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Webpack loader that injects predefined @import rules into the processed files.



When we write styles using SCSS we store some global variables and mixins in the separated files. Most of them are used in every component, and therefore in order not to constantly duplicate imports to decided to find a way to list those files once and make them to be injected everywhere.

It was possible to use additionalData from sass-loader, but the plugin way turned out to be more convenient.

Getting Started

Install the loader in your project:

npm install --save-dev @funboxteam/scss-imports-loader

Add it into the project's Webpack config so that it is called before sass-loader, and set options.path to the list of injected paths to files:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.scss$/,
        use: [
          // ...
            loader: '@funboxteam/scss-imports-loader',
            options: {
              paths: [
          // ...

Implementation details

If you pass the same imports like above, then these strings will be added into the beginning of the every processed SCSS file during the build stage:

@import 'app/styles/variables/colors';
@import 'app/styles/variables/breakpoints';
@import 'app/styles/variables/layout';
@import 'app/styles/variables/typography';
@import 'app/styles/mixins/respond-to';
@import 'app/styles/mixins/placeholder';
@import 'app/styles/mixins/text-cut';
@import 'app/styles/mixins/visually-hidden';

That means the paths in options.path have to be “available to resolve” by Webpack.

In general, the imported files don't have to be SCSS files. It's enough that the set of loaders listed in the Webpack config can handle them.

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