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Some Userscripts for I created

Custom Filtering

Filter the results of the current page by the value of a certain column.

let column = 6; //replace 6 with the number of the column
let max_limit = 20; //replace 20 with the maximum limit
let min_limit = 0; //replace 0 with the minimum limit

console.log('Script made by (c) hxr404.'); //Removal of this copyright Notice is punishable by international copyright laws.

document.querySelector('.md-col-12').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<section id="customfilters" class="module-subTitle"><div class="subTitle"><div class="subTitle__header"><h2>Custom Filters</h2></div></div></section>')

function customfilter(column, min_limit, max_limit) {
  let tdspecid = column - 1; //pcpartpicker has two counting schemes for the column: the column id ()data-column) and the spec id. The name of the product, which is a column, is not counted as a spec and doesn't have a spec id, therfore the spec id is one less than the column id. The spec id can e.g. be found in the class name of the spec's cell.
  let title = String(document.querySelector('th[data-column="'+column+'"]').innerText);
  let unit = String(document.querySelector('.td__spec.td__spec--'+tdspecid+':not(.td--empty)').innerText.replace(/[^a-zA-z]+/g,''));
  let min_value;
  let max_value;
  let count = 0;
  let removed_count = 0;
  let min = '0';
  let max = '100';
  if (unit != "") {
    min = String(min_limit) + ' ' + unit;
    max = String(max_limit) + ' ' + unit;
  } else {
    min = String(min_limit);
    max = String(max_limit);

  console.log('Filtering by ' + title + ' (Range: ' + min + ' - ' + max + ') ...');
  document.querySelectorAll('.td__spec.td__spec--'+tdspecid).forEach(element => {
    if (!(parseFloat(element.innerText) < max_value)) {
      max_value = parseFloat(element.innerText);
    if (!(parseFloat(element.innerText) > min_value)) {
     min_value = parseFloat(element.innerText);
    if (parseFloat(element.innerText) > max_limit || parseFloat(element.innerText) < min_limit || (min_limit > 0 && element.classList.contains('td--empty'))) {
      document.querySelector('h2.pp-filter-count').innerHTML = parseInt(document.querySelector('h2.pp-filter-count').innerHTML) - 1 + ' Compatible Products';
  let range = max_value - min_value
  let uisliderhandle_1 = min_limit / range * 100; //%
  let uisliderhandle_2 = 100 - (max_limit / range * 100); //%
  let uisliderleft = uisliderhandle_1 - min.length //%
  let uisliderright = uisliderhandle_2 - 5 - max.length //%
  let uisliderleft = 33.1415; //px
  let uisliderright = 150.142; //px
  let filterdiv = '<div class="group group--filter" id="filterdiv_CUSTOM"><h3 class="group__title group__title--trigger js-trigger-filter">' + title + '<span class="collapse-toggle"></span></h3><div id="filter_slide_CUSTOM" class="filter_slider--wrapper group__content"><div class="obj-filter-labelbox ui-slider-horizontal-labelbox">&nbsp;<div class="obj-filter-slide-left ui-slider-horizontal-labelbox-label labelbox-label--left" style="left: ' + String(uisliderleft) + '%;"><a href="#">' + min + '</a><div class="labelbox-input labelbox-input--left"><input type="text" size="4" class="left ui-slider-horizontal-editbox"> ' + unit + '</div></div><div class="obj-filter-slide-right ui-slider-horizontal-labelbox-label labelbox-label--right" style="left: ' + uisliderright + '%;"><a href="#">' + max + '</a><div class="labelbox-input labelbox-input--right"><input type="text" size="4" class="right ui-slider-horizontal-editbox"> ' + unit + '</div></div></div><div class="obj-filter-dualslide ui-slider ui-corner-all ui-slider-horizontal ui-widget ui-widget-content"><div class="ui-slider-range ui-corner-all ui-widget-header" style="left: ' + String(uisliderhandle_1) + '%; width: ' + String(100 - uisliderhandle_1) + '%;"></div><span tabindex="0" class="ui-slider-handle ui-corner-all ui-state-default" style="left: ' + String(uisliderhandle_1) + '%;"></span><span tabindex="0" class="ui-slider-handle ui-corner-all ui-state-default" style="left: ' + String(uisliderhandle_2) + '%;"></span></div></div></div>';
  document.querySelector('div.offCanvas:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2)').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', filterdiv)
  //console.log('DEBUG: Range of all values Processed: ' + min_value + ' ' + unit + ' - ' + max_value + ' ' + unit + '.'); //debug
  console.log('Custom Filter successfully applied. (Processed ' + count + ' Items, removed ' + removed_count + ' Items.)\nThis Feature is brought to you by (c) hxr404.');


Some Userscripts for I created







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