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gammesB edited this page Nov 16, 2022 · 4 revisions

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Lazy loading for picture tag

Lazy loading for picture tag

Picture is one of the options next to img which has lazyloading support.
A example is:

  <source class="tns-lazy-img"
    srcset="" width="600"
    height="320" media="(min-width:650px)"
  <source class="tns-lazy-img"
    srcset="" width="600"
    height="320" media="(min-width:465px)"
  <img class="tns-lazy-img"
    src="" width="600"
    height="320" data-src=""/>

You can put this in an item. The first src and srcset is what gets show before the image is fully loaded. so you could change it with a image that says loading for example(now it's a 1x1 blanc image so not noticeable). the data-srcset works the same as the data-src.

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