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Warning: these are probably completely out of date and unlikely to work.

Installing nvidia-docker on Amazon EC2

These are a few scripts to take an Amazon EC2 instance from scratch to running nvidia-docker, so that you can easily run any deep learning library (although I have to also provide a modified version of the Tensorflow devel-gpu Dockerfile, as the standard one is not configured for cuda compute capability of 3.0).

The installation procedure is pretty crude and involves running the three scripts provided in this repository in sequence, rebooting in between (but not after the third).

Starting an Instance

Start either a regular or spot instance, the image this is tested with is the 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04 image ami-8446ff93. If you would like to, you could fill in the KeyName and SecurityGroupIds in nvidocker-spec.json.template to start an instance from the command line. Then, with the aws cli tools installed, you can run the following command to start a spot instance with a max price of one dollar:

aws ec2 request-spot-instances --spot-price 1.00 --instance-count 1 --type one-time --launch-specification file://nvidocker-spec.json

If you're not using AWS for anything else, you can also use the following command to get the public DNS name of probably the instance you just started (give it a few minutes to start up):

aws ec2 describe-instances --query Reservations[0].Instances[0].PublicDnsName

Later, I'm going to refer to the address of this instance as EC2ADDRESS.

Install instructions

First, copy all of the files in this repository to the new machine:

scp -i <your-key>.pem * ubuntu@$EC2ADDRESS:~/

Or, clone this repo while in a shell on the remote machine:

git clone

Make all the scripts executable:

chmod +x ec2-nvidocker-setup-*

Then run the three scripts, the first two will trigger reboot upon finishing:

  • ./ REBOOT
  • ./ REBOOT
  • ./

After the third script you can log out and log back in for the docker group to operate correctly, or you can just run:

newgrp docker

Building the Tensorflow Image

Warning: I haven't tested the current version of this Dockerfile, but I think it should work.

The devel-gpu docker image provided by Tensorflow has to be rebuilt with the TF_CUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY environment variable set to 3.0. To do this, build the docker image using the Dockerfile in this repository:

nvidia-docker build -t gngdb/tensorflow:latest-devel-gpu .

All the other deep learning tools

Every other major deep learning library can be pulled from Docker hub thanks to kaixhin's great collection of builds for each of them. So you can have Caffe, Keras and Theano all running in 10 minutes, simultaneously, on the same machine. And, if you accidentally break an install, you can just start a new container.


Scripts for running nvidia-docker on Amazon EC2.







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