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Easily build rom for rosemary (Redmi Note 10S)

Sync the rom

To sync rom sources, we use a tool called "repo". Here are the requirements to build android:

  • A 64-bit system.
  • At least 400 GB of free disk space to check out and build the code (250 GB to check out + 150 GB to build).
  • 64 GB of RAM. (Atleast 32GB will probably do)
  • Any Linux distribution with GNU C Library (glibc) 2.17 or later.

We use a simple repo command to retrieve a manifest repository:

repo init -u <url>

After initializing the repo, we finally sync it with a repo command:

repo sync -j$(nproc --all)

This can take few hours depending on your internet...

Clone the device sources

We have to clone the device sources to introduce our device to the android build system

Here im giving you a manifest to sync the device sources with the rom. To clone these manifest you gotta create the folder. Paste these commands in the root of your rom folder:

mkdir .repo/local_manifests
nano .repo/local_manifests/rosemary.xml

Now paste these in rosemary.xml file:

  <project path="device/xiaomi/rosemary" name="xiaomi-mt6785-dev/android_device_xiaomi_rosemary" remote="github" revision="lineage-21" />
  <project path="vendor/xiaomi/rosemary" name="xiaomi-mt6785-dev/proprietary_vendor_xiaomi_rosemary" remote="github" revision="lineage-21" />
  <project path="kernel/xiaomi/mt6785" name="xiaomi-mt6785-dev/android_kernel_xiaomi_mt6785" remote="github" revision="lineage-21" />

Use CTRL+X to exit

Some roms are providing hardware_xiaomi and device_mediatek_sepolicy_vndr while some roms are not. So we are using git clone command to clone these repos. Paste these commands in the root of your source folder:

git clone hardware/xiaomi -b lineage-21 --depth=1
git clone device/mediatek/sepolicy_vndr -b lineage-21 --depth=1

Start Building

Now that we have cloned all device sources, time for the final step!

. build/
lunch lineage_rosemary-userdebug
The rom specific command to start the build. You can learn them at the manifest repo of your rom

Happy buildings!

Next tutorial

How to adapt your device sources to your rom.


Easily build rom for rosemary (Redmi Note 10S)






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