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Cat Breed Classification Model

Overall System Architect

System Architect

Table of Contents

API Example

Cat Image to classify:

Returned Result : image

How-to Guide

1. Running model locally

1.1 Creating & activating conda environment with python 3.9

conda create -n my_env python==3.9
conda activate my_env

1.2 Install prerequisites

pip install -r requirements.txt

1.3 Navigate to app directory

cd ./app/

1.4 Connect service app with Uvicorn

uvicorn main:app --host --port 30000

After that, you can enjoy API at address: http://localhost:30000/docs


1.5 Another way to deploy model locally with Docker Compose

*** If you already have Docker Engine in your local machine, just execute 1 command:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d

2. Model-serving with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Install GCloud Packages

sudo apt-get install google-cloud-cli-gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
  • Setup your GCloud project:
    • Initialize GCloud account:
      gcloud init
    • Authorize & Login:
      gcloud auth application-default login

2.1 Create GKE cluster with Terraform (infrastruture as code)

cd terraform # Navigate to terraform folder
terraform plan # Preview cluster plan
terraform apply # Create cluster

2.2 Connect to GKE cluster with GCloud command


2.3 Switch to your GKE cluster environment (using kubectl)

kubectx your_gke_cluster

2.4 Create cluster namespace

kubectl create ns nginx-ingress # Nginx Ingress Controller
kubectl create ns model-serving

2.5 Deploy Nginx Ingress Controller with Helm-chart

helm upgrade --install nginx-ingress helm-charts/nginx-ingress -n nginx-ingress           

2.6 Deploy Cat Breed Classification Application

helm upgrade --install nginx-ingress helm-charts/model-serving -n model-serving           

2.7 Config Domain Name to nginx-ingress's External IP

kubectl get svc -a # Listing all services & finding your nginx External IP

sudo vim /etc/hosts # Editting hosts_file with Vim

your_nginx-ingress_host # Updated content

2.8 Access application at above address


3. Tracing with Jaeger & Opentelemetry

3.1 Create Jaeger's namespace & deploy Jaeger application

kubectl create ns jaeger-tracing

helm upgrade --install jaeger-tracing helm-charts/jaeger-tracing -n jaeger-tracing

3.2 Add Jaeger's domain name to nginx's External IP

sudo vim /ect/hosts


3.3 Access Jaeger UI - & start tracing


4. Monitoring with Prometheus & Grafana (kube-prometheus-stack)

4.1 Create monitoring namespace & deploy kube-prometheus-stack

kubectl create ns monitoring

helm upgrade --install -f helm-charts/monitoring/personal_gf_calues.yaml kube-prometheus-stack helm-charts/monitoring/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring # Deploy with personal values.yaml to config grafana 

4.2 Update monitoring domain name to nginx's External IP

sudo vim /ect/hosts


4.3 Access Grafana UI & enjoy monitoring dashboards -

** User: admin; Password: prom-operator image

5. CI/CD with Jenkins & Google Compute Engine (GCE)

5.1 Create GCE & authentication set-up

  • Create new Service Account

    • Navigate to Service Account page, then create a new service account with role as Compute Admin

    • After finished, download & save it as json file. image

    • Save above json file into ansible/secrects directory.

    • Update service account's file path in ansible/playbook/create_compute_instance.yaml

  • Create Google Compute Engine with Ansible

ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/create_compute_instance.yaml
  • Update SSH key
    • Generate a new SSH key with command: ssh-keygen
    • Config the SSH key on Google Cloud Console at path: Setting/Metadata/SSH KEYS
    • Config ansible/inventory file with External IP of your Compute Engine Instance & the path to SSH Keys (id_rsa).

5.2 Install & Set-up Jenkins on GCE

  • Execute this command to deploy Jenkins on your GCE instance
ansible-playbook ansible/playbook/deploy_jenkins.yaml
  • Connect to Jenkins UI

    • Checking Jenkins installed successfully on GCE
      • Access the GCE instance
        ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa YOUR_USERNAME@INSTANCE_EXTERNAL_IP
      • Verify if Jenkins is running in the Compute Engine instance
        sudo docker ps
    • Access Jenkins UI via INSTANCE_EXTERNAL_IP:8081
    • Follow the instruction to log in into Jenkins.
    • The password can be retrieved by this way
      # Inside your GCE instance
      sudo docker exec -ti jenkins bash
      cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
  • Connect Jenkins to Github Repo

    • Add Jenkins to Github Repo Webhook:

      • Payload URL would like http://INSTANCE_EXTERNAL_IP:8081//github-webhook/
      • Event Trigger can be set to: Pushes and Pull Requests image
    • Add GitHub Repo to Jenkins:

      • Create new Item - Multibranch Pipeline in Jenkens. image

      • Create new GitHub - Personal Access Token. With this project, we just create a classic token. image

      • Connect Repo to Jenkins with GitHub username, password - Personal Access Token, your repo url. After finished, just click Validate to check connection status. image

  • Add DockerHub Token to Jenkins Credential:

    • Create a new DockerHub Token
    • Copy Token to Jenkins's Credentials
      • Noted: ID must be dockerhub to match the registryCredential in Jenkinsfile. image
  • Install Jenkins's Plugins

    • Navigate to Manage Jenkins/Plugins on Jenkins UI, then select & install list of plugins: Kubernetes, Docker, Docker Pineline, GCloud SDK Plugins. image

    • Restart Jenkins after plugin installation finished

        sudo docker restart jenkins
  • Setup GKE Connection for Jenkins

    • Create ClusterRoleBinding in you GKE instance

      kubectl create clusterrolebinding model-serving-admin-binding \
        --clusterrole=admin \
        --serviceaccount=default:default \
      kubectl create clusterrolebinding anonymous-admin-binding \
        --clusterrole=admin \
        --user=system:anonymous \
    • Grant permission for Jenkins to access the GCP Filestore Storage - Config RBAC

      kubectl apply -f k8s/rbac
    • Config Cloud Connection on Jenkins at http://INSTANCE_EXTERNAL_IP:8081/manage/configureClouds/

      • Get Kubernetes URL & Kubernetes server certificate key with bash command
        cat ~/.kube/config # if you don't have MiniKF on your machine
        cat ~/minikf-kubeconfig # if you already have MiniKF
      • Config Jenkins Cloud with Kubernetes URL as Server, Kubernetes server certificate key as certificate-authority-data. image

    After all, your Jenkins is ready to use. Let's play around!

5.3 Starting to Build & Deploy automation with Jenkins

  • You can start manually Build new image & Deploy new version of service application with Trigger Button on Jenkins UI.
  • Another way, when the are changes merged to main/ master branch, the Pipeline on Jenkins will Run, Build & Deploy new app version from DockerHub to GKE Cluster automatically. image


Here is the end of my project, thanks for your viewing!

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