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MyDWM, a customized tiled window manager for Debian based Linux.


Based on

Default configuration

  • Prefix path = /usr (need root access to install)

  • Preinstalled patches : systray and xft

  • Font "3270 Nerd Font" size 16

  • Autostart programs are in $HOME/.local/bin/dwm-start, last loop for dwm

  • Command key mapped on Windows key

  • General shortcuts

    • win + e : open x-file-manager (see below how to set alternatives)
    • win + s : lock screen (type user password to unlock)
    • win + g : open browser
    • win + p : open password manager
    • win + h : reduce main area
    • win + l : enlarge main area
    • win + m : monocle area
    • win + t : tiled area
    • win + ctrl + space : open tldr menu
    • win + shift + enter : open terminal
    • win + enter : swap window in main area
    • win + TAB : focus next area
    • win + shift + TAB : focus previous area
    • win + shit + c : close window
    • win + shift + q : reload dwm
    • PRINTSCREEN : select an area to screenshot and create a png in home and copy to clipboard (shell script myScreenshot)
  • Multimedia keys pilot moc "music on console" and PulseAudio (shell script audio) + fallback for non multimedia keyboard

    • ctrl + F1 : toggle mute/unmute
    • ctrl + F2 : volume down
    • ctrl + F3 : volume up
    • ctrl + F4 : previous song
    • ctrl + F5 : toggle play/pause
    • ctrl + F6 : next song
  • Vim keybindings (from any mode : insert, normal or visual)

  • ctrl o/i : reopen previous/next buffer

  • ctrl p : fzf search

  • ctrl ⬆/⬇ : move line or selection up/down

  • ctrl l : (markdown) follow link as [[somewher]]

  • ctrl s : save

  • ctrl q : confirm before quit if not saved

  • ctrl w : navigate between windowses

  • ctrl z : undo

  • ctrl f : find (like /)

  • ctrl h : replace

  • F1 : quickfix

  • F2 : (go) rename

  • F12 : (go) go to definition

  • ctrl b : (go) build

  • ctrl / : comment a line or a selection


  • st (suckless terminal) with patch alpha for transparency and anysize so the st window take all available place.
  • Tmux as multiplexer (scroll, splitting, etc...) with prefix CTRL+A to differenciate from remote session on default CTRL+B.

Screen Layout

Configure your screen layout by placing a shell file "" in the folder ".screenlayout" in your home directory. If the file exists, it will be executed at xinit, and if not, there is a minimal fall back inside the .xinitrc file.

TIPS : you can use arandr to generate the correct screen layout shell command.

HiDPI display

Change the dpi value with a .dpi file in your home

cat ~/.dpi

This value will be used to change the .Xresources file.

Make and install

  • Clean unwanted apps and shell scripts.
  • Makes and installs the programs in /usr/bin.
  • Copy shell scripts in $HOME/.local/bin. (dwm-start, audio, ...)
  • Copy dotfiles in $HOME. (backup existings ones).
  • Apt-install other apps (xsettingsd, blueman, feh, moc)

Bump version


Accept the suggestion (patch increment) or type the new version. Updates the version in slstatus to be displayed in the status bar.


Linux user : if you got a fatal error on "/usr/include/ft2build.h", not finding "freetype/config/ftheader.h" then create the symbolic link as below :

sudo ln -s /usr/include/freetype2/freetype/ /usr/include/

How to install new alternative "x-file-manager" ?

For example, to install thunar as an alternative for x-file-manager :

# For thunar
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-file-manager x-file-manager /usr/bin/thunar 1000
sudo update-alternatives --set x-file-manager /usr/bin/thunar

# For nautilus (install alternative and prevent nautilus to open desktop) 
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-file-manager x-file-manager /usr/bin/nautilus 1000
sudo update-alternatives --set x-file-manager /usr/bin/nautilus
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false

How to set the same font in DWM/Xft and in GTK apps ?

For example, if we want the 'Ubuntu Mono' font at size 12 :

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface monospace-font-name 'Ubuntu Mono 12'