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Image retraining example using Chest Xrays and the Inception v3 model


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The purpose of this repo is to showcase my learning experience with tensorflow. I followed the image classification retraining tutorial found here I attempted to retrain the final layer of the Inception v3 model against images of chest x-rays with and without signs of tuberculosis. Or in plain English, I wanted to see if I could diagnose tuberculosis with machine learning!

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The beauty of this exercise is that it doesn't require a great deal of programming knowledge or machine learning expertise.


The Inception model is a convolutional neural network. If that sounds confusing, just understand that the model can detect features of images and classify new images based on those features. A feature is an observation of the data. Humans have unique features, which is why we can tell a human is a human, or a dog is a dog, or a pizza is a pizza. Using methods such as shape detection, corner detection, and blob detection the model can identify features of images. For example, if enough pizza images seen by the model are round, the model may begin to associate roundedness with pizzas and apply that knowledge to any new image it encounters.

Inception is trained on a vast image database known as ImageNet. ImageNet images are pre-classified so that identified features can be attributed to those classes. We can use a technique called transfer learning to retrain the inception model with any class of images we want, in this case chest x-rays with and without tuberculosis.

These concepts become easier to understand as we go through the exercise.


Rather than lead you astray with my own installation instructions, I recommend that anyone wanting to follow what I did use the official instructions from tensorflow

Dataset Prep

First, I stumbled across a great collection of labelled chest x-rays. These images were classified as either abnormal or normal based on observed manifestations of tuberculosis by radiologists. The images are provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and can be found here The images are separated into two datasets: the Montgomery County chest X-ray set and the Shenzhen chest X-ray set. I used only the Shenzhen set in my model. You can read more about the datasets here

I downloaded the Shenzhen images and converted them all from pngs to JPEG format. I separated the abnormal and normal images into two folders (abnormal images end in 1, normal images end in 0). Then I put the abnormal and normal folders into a parent folder called lungs. I took out 50 images from the dataset (25 abnormal and 25 normal) for testing later on.

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Model Re-Training

Once I had tensorflow installed and the images prepared I proceeded to retrain the model.

First, I built the retrainer from within the tensorflow source directory. This took just over an hour on my four year old Mac. I did it in terminal with the following commands

$ cd tensorflow

$ bazel build tensorflow/examples/image_retraining:retrain

Then I ran the retrainer against my chest x-ray images.

$ bazel-bin/tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/retrain --image_dir /Users/hali/lungs

/Users/hali/lungs is based on where I stored my images. Change it to suit your needs.

Here we are using transfer learning. It allows us to leverage the knowledge of the pre-trained Inception model (trained against the ImageNet database) and apply it to our labelled dataset.

First, bottlenecks are calculated. Bottlenecks are values for each image in the dataset that are cached and later fed to the classification layer. The bottlenecks are meant to be meaningful and compact pieces of information that the classification layer can use to distinguish the image quickly and accurately. Without pre-caching bottlenecks the retraining process would take significantly longer.

Retraining is broken down into steps. In each step 10 images are randomly chosen from a training set. Their bottlenecks are then fed to the final layer of the model and used to predict their classification. Whether the classifier was right or wrong will then impact the weights given to the nodes in the model. Within each step 3 values are calculated - training accuracy, cross entropy, and validation accuracy.

  • Training accuracy tells us what percentage of the training images were classified correctly.
  • Cross entropy values will trend downwards if the model is learning. The objective of training is to make the cross entropy as small as possible.
  • Validation accuracy is a true indication of the performance of the model.

The following is an example output of a training step.

Step 1750: Train accuracy = 95.0%

Step 1750: Cross entropy = 0.205942

Step 1750: Validation accuracy = 82.0% (N=100)

Testing My Model

Tensorflow will spit out a final test accuracy for the model.

Final test accuracy = 84.1% (N=69)

Tensorflow automatically sets a portion of the images for testing. I also did my own testing using the 50 images that I removed from the dataset earlier. It's important not to test with images that were used to train the model, otherwise the results will be biased and flawed. I saved my testing images in folders named abnormal_test and normal_test.

To test, I entered the following into terminal

bazel build tensorflow/examples/image_retraining:label_image && \
bazel-bin/tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/label_image \
--graph=/tmp/output_graph.pb --labels=/tmp/output_labels.txt \
--output_layer=final_result:0 \`

Change $HOME/desktop/abnormal_test/CHNCXR_0327_1.jpeg to point at the image you want to test.

After a few moments tensorflow spit out the following

abnormal (score = 0.96525)
normal (score = 0.03475)

Here the model states that the image I presented was more similar to an abnormal chest x-ray than a normal one. It also states the relative strength of that prediction. For this particular image, you could say the model was relatively confident with the prediction (~97%).

Optimizations and Experimentation

There are various things that can be done to the dataset and the model in order to affect the accuracy and speed of training. I used the flag --how_many_training_steps to change the number of steps that were run during training. I also changed --learning_rate to modify the size of the updates made to the final layer of the model during training. There are various other flags that can be used to adjust the dataset, and hopefully increase effectiveness of the model. The --print_misclassified_test_images tag is also useful at looking at what images the model could not correctly classify during training. As I found later, it's inappropriate to try to improve the model by removing those difficult images - it doesn't fix the root issue and leads to a more fragile model.

I tested my dataset with 3 different parameter settings, focusing solely on training steps and learning rate. I was able to achieve slightly different results with different parameters. Later, I found I was also able to improve accuracy by using higher quality JPEG images.

By looking strictly at whether my model was right or wrong, (not considering strength of association) my model went from being correct 60% of the time, to 74% of the time, to 78% of the time. This was done through increasing the number of training steps, playing around with the learning rate, and removing hard-to-classify images from the dataset.

Assumptions and Errors

At this point I was pleased with myself for having a functioning model with decent results. However, I wasn't aware of how my model was differentiating between the images, or why it was correctly classifying some images and not others. I discovered that my dataset was small, all of my images came from one hospital, the population they came from was the same, and the way in which the pictures were presented was always the same. These factors directly impact the generalizability of the model. That is to say, the model may only be effective for the particular dataset that I have presented.

Some ways to increase the generalizability of the model would be to increase the size of the dataset, add more variance to the images, play with hyperparameters, add x-rays presented in different ways, and add noise to the images. Humans come in all shapes and sizes, it's important to include images that represent as many variations as possible in order to make the model more robust.

I only retrained the model on chest x-rays. So what would happen if I present it something completely different?

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One would suspect that an image of a cow would not be associated with either abnormal or normal chest x-rays, however the model stated differently...

normal (score = 0.99828)
abnormal (score = 0.00172)

In fact, the model presents a near 100% association to normal chest x-rays ??? What features could possibly exist within this cow image that are so strongly associated with features of normal chest x-rays? To answer that question is my next task. I look forward to exploring the mechanism by which the model is able to detect features, and how it uses those features in classification.

** If any information in this article appears inaccurate let me know!


Image retraining example using Chest Xrays and the Inception v3 model







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