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Getting Started with HydraBus and HydraNFC Shield v2

Benjamin Vernoux edited this page Jul 8, 2020 · 1 revision

The HydraBus (hardware) with HydraFW (firmware) are used as an open source multi-tool for anyone interested in learning/developping/debugging/hacking/Penetration Testing for basic or advanced embedded hardware.

The MCU is one of the fastest Cortex M4F on the market and is more than 40X faster than an Arduino (STM32F415, 32bits@168MHz=210DMIPS vs Arduino Uno, 8bits@16MHz=5.2DMIPS).

HydraBus can be also used as Test Bench for hardware validation/test with help of embedded python script or native C/C++ firmware and it is a perfect tool for hardware pentesting.

HydraBus is evolutive with the help of “Shield” hardware extensions:

For more details on HydraBus/HydraNFC and HydraFW (the official firmware for HydraBus/HydraNFC) see following links:

Official web pages HydraBus

HydraBus/HydraNFC Shield V2 official firmware HydraFW

Wiki for HydraFW (Support HydraBus/HydraNFC Shield V2)