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Serverless Application for IoT Device Managing and Profiling


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Serverless Application for IoT Device Managing and Profiling


Build & Deploy

Serverless Backend

  • npm install
  • edit (copy from template adding password to JWS_TOKEN and SHARED_KEY, both can be base64 encoded of plain text
  • SLS_DEBUG=* sls deploy
  • Offline
    enable ENABLE_LOCAL in serverless.yml
    SLS_DEBUG=* sls offline start (offline execution)
    sls dynamodb start --seed test --migrate (offline execution)

iotmon Golang Client (TESTED ON MAC ONLY, golang and homebrew required)

cd iotmon/src/iotmon
make dep && make
edit iotmon.config.json (adjust url, shared key to match SHARED_KEY in the server, and status: enable

Serverless API local deployment:

offline: Offline [http for lambda] listening on http://localhost:3002
offline: Configuring Authorization: dev AuthIoT
[offline] Creating Authorization scheme for CreateDevice-AuthIoT-POST-dev
offline: Configuring Authorization: dev/login AuthIoT
[offline] Creating Authorization scheme for LoginDevice-AuthIoT-POST-dev/login
offline: Configuring Authorization: iot/status/{id} AuthIoT
[offline] Creating Authorization scheme for IoTPut-AuthIoT-PUT-iot/status/{id}
offline: Configuring Authorization: iot/status/{id} AuthIoT
[offline] Creating Authorization scheme for IoTGet-AuthIoT-GET-iot/status/{id}
offline: Configuring Authorization: iot/status AuthIoT
[offline] Creating Authorization scheme for IoTPost-AuthIoT-POST-iot/status
offline: Configuring Authorization: iot/status/{id} AuthIoT
[offline] Creating Authorization scheme for IoTDelete-AuthIoT-DELETE-iot/status/{id}
offline: Configuring Authorization: iot/upload/{id}/attachment AuthIoT
[offline] Creating Authorization scheme for GenerateUploadUrl-AuthIoT-GET-iot/upload/{id}/attachment

   │                                                                                       │
   │   POST   | http://localhost:3000/dev/dev                                              │
   │   POST   | http://localhost:3000/2015-03-31/functions/CreateDevice/invocations        │
   │   POST   | http://localhost:3000/dev/dev/login                                        │
   │   POST   | http://localhost:3000/2015-03-31/functions/LoginDevice/invocations         │
   │   PUT    | http://localhost:3000/dev/iot/status/{id}                                  │
   │   POST   | http://localhost:3000/2015-03-31/functions/IoTPut/invocations              │
   │   GET    | http://localhost:3000/dev/iot/status/{id}                                  │
   │   POST   | http://localhost:3000/2015-03-31/functions/IoTGet/invocations              │
   │   POST   | http://localhost:3000/dev/iot/status                                       │
   │   POST   | http://localhost:3000/2015-03-31/functions/IoTPost/invocations             │
   │   DELETE | http://localhost:3000/dev/iot/status/{id}                                  │
   │   POST   | http://localhost:3000/2015-03-31/functions/IoTDelete/invocations           │
   │   GET    | http://localhost:3000/dev/iot/upload/{id}/attachment                       │
   │   POST   | http://localhost:3000/2015-03-31/functions/GenerateUploadUrl/invocations   │
   │                                                                                       │

1. The application allows users to create, update, delete items - A user of the web application can use the interface to create, delete and complete an item.

./iotmon (first execution in automatically create device, create status and auto register the device (jwt token in iotmon.status file)

