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Multi-Object Multi-Camera tracking using graph neural networks. Under active development. My MSc project.


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Multi-Object Multi-Camera tracking with Graph Neural Networks

This repository contains the code for a multi-object multi-camera tracking system in an offline setting using Graph Neural Networks for tracklet association and Connected Components to retrieve the global trajectories.

My Movie 1 (2)

Take a look at te system diagram: sys_diag (2)

And this is how the graphs are generated: avg (1)

For a more in-depth description, see my thesis document here.


For an overview of how this repository is organized, and what the folders and scripts mean, please see

Setting up the workspace

IMPORTANT. Before setting up the repository, make sure you have access to the Nvidia AI City Challenge (AIC) dataset.

Clone the repository and change the directory:

git clone
cd mcmt_gnn

Create a conda environment:

conda create --name mcmt_env python=3.9
conda activate mcmt_env

Install python dependencies:

pip install torch pytorch_geometric motmetrics mlflow optuna optuna-dashboard networkx mmengine

Download ResNet101 - BN REID model for vehicles (see LCFractal's repo as they authors are the owners of this model):

gdown ' -O models/reid/resnet101_ibn_a_2.pth

Move the raw AIC dataset you just downloaded into a folder inside datasets/raw folder with root on this repo:

mkdir datasets
mkdir datasets/raw
mv <AIC_original_path> datasets/raw

And now we should be all set to start preprocessing the data!

Preprocessing the dataset

Now we need to make this dataset our own! (won't be literally ours, we still need to stick to their policies). For this, take a look at config/preprocessing.yml which is the configuration file for all of the preprocessing tasks. Note that every set of parameters in this file is wrapped by a key that corresponds to a file inside processing/dataset_preparation.

1. Prepare videos and annotations

The first step moves all videos, bitmaps of the regions of interest, and annotations into a structure that works with this code. We need to make sure that the key original_aic_dataset_path is properly set by pasting the path to your raw dataset:

  original_aic_dataset_path: "datasets/raw/AIC22" # For Example
  # Partitions to process
    - train
    - validation
  # Relative paths to annotations
  preds_path: "mtsc/mtsc_tc_yolo3.txt"
  annotations_path: "gt/gt.txt"
  roi_filename: 'roi.jpg'
  video_filename: 'vdo.avi'

Now notice that inside this file there is a key called common_params, it contains values that are shared among the tasks. It has another key called sequence_path which corresponds to the path relative to the root of this repo where the dataset will be placed after executing 01_prep_videos_annotations. You do not need to change this.

Now, execute the first task:

python processing/dataset_preparation/

This will create two initial folders:

  • videos: The dataset videos per camera.
  • annotations: The annotation files per camera. Notice that there will be a ground truth and annotations from single camera tracks from existing systems.
  • roi: Bitmaps of the regions of interest.

Take your time to take a look at how the files are organized by sequences and cameras, like so:

|- datasets
| |- AIC20 # for instance
| |   |- videos
| |   |   |- <sequence_name> # e.g: "S01"
| |   |   |   |- <camera_folder_1> # e.g: "c001"
| |   |   |   |  |- vdo.avi
| |   |   |   |- <camera_folder_2>
| |   |   |   |  |- vdo.avi
| |   |- annotations
| |   |   |- <sequence_name> # e.g: "S01"
| |   |   |   |- <camera_folder_1> # e.g: "c001"
| |   |   |   |  |- gt.txt
| |   |   |   |- <camera_folder_2>
| |   |   |   |  |- gt.txt

2. Extract frames from videos

Now we are going to add an additional frames folder under datasets which will store all of the frames for every single video, in every camera, for every sequence. Take a look at the configurations inside config/preprocessing.yml, but you can leave them as they are.

  sequences_to_process: ["S01", "S02", "S03", "S04"] # Input sequences as needed
  video_filename: 'vdo.avi'
  video_format: '.avi'

Now, execute:

python processing/dataset_preparation/AIC20/

Make sure that the sequence_path parameter matches the actual path of where your videos and annotations are, before extracting the frames.

3. Preprocessing annotations

This step is about including the header names in the annotation files and including new columns that will be used on subsequent tasks. You can leave the configurations as they are, except for sc_preds_filename. You can include a single camera predictions file from datasets/raw/AIC20/train/S03/c011/mtsc. Every camera has a set of single-camera tracking predictions with the same filename.

  sequences_to_process: ["S01", "S02", "S03", "S04"]
  sort_column_name: 'frame'
  gt_filename: gt.txt # Type off without quotes if no gt processing needed
  sc_preds_filename: mtsc_tc_yolo3.txt # Type off if not needed


python processing/dataset_preparation/AIC20/

After a successfull execution, the annotations will have the following columns (in that order):

  • frame
  • id
  • xmin
  • ymin
  • width
  • height
  • lost
  • occluded
  • generated
  • label
  • xmax
  • ymax
  • camera
  • sequence_name

