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Do you want to solve a non-linear optimization problem? πŸ“ˆπŸ“‰ Have you doubts about which solver is the best? πŸ€” Then, you are in the correct place! πŸŽ‰πŸ˜ Continue reading and have a look at this repo πŸ‘πŸ§πŸ€“

Goals ⚽

This repository aims to perform a comparison of several of the available non linear solvers. Such a comparison is made in terms of the objective value and the computational time.

To do this, some non linear optimization problems of different nature are modeled using Pyomo and run with different solvers. The results are saved and analyzed below to get conclusions.

It is important to note that the conclusions drawn here cannot be extended to all the existing optimization problems 🌍🌎🌏 This repo just serves as a guide for your decisions βž‘β†–β¬… but it is not a universal truth. Please take this into account when deciding which solver is more suitable in your case.

How is comparison testing performed? βœπŸ“πŸ“

In this section, we explain the strategy applied to compare the different solvers. First, we provide below the list of non linear solvers compared in this repository. The first column indicates whether solvers are open-source or not. The second column lists the solvers that are solved locally. For open source solvers, the executable files can be downloaded here. Some non open-source solvers are run locally using a trial AMPL license. The third column indicates if solvers can be run in Neos Server.

Solver Open-source Run in local Run in NEOS
bonmin X X X
conopt X X
couenne X X X
filmint X
filter X
ipopt X X X
knitro X
loqo X X
minos X X
mosek X
snopt X X

The next step consists of running the optimization problem for the different solvers enumerated in the previous table. Since the optimization problems we are considering in this repo are (highly) non linear, they may be stuck at local optima βž‘β¬… Hence, a multistart approach is applied in which the same problem is run several times starting from different initial solutions, randomly chosen from the feasible region. The number of runs at the multistart is defined by the user.

The objective value and the computational time will be used as measures of performance. Particularly, we provide the average, the maximum and minimum of all the objective values obtained after running the multistart, as well as the average, the maximum and minimum value of the computational time. The results of each optimization problem are summarized in a table which, apart of the performance values previously mentioned, includes extra information such as the name of the problem, if the Neos Server or AMPL is used or not, the solver utilized, the number of variables and constraints involved, and also the sense of the optimization problem, i.e., if the objective is to minimize or maximize certain objective function. An example of the results is given below:

problem neos ampl solver #variables #constraints sense mean obj. val. max obj. val. min obj. val. mean comp. time max comp. time min comp. time
Problem 1 yes no conopt 100 200 min 1.2 5.7 0.23 180 300 50

The whole computational experience is executed on a laptop with 8Gb of RAM memory at 1.80 GHz, running Windows 10.

Examples πŸ“ŒπŸ“‹

This section briefly explains the organization of the examples used here. This repo contains one folder per optimization problem. Each folder contains three new folders and a script called Such a script is the only one that should be executed when running the experiments. Moreover, the first folder, entitled model_pdf contains the document with the model formulation. The second folder, optimization_problem_utils is formed by the scripts which solve the optimization problem, so be careful when modifying it. Do not hesitate to contact the person who has written this code if you want to make changes πŸ“³ Finally, the third folder entitled results_name_of_the_problem includes the results obtained in all the runs of the multistart, and a summary of them, called summary_results.csv.

The following table provides the optimization problems which have been used for the non linear solvers' comparison. This table includes the name of the problem, the problem formulation and the folder with the obtained results.

# Name Model Formulation Folder results
1 M2SVM_Optimal_Weights M2SVM_Optimal_Weights Model Formulation M2SVM_Optimal_Weights Results
2 MINLP_Trigonometric_Functions MINLP_Trigonometric_Functions Model Formulation MINLP_Trigonometric_Functions Results

More details about the results obtained in each example are given in the next sections.

Example 1️⃣: M2SVM Optimal Weights

The aim of the optimization problem formulated here is to seek the optimal weights in the Gaussian kernel in order to obtain a good classification with the Support Vector Machine. Since the problem is based on a toy example, the size of this optimization problem is small. Particularly, it is formed by 15 continuous variables and 36 constraints.