2020/06/16 21:52:08 Initializing...
2020/06/16 21:52:08 INFO: NEW EXECUTION, renaming old ./iotmon.status.yaml to ./iotmon.status.backup.
2020/06/16 21:52:08 Done.
2020/06/16 21:52:08 Using key: [dGh****g==]
05ac:027a - Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
05ac:8103 - Apple Inc. Headset
05ac:8262 - Apple Inc. Ambient Light Sensor
05ac:8514 - Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
05ac:8233 - Apple Inc. Apple T2 Controller
05ac:027a - Apple Inc. Apple T2 Bus
2020/06/16 21:52:09 Done.
default route iface:f0:18:98:85:d5:1f
2020/06/16 21:52:09 Finished.
Creating Device:66303a31-383a-4938-ba38-353a64353a31
New password:asdf
Repeat new password:asdf
2020/06/16 21:52:13 POST Device Create "201 Created"
2020/06/16 21:52:13 Token: "200 OK" {"message":"eyJ..."
2020/06/16 21:52:13 POST Status Created. "201 Created"
2020/06/16 21:52:14 GET Status "200 OK"
{"message":"{"Items":[{"bundleListType":["usb","usb","usb","usb","usb"],"bundleListDesc":["Apple Inc. Apple T2 Bus","Apple Inc. Headset","Apple Inc. Ambient Light Sensor","Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)","Apple Inc. Apple T2 Controller"],----->"lastSeen":"2020-06-16T21:52:09-05:00"<-----,"bundleList":["05ac:027a","05ac:8103","05ac:8262","05ac:8514","05ac:8233"],"bundleListUUID":["30356163-3a30-4237-a130-3561633a3032","30356163-3a38-4130-b330-3561633a3831","30356163-3a38-4236-b230-3561633a3832","30356163-3a38-4531-b430-3561633a3835","30356163-3a38-4233-b330-3561633a3832"],"uuid":"66303a31-383a-4938-ba38-353a64353a31","createdAt":"2020-06-16T21:52:09-05:00","idType":"mac","id":"f0:18:98:85:d5:1f"}],"Count":1,"ScannedCount":1}"}

./iotmon (following executions should update status, full list od bundled devices + lastSeen)

2020/06/16 22:14:45 Initializing...
2020/06/16 22:14:45 Done.
2020/06/16 22:14:45 Using key: [dGh****g==]
05ac:027a - Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
05ac:8103 - Apple Inc. Headset
05ac:8262 - Apple Inc. Ambient Light Sensor
05ac:8514 - Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
05ac:8233 - Apple Inc. Apple T2 Controller
05ac:027a - Apple Inc. Apple T2 Bus
2020/06/16 22:14:46 Done.
default route iface:f0:18:98:85:d5:1f
2020/06/16 22:14:47 Finished.
2020/06/16 22:14:47 INFO: using [./iotmon.status.yaml] with timestamp: 2020-06-16T21:52:09-05:00 as cached.
2020/06/16 22:14:49 PUT Status "200 OK"
2020/06/16 22:14:50 GET Status "200 OK"
{"message":"{"Items":[{"bundleListDesc":["Apple Inc. Ambient Light Sensor","Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)","Apple Inc. Apple T2 Controller","Apple Inc. Apple T2 Bus","Apple Inc. Headset"],"bundleListType":["usb","usb","usb","usb","usb"],--->"lastSeen":"2020-06-16T22:14:47-05:00"<----,"bundleList":["05ac:8262","05ac:8514","05ac:8233","05ac:027a","05ac:8103"],"bundleListUUID":["30356163-3a38-4236-b230-3561633a3832","30356163-3a38-4531-b430-3561633a3835","30356163-3a38-4233-b330-3561633a3832","30356163-3a30-4237-a130-3561633a3032","30356163-3a38-4130-b330-3561633a3831"],"uuid":"66303a31-383a-4938-ba38-353a64353a31","createdAt":"2020-06-16T21:52:09-05:00","idType":"mac","id":"f0:18:98:85:d5:1f"}],"Count":1,"ScannedCount":1}"}

(to delete set "status: disable" in iotmon.config.json and re-run iotmon)
2020/06/16 22:35:38 INFO: using [./iotmon.status.yaml] with timestamp: 2020-06-16T21:52:09-05:00 as cached.
2020/06/16 22:35:40 DEL Delete "200 OK" {"message":"OK"}

2. The application allows users to upload a file. - A user of the web interface can click on a "pencil" button, then select and upload a file. A file should appear in the list of items on the home page.