4. Filtering Single-Camera tracking files

This task filters-out detections from the single-camera tracking estimations. It mainly performs:

  • Region-of-Interest filtering
  • Duplicate detection removal
  • Removing detections with area less than min_bb_area

This is done for the single-camera tracking estimations that will be used on the validation set. Look at the task keys:

  validation_partition: 'S02'
  in_sc_preds_filename:  mtsc_tc_yolo3.txt
  out_sc_preds_filename: 'mtsc_tc_yolo3_roi_filtered.txt'
  min_bb_area : 750
  filter_frame_bounds: false
  filter_roi: true

You should only change in_sc_preds_filename by placing the tracking file from the previous task and out_sc_preds_filename with a name of your choice that represents the filtered tracking file.


python processing/dataset_preparation/AIC20/

Now you also need to do this for the ground truth:

  validation_partition: 'S02'
  in_sc_preds_filename:  'gt.txt'
  out_sc_preds_filename: 'gt_roi_filtered.txt'
  min_bb_area : 750
  filter_frame_bounds: false
  filter_roi: true


python processing/dataset_preparation/AIC20/

5. Extract and store ReID embeddings

This task will use the Re-ID model weights from Fractal's repository to compute appearance embedding for every single detection. Then, it will store individual embeddings on the filesystem, grouped by frames, cameras, and sequences.

Let's look at the keys for an execution with the single-camera tracking estimations:

  max_detections_per_df: 5000
  model_type: 'resnet'
  model_path: 'models/reid/resnet101_ibn_a_2.pth'
  annotations_filename: 'mtsc_tc_yolo3_roi_filtered.txt'
  train_sequences: ["S01", "S03", "S04"]
  test_sequences: ["S02"]
  cnn_img_size: [384, 384]
  img_batch_size: 300
  augmentation: false
  add_detection_id: true

See the train sequences are S01, S02, S03 and the test sequence is S02. Please keep the split in that way. Moreover, write the model path, relative to the root of the repository. Optionally, you can play with the following parameters to fit the available resources of your machine:

  • max_detections_per_df: How many detections to process at once. The more detections, the faster, but requires more memory.
  • cnn_img_size: (height, width) The resulting resolution of the image after reshaping the original detections.
  • img_batch_size: This task uses a Pytorch dataloader to load images, so more images more memory, and faster.


python processing/dataset_preparation/AIC20/

Now we also need to do this for the ground truth files. Check out the keys:

  max_detections_per_df: 5000
  model_type: 'resnet'
  model_path: 'models/reid/resnet101_ibn_a_2.pth'
  annotations_filename: 'gt_roi_filtered.txt'
  train_sequences: ["S01", "S03", "S04"]
  test_sequences: ["S02"]
  cnn_img_size: [384, 384]
  img_batch_size: 300
  augmentation: false
  add_detection_id: true


python processing/dataset_preparation/AIC20/

5a. Store average trajectory embeddings

  annotations_filename: 'gt_roi_filtered.txt'
  train_sequences: ["S01", "S03", "S04"]
  test_sequences: ["S02"]

5a. Store Gallery embeddings

  annotations_filename: 'gt.txt'
  train_sequences: ["S01", "S03", "S04"]
  test_sequences: ["S02"]
  frames_per_gallery: 20

6 Execute training iterations for average embeddings

    num_trials: 3
    experiment_name: "example_gallery"
    sequence_path: 'C:/Users/mejia/Documents/tfm/mcmt_gnn/datasets/AIC20'
    test_sequence: 'S02'
    gt_filename: "gt_roi_filtered.txt"
    sct_filename: "mtsc_tnt_ssd512_roi_filtered.txt"
    eval_metric: macro_f1_score
    # Dataset related
    ratio_neg_links_graph: [1] # 1 means original ratio
    num_ids_per_graph: [100]
    # Training related
    lr: [0.01]
    epochs: [20] 
    warmup_duration: [5] # 0 is no warmup
    optimizer_momentum: [0.9] # 0 is no momentum
    lr_scheduler_step_size: [50] # 0 is scheduler off
    # GNN architecture
    message_passing_steps: [1]
    node_enc_fc_layers: [1,3,5] # Feat num decrease /2 every layer
    edge_enc_fc_layers: [1,2,3] # Feat num increase x2 every layer
    node_update_fc_layers: [1,2,3] # Channels increase x2 every layer
    edge_update_fc_layers: [1,2,3] # Channels increase x2 every layer
    edge_update_units: [2, 4, 8, 12, 20, 30, 42, 64]
    # Gallery combinator
    input_format: ['gallery']
    gallery_combination: ['linear']
    # Postprocessing toggles
    pruning: [True]
    spliting: [True]


Multi-Object Multi-Camera tracking using graph neural networks. Under active development. My MSc project.








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