A multistart approach with 1000 runs is run for the different solvers as explained in the previous section. A summary of the results obtained can be seen in the following table. If further information is necessary, we suggest the reader to download the summary here or to have a look at the results of the different runs in this folder.

problem neos ampl solver #variables #constraints sense mean obj. val. max obj. val. min obj. val. mean comp. time max comp. time min comp. time
m2svm_optimal_weights no yes conopt 15 36 min -6.46E-14 1.45E-15 -3.61E-13 0.15 0.35 0.07
m2svm_optimal_weights no yes loqo 15 36 min -1.37E+12 9.00E+03 -3.07E+12 0.30 1.45 0.11
m2svm_optimal_weights no yes minos 15 36 min -2.79E-14 0.00E+00 -8.56E-14 0.11 0.49 0.06
m2svm_optimal_weights no yes snopt 15 36 min -1.05E-14 4.44E-16 -5.81E-14 0.10 0.20 0.06
m2svm_optimal_weights no no ipopt 15 36 min -7.50E-08 -7.49E-08 -7.50E-08 0.11 0.30 0.10
m2svm_optimal_weights no no bonmin 15 36 min -9.97E-08 -9.38E-08 -9.99E-08 0.12 0.34 0.07
m2svm_optimal_weights no no couenne 15 36 min -2.88E-13 -2.88E-13 -2.88E-13 0.67 14.98 0.18
m2svm_optimal_weights yes no conopt 15 36 min -6.46E-14 1.45E-15 -3.61E-13 18.05 73.97 2.38
m2svm_optimal_weights yes no ipopt 15 36 min -7.50E-08 -7.49E-08 -7.50E-08 17.31 38.74 2.38
m2svm_optimal_weights yes no filter 15 36 min -1.74E-13 0.00E+00 -2.86E-13 18.51 29.40 2.59
m2svm_optimal_weights yes no knitro 15 36 min 1.87E-07 4.85E-06 -9.89E-10 18.11 66.91 2.41
m2svm_optimal_weights yes no loqo 15 36 min -1.13E+12 1.89E+04 -2.98E+12 17.85 66.01 2.47
m2svm_optimal_weights yes no minos 15 36 min -2.79E-14 0.00E+00 -8.56E-14 18.15 38.81 2.78
m2svm_optimal_weights yes no mosek 15 36 min 3.33E-09 3.37E-09 3.33E-09 17.41 82.82 2.39
m2svm_optimal_weights yes no snopt 15 36 min -1.05E-14 4.44E-16 -5.81E-14 18.16 39.06 2.41
m2svm_optimal_weights yes no bonmin 15 36 min -9.97E-08 -9.38E-08 -9.99E-08 18.04 41.91 2.60
m2svm_optimal_weights yes no couenne 15 36 min -2.88E-13 -2.88E-13 -2.88E-13 17.72 76.28 2.55
m2svm_optimal_weights yes no filmint 15 36 min -2.77E-13 -2.77E-13 -2.77E-13 17.21 66.69 2.56

In spite of the small size of the problem, the results allow us to get conclusions about the different solvers.

Regarding the objective values, we observe that in all the cases a mean value close to zero is obtained, except in the loqo solver, which at first sight seems to be the best one. However, the optimal solution obtained with loqo (which can be downloaded here and here) is numerically unstable, since values of order 1E+25 are obtained. Therefore, loqo is not a good solver for our problem, but any of the remaining ones can be used.

Concerning the computational time, we see that there is a difference of three orders of magnitude between using the solvers through the Neos server or directly using the executable files in a standard laptop. The reason for this issue is that solving an optimization problem via Neos not only includes the computational cost associating to the problem resolution but also the calls to the server which significantly increase the total elapsed time. Looking at those solvers that have been used without Neos, we check that couenne is the one that spent most time solving the problem, and then is not advisable to use.

Thus, taking into account the previous comments, for this particular optimization problem, we suggest using any of the following solvers without Neos: conopt, minos, snopt, ipopt and bonmin.

Example 2️⃣: MINLP Trigonometric Functions

In this example, we solve a Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming (MINLP) problem with trigonometric functions involved. Contrary to what happened in Example 1️⃣, this problem is of medium size, since it is formed by 300 variables (150 integer and 150 continuous) and 153 constraints.