mkdir -p /tmp/uploaded
./cp somefile upload/
./iotmon (upload is done through manually moving files to ./upload/ folder)
2020/06/16 22:24:15 Initializing...
2020/06/16 22:24:15 Done.
2020/06/16 22:24:15 Using key: [dGh****g==]
05ac:027a - Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
05ac:8103 - Apple Inc. Headset
05ac:8262 - Apple Inc. Ambient Light Sensor
05ac:8514 - Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
05ac:8233 - Apple Inc. Apple T2 Controller
05ac:027a - Apple Inc. Apple T2 Bus
2020/06/16 22:24:16 Done.
default route iface:f0:18:98:85:d5:1f
2020/06/16 22:24:16 Finished.
2020/06/16 22:24:16 INFO: using [./iotmon.status.yaml] with timestamp: 2020-06-16T21:52:09-05:00 as cached.
2020/06/16 22:24:17 PUT Status "200 OK"
2020/06/16 22:24:18 GET Upload of upload/iotmon /dev/iot/upload/66303a31-383a-4938-ba38-353a64353a31/attachment ("200 OK")
2020/06/16 22:24:18 URL Signed: ""
2020/06/16 22:24:27 URL Signed OK.

./iotmon (please node the new state with file)
2020/06/16 22:26:21 Initializing...
2020/06/16 22:26:21 Done.
2020/06/16 22:26:21 Using key: [dGh****g==]
05ac:027a - Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
05ac:8103 - Apple Inc. Headset
05ac:8262 - Apple Inc. Ambient Light Sensor
05ac:8514 - Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
05ac:8233 - Apple Inc. Apple T2 Controller
05ac:027a - Apple Inc. Apple T2 Bus
2020/06/16 22:26:22 Done.
default route iface:f0:18:98:85:d5:1f
2020/06/16 22:26:22 Finished.
2020/06/16 22:26:22 INFO: using [./iotmon.status.yaml] with timestamp: 2020-06-16T21:52:09-05:00 as cached.
2020/06/16 22:26:22 PUT Status "200 OK"
2020/06/16 22:26:23 GET Status "200 OK"
{"message":"{"Items":[{"bundleListDesc":["Apple Inc. Ambient Light Sensor","Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)","Apple Inc. Apple T2 Controller","Apple Inc. Apple T2 Bus","Apple Inc. Headset"],"bundleListType":["usb","usb","usb","usb","usb"],"lastSeen":"2020-06-16T22:26:22-05:00",------->"attachmentUrl":""<------,"bundleList":["05ac:8262","05ac:8514","05ac:8233","05ac:027a","05ac:8103"],"bundleListUUID":["30356163-3a38-4236-b230-3561633a3832","30356163-3a38-4531-b430-3561633a3835","30356163-3a38-4233-b330-3561633a3832","30356163-3a30-4237-a130-3561633a3032","30356163-3a38-4130-b330-3561633a3831"],"uuid":"66303a31-383a-4938-ba38-353a64353a31","createdAt":"2020-06-16T21:52:09-05:00","idType":"mac","id":"f0:18:98:85:d5:1f"}],"Count":1,"ScannedCount":1}"}

3. The application only displays items for a logged in user. If you log out from a current user and log in as a different user, the application should not show items created by the first account.

if we run iotmon on another machine a new uuid is generated, therefore restricting operation to that particular device.
#### 4. Authentication is implemented and does not allow unauthenticated access. A user needs to authenticate in order to use an application.

Multi layer auth is implemented using encoded shared key and salted brcrypt for device registration.

#### 4. The code is split into multiple layers separating business logic from I/O related code. Code of Lambda functions is split into multiple files/classes. The business logic of an application is separated from code for database access, file storage, and code related to AWS Lambda.

- IoTAccess.ts encapsulates AWS operations and the logic is kept in the handlers due to their simplicity

#### 4. All resources in the application are defined in the "serverless.yml" file - All resources needed by an application are defined in the "serverless.yml". A developer does not need to create them manually using AWS console.

serverless-offline was extensevely used throughout the development phase.

#### 5. Each function has its own set of permissions. Instead of defining all permissions under provider/iamRoleStatements, permissions are defined per function in the functions section of the "serverless.yml".


#### 6. Application has sufficient monitoring. Application has at least some of the following: Distributed tracing is enabled It has a sufficient amount of log statements It generates application level metrics

Used winson logger + manual logging configurations for API Gateway

#### 7. Data is stored in a table with a composite key. 1:M (1 to many) relationship between users and items is modeled using a DynamoDB table that has a composite key with both partition and sort keys. Should be defined similar to this

At least one table has composite key (IoT Status).

8. Scan operation is not used to read data from a database. Items are fetched using the "query()" method and not "scan()" method (which is less efficient on large datasets)

No scan in the code.