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  • an infinitely scrollable procedurally generated overland map intended accommodates something like Helicity's LoBit Overworld tiles.
  • multilayer ie terrain, rivers, roads, sites
  • logic upgrade to eg perlin noise
  • logically arranged art assets
  • simplex-arranged PNG regions
  • Arbitrary number of PNG regions
  • (3/1) Two alternating squares from a PNG.
  • (2/27) A PNG written to canvas element
  • A canvas element

Preact, TypeScript, Vite, @benchristel/taste


  1. Click the "Use this template" button on GitHub
  2. Clone the created repo
  3. Run the one-time setup script to install dependencies and git hooks:
    yarn setup


Server and Typechecker

yarn dev
yarn ts
  • Opening the project in Visual Studio Code automatically starts the dev server and typescript typechecker.
  • The dev server runs at http://localhost:5173 (the port number is vite in 1337... sort of).
  • Output appears in the terminal pane (accessed via ctrl+~).
  • Type errors also show up in the problems pane (ctrl+shift+M).
  • The server and typechecker stop automatically when VS Code quits.



  • Tests run in the browser. The test report appears at the top of the screen.
  • The page will refresh (re-running the tests) whenever you save a file.
  • The tests and test report are completely removed from production builds.


  • Files get auto-formatted when you commit, so you'll never check in inconsistently-formatted code. To disable this behavior, delete .husky/pre-commit.
  • To format all files, run yarn format.
  • The code formatter is prettier. See .prettierrc for configuration.

Building for production

yarn build

To smoketest your production build before deploying it, I recommend installing serve:

yarn global add serve
serve dist

You can then view your app at http://localhost:3000.


To deploy your built app to GitHub Pages, go to the Pages tab of your repo's settings and change the directory to deploy from to /docs.

This template repo is deployed at