The results of the different solvers after solving the multistart with 100 runs are shown in the following table. For more details the reader is referred to this file and this folder:

problem neos ampl solver #variables #constraints sense mean obj. val. max obj. val. min obj. val. mean comp. time max comp. time min comp. time
MINLP_trigonometric_functions no yes conopt 300 153 min 24.63 122.80 -165.20 8.28 24.72 0.99
MINLP_trigonometric_functions no yes loqo 300 153 min -7.63 4.33 -22.19 3.45 14.33 1.77
MINLP_trigonometric_functions no yes minos 300 153 min 39.47 463.60 -417.00 1.74 3.13 0.73
MINLP_trigonometric_functions no yes snopt 300 153 min 30.89 463.60 -228.50 3.16 9.51 0.54
MINLP_trigonometric_functions no no ipopt 300 153 min 3.27 64.99 -92.47 57.32 198.60 15.01
MINLP_trigonometric_functions no no bonmin 300 153 min 8.08 196.60 -9.60 89.60 327.60 10.15
MINLP_trigonometric_functions no no couenne 300 153 min - - - max time reached - -
MINLP_trigonometric_functions yes no conopt 300 153 min 24.43 87.75 -200.60 19.14 25.74 9.51
MINLP_trigonometric_functions yes no ipopt 300 153 min 6.24 64.99 -9.12 22.11 57.23 9.91
MINLP_trigonometric_functions yes no filter 300 153 min 27.43 62.73 -9.65 19.68 38.31 15.17
MINLP_trigonometric_functions yes no knitro 300 153 min -4.54 62.66 -9.26 19.54 43.99 7.20
MINLP_trigonometric_functions yes no loqo 300 153 min -7.16 -0.23 -9.50 19.77 39.89 9.05
MINLP_trigonometric_functions yes no minos 300 153 min 39.47 463.60 -417.00 18.92 28.98 8.31
MINLP_trigonometric_functions yes no mosek 300 153 min 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.51 23.19 4.77
MINLP_trigonometric_functions yes no snopt 300 153 min 31.40 299.30 -22.19 19.49 37.79 5.63
MINLP_trigonometric_functions yes no bonmin 300 153 min 7.13 64.26 -9.72 22.33 48.24 6.62
MINLP_trigonometric_functions yes no couenne 300 153 min - - - max time reached - -
MINLP_trigonometric_functions yes no filmint 300 153 min - - - Neos error - -

It is important to note that not all the solvers tested are designed for handling optimization problems with integer variables. Particularly, only bonmin, couenne, filmint and mosek are able to treat such variables. However, looking at the table of results, we see that couenne and filmint cannot be used because of different reasons. On the other hand, mosek only solves problems with a conic structure. Unfortunately, our problem does not have such a structure. Therefore, it just remains bonmin for the resolution. Similar results in terms of the objective values are obtained when comparing the average obtained with and without Neos. Nevertheless, contrary to what happened in Example 1, the computational time decreases when solving the problem through Neos server. In other words, when a medium-size non linear optimization problem (with integer variables)is considered, it is better to run the problem in a server than in a standard laptop, since the computational time spent in the calls to the server is insignificant when comparing it with the problem resolution itself.

When the numerical experiments with the rest of the solvers are performed, the integrity of the variables is simply omitted. In other words, those solvers which do not handle problems with integer variables just omit this constraint. With respect to the average of the objective values using these solvers, we observe that knitro is the best choice. Moreover, the results in terms of the computational time are acceptable (around 20 seconds). Note that we have ignored the results of loqo for the very same reason as in Example 1. Regarding the computational times, the best choice is to use minos through AMPL. However, the mean of objective values has a very bad performance.

Hence, to solve the optimization problem of this example with integer variables we suggest to use bonmin, and if the integrality constraint is omitted, then it is better to use knitro.

Final Conclusions πŸ”šπŸ˜‹

As previously mentioned at the beginning of this repo, the conclusions obtained here are not a universal truth, and therefore, they have to be used just as a guide. However, we can state that:

  • loqo is not a good solver due to the unstable results that it provides.
  • couenne has more difficulties to find a local optimum solution than other solvers, e.g. bonmin.
  • For small-size problems, all the solvers are equivalent in terms of the objective values. However, there exist a difference of three orders of magnitude when running locally or via Neos.
  • Running a medium-size optimization problem in a local computer is equivalent to run it on the Neos server, in terms of the computational time.
  • For the optimization problems tested, the best solvers are conopt, minos, snopt, ipopt and bonmin in the first case and bonmin, knitro and ipopt in the second case.

