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Compile Generated Code

Durwasa Chakraborty edited this page Jul 14, 2024 · 1 revision

Compile Generated Code


To compile the generated code for MPI on MacOS, ensure you satisfy the following prerequisites:

  • The Boost library is installed on the system.
  • The Boost DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (dynamic load library path) should point to boost/lib.

Detailed information on these prerequisites can be found in the Miscellaneous section of the StarPlat Wiki.

The generated code resides at: /path/to/StarPlat/graphcode/generated_mpi. This directory also contains a reference Makefile. It's worth noting that code can be compiled without a file, but to execute the code, a main function (or a similar entry point) is essential.

Headers are located one directory tier above where the .cc file is executed. As the MPI code generation relies on boost, it's necessary to include the respective headers and link the libraries. Specifically, link against boost_mpi and boost_serialization since these headers are utilized in the code.

For demonstration purposes, consider the file

MacOS defaults to using Clang as its compiler. To use g++ instead, utilize the OMPI_CXX environment variable alongside the mpic++ compiler wrapper.

The file will need modifications to become the entry point for the algorithm. Include the necessary .cc files to link the corresponding .o files for generating the sssp_dslV2 binary.

The required .cc files are:


Furthermore, link to the Boost libraries:

-I/path/to/boost/include  -L/path/to/boost/lib -lboost_mpi -lboost_serialization

Check if the installed boost has include and lib

if [ -d "/path/to/boost/" ] ; then
    echo "Directory exists."
    echo "Directories do not exist."

Combining the above details, the complete compilation command becomes:

OMPI_CXX=g++ mpic++ -std=c++17 \
-o sssp_dslV2 \ \
../mpi_header/ \
../mpi_header/ \
../mpi_header/graph_properties/node_property/ \
../mpi_header/graph_properties/edge_property/ \

Here's a sample program:

#include "../mpi_header/graph_mpi.h"
#include "sssp_dslV2.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    boost::mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
    boost::mpi::communicator world;

    Graph graph(argv[1], world);

    int src = 0;
    NodeProperty<int> dist;
    Compute_SSSP(graph, dist, graph.weights, 0, world);

    return 0;

Please note:

  • Please make sure the Boost library is installed correctly and configured like mentioned earlier.
  • Adjust the paths in the commands and include statements based on the actual directory structure of your project.


  • Generate
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Compile Generated Code
  • Compile Generated Code
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    • [OMP]
    • [MPI]
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    • [OMP]
    • MPI
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