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Iris.js is a schema definition language for GraphLQ apis, which provides flexibility and type safety. The schema generated by iris can be used by regular Graphql servers (Apollo, Express,..).


  • GraphQL forces the client to select fields of types, which is not well suited for server-to-server applications (where you don't need selectivity, like in RPC) and is causing difficulties with recursive data types (like tree types).
  • Default values for GraphQL inputs are dangerous for recursive data types.
  • GraphQL does not support input unions
  • the separation between input and output types and the use of multiple entities to cover sum and product types is not always practical and leads to a verbose schema definition.

Iris solutions.

  • in Iris you can use data types that can be used for both input and output and do not force the client to select fields.
  • default values in iris are only allowed on arguments.
  • iris uses only 3 entities wrapping, data and resolver types. where data and resolver are represented with identical ADT syntax. the type data covers also the case of input union.

for further details see specification.

Getting Started

Using Iris.js

Since Iris is not yet published in the NPM registry, a first step would be to clone the repo and run demo. which will execute file in scripts/demo.ts

git clone

cd iris-js
npm i
npm run demo

Iris Api with Apollo Server

Iris.js provides the capability to build an executable GraphQL schema based on the iris syntax, where the generated executable GQLSchema validates and executes the query according to the iris type definitions.

The following example demonstrates the iris scheme definition:

lifespan of deity
data Lifespan
  = Immortal {}
  | Limited { max: Int? }

Third and fourth generation of the deity in Greek mythology,
also called Olympians.
resolver God = {
    name: String
    lifespan: Lifespan

A supernatural being considered divine and sacred
resolver Deity
  = God
  | """
    second generation of the deity in Greek mythology
    Titan { name: String }

resolver Query = {
    deities(lifespan: Lifespan?): [Deity]

If we now use it with resolvers, we can create a GQL schema

import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server';
import { irisSchema } from 'iris';

const typeDefs = `<type definitions above> ...`;

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    deities: () => [
        name: 'Iris',
        age: 12,
        __typename: 'God',
        name: 'Zeus',
        __typename: 'Deity_Titan',
  God: {
    lifespan: () => ({
      __typename: 'Limited',
      max: 200,

const schema = irisSchema(typeDefs, { resolvers });

schema defined above can be used by regular GraphQL server (for example we use apollo server).

const server = new ApolloServer({ schema });

server.listen().then(({ url }) => console.log(`🚀  Server ready at ${url}`));

GraphQL server is running on: http://localhost:4000.

where client will see following GraphQL schema definition.

lifespan of deity

@typedef {{ __typename: "Limited", max: ?Int }} Lifespan_Limited
@type {("Immortal" | Lifespan_Limited)}
scalar Lifespan

Third and fourth generation of the deity in Greek mythology,
also called Olympians.
type God {
  name: String!
  lifespan: Lifespan!

A supernatural being considered divine and sacred
union Deity = God | Deity_Titan

second generation of the deity in Greek mythology
type Deity_Titan {
  name: String!

type Query {
  deities(lifespan: Lifespan): [Deity!]!

as we can see type Lifespan is represented as scalar. however their values will be validated accordingly to iris type definition. in addition client libraries can use its description in JSDoc to generate corresponding types.

in this server, following query:

query GetDeities {
  deities {
    ... on God {
    ... on Deity_Titan {

will return:

  "data": {
    "deities": [
        "name": "Iris",
        "lifespan": {
          "__typename": "Limited",
          "max": 200
        "name": "Zeus"


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