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Swift Package Manager compatible Carthage Cocoapods Version Cocoapods Platform Build codecov Language Packagist


TLDExtract is a pure Swift library to allows you to get the public suffix of a domain name using the Public Suffix List. You can find alternatives for other languages at

What are domains?

Domain names are the unique, human-readable Internet addresses of websites. They are made up of three parts: a top-level domain (a.k.a. TLD), a second-level domain name, and an optional subdomain.


Changes in 3.0.0

Breaking changes

  • ‼️ Library name changed from TLDExtract to TLDExtractSwift to resolve namespace conflicts. For more details, please check the issue (apple/swift#56573).

    Please don't forget to update your source code.

    - import TLDExtract
    + import TLDExtractSwift

Other changes

  • Dropped support for Swift 4.
  • Added watchOS and visionOS to supported platforms.
  • Changed supported versions for macOS, iOS, and tvOS to match Xcode 15.4.


  • Extract root domain, top level domain, second level domain, subdomain from url and hostname
  • Foundation URL and String support
  • IDNA support
  • Multi platform support


  • macOS 10.13 or later
  • iOS 12.0 or later
  • tvOS 12.0 or later
  • watchOS 4.0 or later
  • visionOS 1.0 or later
  • Swift 5.0 or later


Swift Package Manager

Add the following to your Package.swift file.

  • macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, visionOS, and Swift 5

    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "3.0.0"))
  • macOS, iOS, tvOS, and Swift 5

    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.1.1"))


Add the following to your Cartfile and follow these instructions.

  • macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, visionOS, and Swift 5

    github "gumob/TLDExtractSwift" ~> 3.0
  • macOS, iOS, tvOS, and Swift 5

    github "gumob/TLDExtractSwift" ~> 2.0
  • macOS, iOS, tvOS, and Swift 4

    github "gumob/TLDExtractSwift" ~> 1.0

Do not forget to include Punycode.framework. Otherwise it will fail to build the application.



To integrate TLDExtract into your project, add the following to your Podfile.

  • macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, visionOS, and Swift 5.0

    pod 'TLDExtractSwift', '~> 3.0'
  • macOS, iOS, tvOS, and Swift 5.0

    pod 'TLDExtract', '~> 2.0'
  • macOS, iOS, tvOS, and Swift 4.2

    pod 'TLDExtract', '~> 1.0'


Full documentation is available at


Basic initialization code. Exceptions will not be raised unless the Public Suffix List on the server is broken.

import TLDExtractSwift

let extractor = try! TLDExtract()

A safer initialization code to avoid errors by using the frozen Public Suffix List:

import TLDExtractSwift

let extractor = try! TLDExtract(useFrozenData: true)

*The Public Suffix List is updated every time the framework is built. By setting userFrozenData to true, TLDExtract loads data which checked out from the repository.


Passing argument as String

Extract an url:

let urlString: String = ""
guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(urlString) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("com")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("github")
print(result.subDomain)         // Optional("www")

Extract a hostname:

let hostname: String = ""
guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(hostname) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("com")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("gumob")
print(result.subDomain)         // nil

Extract an unicode hostname:

let hostname: String = "www.ラーメン.寿司"
guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(hostname) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("寿司")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("寿司")
print(result.subDomain)         // Optional("www.ラーメン")

Extract a punycoded hostname (Same as above):

let hostname: String = "")"
guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(hostname) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("xn--sprr0q")
print(result.subDomain)         // Optional("www.xn--4dkp5a8a")

Passing argument as Foundation URL

Extract an unicode url:
URL class in Foundation Framework does not support unicode URLs by default. You can use URL extension as a workaround

let urlString: String = "http://www.ラーメン.寿司"
let url: URL = URL(unicodeString: urlString)
guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(url) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("www.ラーメン.寿司")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("寿司")
print(result.subDomain)         // Optional("www.ラーメン")

Encode an url by passing argument as percent encoded string (Same as above):

let urlString: String = "http://www.ラーメン.寿司".addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)!
let url: URL = URL(string: urlString)
print(urlString)                //

guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(url) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("www.ラーメン.寿司")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("寿司")
print(result.subDomain)         // Optional("www.ラーメン")

Encode an unicode url by using Punycode Framework:

import Punycode

let urlString: String = "http://www.ラーメン.寿司".idnaEncoded!
let url: URL = URL(string: urlString)
print(urlString)                //

guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(url) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("xn--sprr0q")
print(result.subDomain)         // Optional("www.xn--4dkp5a8a")


TLDExtract is released under MIT license, which means you can modify it, redistribute it or use it however you like.