How to perform a solver comparison of a new optimization problem? πŸ€”

This section explains the steps to follow if a comparison of the solvers wants to be performed on a new optimization problem. First, a folder with the name of the optimization problem should be created. This folder should contain three subfolders and a main file. The role of each of the folders is explained in the Examples section. Then, a script named is built. This script contains the preamble in which the possible variables saved in the environment are deleted and which automatically changes the directory:

from __future__ import division

for name in dir():
    if not name.startswith('_'):
        del globals()[name]

import os

directory_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
os.chdir(os.path.join(directory_path, os.path.pardir))

import comparison_utils as cu


Then, the input parameters for the function which executes the comparison should be defined for the new problem. An example of the values of these parameters is given below:

problem = 'new_problem'
number_of_variables = 500
number_of_constraints = 200
sense_opt_problem = 'max'    
maximum_number_iterations_multistart = 1000
folder_results = 'results_' + problem + '/'
csv_file_name_multistart = 'results_multistart'
csv_file_summary_results = 'summary_results'

The next lines of the script are formed the lists of the solvers used for the comparison. They are divided according to their use through AMPL and Neos. The lists below are the ones used in the previous examples. This choice is flexible and can be modified according to the user requirements.

solvers_list_ampl = ['conopt',
solvers_list_neos_flag_false = ['ipopt',
solvers_list_neos_flag_true = ['conopt',

Finally, the optimization problem is solved for each element in the list using the function run_optimization_problem_given_solver. Here you can see an example:

for solver in solvers_list_neos_flag_true:
    neos_flag = True
    ampl_flag = False
    cu.run_optimization_problem_given_solver(solver = solver,
                                             problem = problem,
                                             neos_flag = neos_flag,
                                             number_of_variables = number_of_variables,
                                             number_of_constraints = number_of_constraints,
                                             sense_opt_problem = sense_opt_problem,
                                             maximum_number_iterations_multistart = maximum_number_iterations_multistart,
                                             folder_results = folder_results,
                                             csv_file_name_multistart = csv_file_name_multistart,
                                             ampl_flag = ampl_flag)

Apart from the parameters previously mentioned, this function has two extra parameters called neos_flag and ampl_flag indicating if the Neos server or the AMPL are used or not. The value of each parameter is given in next lines depending on the list used:


  • neos_flag = False
  • ampl_flag = True


  • neos_flag = False
  • ampl_flag = False


  • neos_flag = False
  • ampl_flag = False

The function run_optimization_problem_given_solver is defined in the script When a new optimization problem is to be compared for different solvers, then an if structure should be added, which is True if the problem parameter is equal to the name of the new problem, and which runs the optimization problem. An example of the new structure can be seen here:

if problem == "new_problem":
        run_new_problem(solver = solver,
                        problem = problem,
                        neos_flag = neos_flag,
                        number_of_variables = number_of_variables,
                        number_of_constraints = number_of_constraints,
                        sense_opt_problem = sense_opt_problem,
                        maximum_number_iterations_multistart = maximum_number_iterations_multistart,
                        folder_results = folder_results,
                        csv_file_name_multistart = csv_file_name_multistart,
                        ampl_flag = ampl_flag) 

Moreover, the function run_new_problem includes the model definition as well as the resolution. We suggest including in the call to the solver, an if statement which varies depending if the Neos server is used or not. The code structure should be similar to this one:

solver_name = 'conopt'
if neos_flag:
    solver = pe.SolverManagerFactory("neos")
    solver = pe.SolverFactory(solver_name)

if neos_flag:
    results_solver = solver.solve(multistart_model,
                                  tee = True,
                                  opt = solver_name)
    results_solver = solver.solve(multistart_model,
                                  tee = True)

In addition, we suggest saving the output results of the multistart in a binary .pydata file or similar, as well as to save the objective value and computational times (or any other performance measure) for each of the runs of the multistart. Moreover, it will be nice to have a summary of the results. An example of the function which writes the results can be seen in the function write_results_minlp_trigonometric_functions in the file.

Finally, it just remains to run the experiments and get conclusions about which solver is the best for the new optimization problem.

Do you want to contribute? πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

Please, do it πŸ˜‹ Any feedback is welcome πŸ€— so feel free to ask or comment anything you want via a Pull Request in this repo.

Contributors πŸŒ¬β˜€

Developed by πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

(Please add your name here if you have contributed to the repo)

License πŸ“

Copyright 2019 Optimization and Analytics for Sustainable energY Systems (OASYS)

Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


A comparison of the performance of non linear solvers using Pyomo








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