application. It is also responsible for the login and logout logic, information extraction from HTML forms, validation and evaluation of the login status, and more.
      • Views - Contains all the views and partial views to be rendered by the website modules. The view engine used is the HandleBars semantic templates.
      • Assets - Contains all the resources that maintain the website functionality and appearance.
  • Handle Request - Module that exports the HTTP request handler. This handler simply channels to the received functions what to do in case of a request success and failure, respectively.

  • HTTP Error Responses - This module is responsible for the application internal errors translation into HTTP error responses.


This module creates an Express node application, initializes all of its modules, including data access, services and web, and registers middlewares used within the application's sub-modules routes.


This module provides the ability to dynamic import other modules conditionally, according to the received configuration object values.


The entry point of the Application, this module is responsible for the application launch settings where a config object is used. An example can be seen below.

const config = {
    server: {
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 1904,
    fetch: 'local', 
    database: elastic

To launch the server, see Run Server commands.


This module includes all of the unit and integration tests. It was also added the PostMan API workspace that was used to perform client testing for our API and Elastic Search's. To run the test scripts, see Run Tests commands.


This module combines all of the server documentation, including OpenAPI specification in yaml format and resources used in other documents, including this report.

Data storage design


Each CMDB user consists of:

  • id - user internal identifier (provided by the server).
  • username - registration identifier.
  • password - login authenticator.
  • email - identification of an electronic mailbox.
  • token - a random UUID (provided by the server).


Each CMDB group consists of:

  • id - group internal identifier (provided by the server).
  • name - group name.
  • description - group description.
  • movies - an array of movies, that can be empty.
  • userId - user internal identifier (provided by the server upon user creation).

For a visual representation and example of usage of these data storage designs, refer to Mapping description.

The data storage and managment in the Elastic Search database is different from the internal storage, in several ways. Each different type of data, in this case groups and users, are present in different indexes, these being the container of all the data of that type. Each of the indexes is composed of documents in which each of them represents new information from the CMDB application, that is, each document is either a group or a different user, depending on the index it belongs to.

Mappings description between Elastic Search and Internal Data Structure

Although elastic search gives users the option to establish their own document identifiers, it was determined to let elastic search produce them automatically for each group and user that is created, being those the indexes of this database.

The following image depicts a mapping between elastic search and our internal data structure on the left and right, respectively.

Elastic Mapping

Server API Documentation

The CMDB API has the following routes:

  • POST /users - Creates a user by providing its username, password, email and confirmation password.
  • GET /movies - Lists the most popular movies. The result set is paginated.
  • GET /movies/search/:moviesName - Searchs movies by an expression. The result set is paginated.
  • GET /movies/find/:movieId - Searches a movie by id.

The following routes are prefixed by the path segment - /api:

  • POST /groups - Creates a group by providing its name and description.
  • GET /groups - Lists all user groups. The result set is paginated.
  • GET /groups/:groupId - Retrieves a specified user group. The result set is paginated.
  • PUT /groups/:groupId - Edits a specified user group.
  • DELETE /groups/:groupId - Deletes a specified user group.
  • PUT /groups/:groupId/movies/:movieId - Adds a movie to a specified user group.
  • DELETE /groups/:groupId/movies/:movieId - Removes a movie from a specified user group.

All the routes marked with a paginated result set can receive a query string parameter limit to limit the search result and a page to retrieve a selected page.

For more information and examples consult the online API documentation that can be found in the about section of the website.

Run Instructions

New Project Setup

  • Use this commands before adding any files to a new project.

    • npm init -y
    • npm install express
    • npm install express-session
    • npm install cors
    • npm install deep-email-validator
    • npm install hbs
    • npm install jest-openapi
    • npm install node-fetch
    • npm install nodejs
    • npm install -g nodemon
    • npm install passport
    • npm install swagger-ui-express
    • npm install yamljs
    • npm install bootstrap@v5.2.3
    • npm install chai --save-dev
    • npm install mocha --save-dev
    • npm install supertest --save-dev
  • In the package.json file:

    • Change script key value - test:
      • From:
        "scripts": { 
            "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
      • To:
        "scripts": { 
            "test": "mocha"
    • Add imports object:
      "imports": {
          "#data_access/*": "./data/access/*",
          "#data_local/*": "./data/local/*",
          "#data_manipulation/*": "./data/manipulation/*",
          "#docs/*": "./docs/*",
          "#errors/*": "./errors/*",
          "#services/*": "./services/*",
          "#tests/*": "./tests/*",
          "#web/*": "./web/*",
          "#root/*": "./*"

Insert Test Data

  • Using internal memory data access:
    • There's already data store internally and can be viewed in data/local.
  • Using Elastic search data access:
    • Run a elastic search database in the default port - 9200 - or change to another in elastic-search-util module.
    • Create a workspace in Postman and import our Elastic Search test collection from the tests/postman package.
    • On Postman and while on the Elastic Search collection, search for the folder Add Test Data and select Run.
    • Do not change the run configurations, Run manually radio button should be selected along with only 1 iteration.
    • Click Run Elastic Search and the test data will be added to the Elastic Search database.

Launch Server

  • Deployment - node cmdb-launch.mjs
  • Development - nodemon cmdb-launch.mjs -e mjs, hbs

Run Tests

  • Commands:
    • Integration - npm test tests/integration
    • Unit - npm test tests/unit


  • Miguel Raposo - A49456
  • Gonçalo Silva - A49451
  • Francisco Engenheiro - A49428

Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa
BSc in Computer Science and Engineering
Introduction to Web Development
Winter Semester of 2022/2023


Web application that allows the management of groups of movies and users.







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