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Frequentry Asked Questions (FAQ)

Oirio Joshi edited this page Nov 6, 2019 · 9 revisions

Symphytum FAQ

This article covers the most common and frequently asked questions about Symphytum.


Where does Symphytum save my files and databases?

Symphytum stores database entries into a file called data.db while binary files like images and documents are stored inside a filesdirectory outside the database file.
Depending on your operating system the following directories are used:

  • Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\giowisys\symphytum
    You can access this directory by entering
    explorer %LOCALAPPDATA%\giowisys\symphytum into the start menu search or into the address/location bar of Windows Explorer. Advance users can open cmd.exeand just paste the above command directly.
  • Windows portable: portable_data directory which can be found inside the same directory containing the symphytum.exe.
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/giowisys/Symphytum/, please see this article from Macworld about instructions to access the library folder under macOS.
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/giowisys/Symphytum
  • Linux Snap: ~/snap/symphytum/current/.local/share/giowisys/Symphytum


Can I configure the order of the fields in the printed document or PDF?

At this time the printing functionality is very basic, see issue 72 and 106 for more info.

SQLite Database

Can I access the SQLite database file directly through another database viewer?

It is possible to open the SQLite file called data.db directly through third party apps like sqlitebrowser. It is discouraged to edit data and metadata directly though. Symphytum takes care of the metadata and character escaping (; escaped as \colon, for example) when editing records and field metadata. Editing manually the raw database can potentially introduce errors in the metadata.