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Tags: hungtrieu/cocorico



Toggle v0.12.0's commit message
Bump to v0.12.0

### Added
- Add CocoricoElasticSearchBundle custom parameters
- Add multi timezones functionality
- Add hasBookingsInProgress method in User

### Fixed
- Fix add_time_unit_text filter for duration < 1 hour
- Fix DST while availabilities edition
- Fix localizeddate timezone errors due to old ICU version. (To revert when ICU will be updated to a recent version on servers)
- Fix search without time range in no day mode
- Fix booking availability checking in No Day Mode, add missing user timezone texts
- Fix search by times

### Changed
- Update migration script for times date equal to 1970-01-01
- Update liip image listing image sizes
- Factorize booking validator errors


Toggle v0.11.0's commit message
Bump to v0.11.0

### Added
- Add payment cards breadcrumbs
- Add CocoricoElasticSearchBundle compatibility
- Add CocoricoSwiftReaderBundle
- Add Elastic search starting script

### Fixed
- Fix categories export in sonata
- Replace hasOption by getOption in Cocorico commands conditions
- Fix user language code too short
- Fix various CS
- Add time range form errors
- Set phoneVerified to false by default in user fixtures
- Fix feed blocks on HP if no feed items
- Prevent bank account data saving in DB in case of wrong bank account data filled
- Fix tel link phone
- Fix bug Cocolabs-SAS#71 - Listing status available while duplication
- Remove unneeded '}}' at the end of some meta titles
- Fix user facebook mother tongue

### Changed
- Change who we are page content
- Move rating_reviews twig file
- Change new message displaying to modal popin on listing show page
- Update SMSBundle to v0.3.1
- Add JS escaping on initMultiSelect
- Add app/bootstrap.php.cache to .gitignore
- Replace nl to br in review comments
- Add hours and timeZone to bookings imminent email alert checking
- Split global twig form fields templates
- Remove time_picker parameter and force form time fields to be handled by timepicker
- Update Facebook version to 2.10 (JS SDK and HWI Oauth Bundle)
- Update Elastic search bundle
- Update Listing Deposit Bundle to 0.2
- Update MangoPay Bundle to 0.6.2


Toggle v0.10.0's commit message
Bump to v0.10.0

### Added
- Add compatibility for Mangopay Card Saving Bundle v0.1.0 and MangoPay Bundle v0.6
- Add InsertNewTranslationsCommand to copy existing translatable contents into new locale contents

### Fixed
- Fix listing availabilities checking in not day mode and with availabilities by default unavailable


Toggle v0.9.1's commit message
Bump to v0.9.1

### Added
- Add translations checking functionality
- Add Cookie consent box
- Add 301 redirect to listing show URL when slug has changed

### Fixed
- Fix registration email subject translation
- Fix JS time range minutes comparison
- Fix warning messages while route translations extractions

### Changed
- Ensure that one to many entities are not removing in sonata admin through sonata_type_collection
- Enhance booking button in booking price form


Toggle v0.9.0's commit message
Update for MangopayBundle v0.5 compatibility (Cocolabs-SAS#283)


Toggle v0.8.1's commit message
Fix refund amount with 3 decimals (Cocolabs-SAS#282)


Toggle v0.8.0's commit message
Bump to v0.8.0

### Added
- Add bookings accessor by user type in User entity and CS
- Add map drag refreshing results functionality
- Add ListingDepositBundle functionality

### Fixed
- Optimise user and listing fields in almost admin edition pages (bookingBankWire, PayinRefund, Booking, ...)
- Fix listing address geolocation while listing deposit and listing address edition when no click on validate address
- Add person type in user fixtures
- Add nationality field on registration form
- Fix currency locale format on map infobox
- Fix infobox image loading by loading it only on box click
- Fix google map issue while listing deposit
- Fix translations in HP
- Fix price scales fields in admin if price precision parameter is equal to 0
- Fix missing translator parameters
- Fix IBAN form field length
- Fix bank wire amount in mail send to offerer when booking is canceled by asker
- Fix registration email subject translation

### Changed
- Change labels on registration form when person type is legal
- Remove unused registration handling in new listing form handler
- Set listing user in listing form handler for listing deposit
- Remove unused registration handling in new booking form handler
- Remove sonata admin user show action
- Change reviewer images in reviews list
- Enhance categories edition submission without CategoryFieldBundle
- Remove unused parameters


Toggle v0.7's commit message
Bump to version v0.7


Toggle v0.6.0's commit message
Bump to version v0.6.0


Toggle v0.5.0's commit message
Bump to version v0.5.0

### Added
- Add minimal tests
- Add multi parameters on Booking validator messages
- Add static property access twig function
- Add Booking in Admin Review
- Add security voter to voucher page access
- Add Carrier bundle hatchback field to booking admin
- Add listing search engine on user profile page
- Add error message on listing calendar edition
- Set booking status to STATUS_PAYMENT_REFUSED when booking can not be validated
- Add booking acceptation delay
- Add listing show query overriding
- Add parameter type in CocoricoConfigBundle

### Fixed
- Fix js escaping on result
- Fix Cocolabs-SAS#116 issue (update "unread" message in dashboard)
- Fix Booking expiration alert
- Replace depreciated 'intention' by 'csrf_token_id' in BookingNewType
- Fix search categories field displaying
- Fix Cocolabs-SAS#135 issue error when add to favourite
- Fix booking validation date by adding time to date verification
- Fix discount unicity issue while adding / removing discounts
- Fix similar listings
- Fix favorites listings
- Fix googlemaps MarkerWithLabel issue 393

### Changed
- Update doc
- Move some GlobalHelper methods to Utils\PHP class
- Handle translator provider errors
- Change `` parameter unit from hours to minutes
- Add minor corrections to ReviewBundle
- Disable listing deposit and new booking to admin user
- Add phone to registration form
- Add phone and email verification message on profile edition
- Decouple SMSBundle