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The X(org)D(esktop)Pager is an attempt at writing a pager similar to the workspace switcher of XFCE, without all the extra Desktop Environment (DE) dependencies. This is useful for those that prefer a non-DE setup like xmonad, i3, etc. but would still like an Exposé-lite feature. XDPager assumes an EWMH compliant window manager.

XDPager Overview


  • Shows a dynamic view of desktops and windows on each when loaded
  • Switch desktops
  • Search for and activate windows by their className
  • Draws UTF8 strings via Xft (e.g. for icon fonts)
  • Dynamic font resizing
  • Customizable number of grid rows, make a pager as horizontal or vertical as you want it to be


  • Clone the repository
  • Run make
  • Execute xdpager or hook it up to a keybinding


  • libX11 (likely installed)
  • libXft and freetype2 (likely installed)
  • libXinerama (detect multihead setups)
  • GNU's getopt_long (likely installed. complain if not and I'll rewrite arg parsing)
  • xdotool (commands to the window manager)


XDPager provides a live view of the windows on all desktops sans-window content. Each desktop is drawn to a grid cell and labeled with its respective desktop name in the bottom left corner. XDPager has two operating modes: desktop and search.

Desktop Mode

In desktop mode, the cell background of the currently selected desktop is highlighted. The user can select a desktop and issue a switch desktop command to the window manager.

Key Description
Arrow keys, hjkl, mouse pointer selection navigation
Return, mouse click switch to selected desktop
/ switch to Search mode
F2 toggle text on windows between none, className, and _NET_WM_NAME
F3 increase the number of desktops per row
F4 decrease the number of desktops per row
Escape exit XDPager

Search Mode

To enter search mode, press the forward slash key while in desktop mode. The stringPrefix is display in the upper left corner of XDPager to signify this mode is active.

In search mode, the user can enter a text query that is equivalent to window.className.startsWith(query). Windows that match this predicate are outlined and the current window selection is additionally filled with color. The left/right arrow keys allow the user to rotate the selected window to the previous/next of the outlined windows. Pressing return will activate the window, which may include switching desktops.

Key Description
Left, Right rotate selection of matched windows
Return activate the selected window, including possibly switching desktops
Escape return to Desktop mode


man pages are TBD; XResources loading is TBD;

Configuration is loaded in a overwriting heirarchy of the following order:

  1. Hardcoded defaults in config.c
  2. Config file
  3. Command line arguments

The config file can be provided by command line arg -c or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xdpager/xdpager-rc. If no file is found, it is simply skipped.

Config File Format

Each line of the config file should be one of the following:

  1. Comment that starts with #
  2. Empty line
  3. key=value

See config.c for options that can be set by command line arguments. Note that some of these arguments are long form only.


Changes the behavior of moving the workspace selection.

navType Description
NAV_NORMAL_SELECTION Workspace won't change until XK_Return is pressed or mouse click.
NAV_MOVE_WITH_SELECTION Workspace will change when the selection changes. Typically used if xdpager is set as a sticky window. Consult your WM for limitations on sticky windows.
NAV_MOVE_WITH_SELECTION_EXPERIMENTAL Workspace will change with the selection and xdpager will move to that workspace. Visually distracting depending on compositor effects, time to unmap/map/redraw, etc. Not recommended for now.

TODO: add videos demonstrating these differences


The number of workspaces to render. XDPager will only display workspaces [0, nDesktops]. This will be irrelvant if dynamic workspaces are ever implemented.


The number of workspaces to show per row in the grid. If desktopsPerRow == nDesktops, XDPager renders a single row. If desktopsPerRow == 1, XDPager renders a single column.


The string prefix to indicates XDPager is in search mode. This string supports UTF8.


See config.h for command line args desktopBg, desktopFg, selectedColor, and fontColor.


Fonts can be provided as a comma delimited string font in fallback order. A separate windowFont string of the same format is available if the window text should use a different set of fonts or fallback order.

Example: "monospace,Font Awesome 6 Free Solid" will use the monospace alias and fallback to Font Awesome for missing glyphs.

Project Details

The following sections contain details you probably don't care about


  • Filtering limited to alphanumeric characters until I figure out how unicode keylogging works.
  • Number of desktops is statically defined. Max number of windows is statically defined. Dynamic desktop support should be possible with an extension watching the _NET_NUM_DESKTOPS atom on the root window.
  • XFT font names are assumed right now. Additionally, a pixelsize is dynamically appended to them based on the main window's size to allow the font size to be reasonable for any window dimensions.


While XDPager relies on an EWMH compliant window manager, certain window managers (e.g. xmonad) don't fully comply with features they claim to support. Ideally, XDPager could simply watch _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING to determine which windows matter and which are above others. However, when a window manager doesn't maintain correct stacking order in this list, there is no way to tell which windows should be drawn first without asking for the children of the root window. Since the list of children has to be traversed anyway, XDPager just sources data from that.

Window Manager Requirements

Most window managers that comply with EWMH shouldn't have a problem.

  • WM_STATE to determine which windows are visible
  • WM_CLASS to determine the className for a window
  • _NET_WM_DESKTOP to determine which desktop a window is on
  • _NET_DESKTOP_NAMES to determine the names of the desktops
  • _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP to determine the initial selected desktop


Why doesn't XDPager have live window content previews? Gnome/Cinnamon/whoever has a real fullscreen exposé feature!

XDPager is written with tiling window managers in mind (xmonad, i3, etc.) which treat non-visible windows differently than <your favorite DE>. Typically, a window manager will unmap windows that aren't visible. The window managers of popular DEs cheat this by leaving offscreen window mapped. This project is not attempting to solve this limitation of the intended audience.

Why is this code so messy?

This is my first C program; I don't know what I'm doing


  • The UTF8 decoding was copied from another repository (TODO: find that link...)


Simple X11 based desktop pager






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