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Bazel Python Demo

A modern Python development set-up for Bazel. The purpose of the repo is to demonstrate the integration of a range of common Python development tools into a Bazel workflow, wrapped behind a simple but opinionated set of rules.


  • Dependency management using pipenv
  • Code formatting using black and isort
  • Linting and static analysis using pylint and mypy
  • Tests and code coverage using pytest, coveragepy and lcov
  • Packaging and publishing Docker images and Python wheels
  • Configuration via environment variables
  • Succinct and opinionated macros for ease of developer use


Install Bazelisk.


The following environment variables are used to configure the build process, but all have safe defaults for local testing. These are:

  • PYPI_URL - URL of the PyPi server to push wheels to.
  • PYPI_USERNAME - username for authenticating with PyPi.
  • PYPI_PASSWORD - password for authenticating with PyPi.
  • IMAGE_REGISTRY - URL of the image registry to push docker images to.

ℹ️ These variables and defaults are defined in WORKSPACE.bazel.

Quick demo

Leave the environment variables above as default, then run the following:

# Bring up the local PyPi server and image registry:
docker-compose -f infra/docker-compose.yml up -d

# Build everything
bazel build //...

# Publish all targets

You can now view the published wheels at http://localhost:6006/simple and the published images at http://localhost:15000/v2/_catalog.

You can also try installing a published library with dependencies:

pip install core.api --extra-index-url=http://localhost:6006

Build everything

bazel build //...

Test everything

bazel test //...

Add a new dependency

Run pipenv install ... as usual to add a dependency.

A single Pipfile and Pipfile.lock pair contains the full set of dependencies for the workspace. The Pipfile.lock is automatically parsed by Bazel (see tools/pipenv), and dependencies are automatically made available to targets based on their deps.

There is no need to distinguish between dev and non-dev dependencies in the Pipfile - each target specifies its own dependency groups, pipenv is simply used for convenience of transitive dependency resolution and exact locking etc.

Adding a new Python library

All libraries live under src, but you can have libraries in directories under src. See src/core/elasticsearch/ for an example.

Add a BUILD.bazel file to the root directory of your library - it should look something like this:

load("@python_deps//:requirements.bzl", "requirement")
load("//tools/library:defs.bzl", "python_library")

    imports=["../.."],  # This should always be the relative path to the src/ directory.

📝 The imports argument specifies where the PYTHONPATH is relative to your library. A best practive is to ensure this is the relative path to the src/ folder. So e.g. a library at src/foo would have imports=[".."], whilst a library at src/namespace/foo would have imports=["../.."], and be imported by other libraries as from namespace import foo.

This takes care of collecting Python sources, and creating targets for tests, typechecking etc.

Run the formatter

To run the formatter (black and isort):


ℹ️ This doesn't happen automatically as part of bazel build. bazel test will check that the formatter has been run, but not reformat the files. This is because bazel operates on sandboxed copies of the source files, and also because formatting during a build would invalidate caching.

You can also just output the formatted diff without changing any files:

./ --diff

Checking test coverage

Test coverage is automatically generated when running bazel test, and combined into an lcov report under bazel-out/_coverage.

To generate an HTML coverage report, run:


ℹ️ This requires that lcov is installed. Install with e.g. brew install lcov or apt install lcov

Change detection

See which targets are affected by your staged and unstaged changes:


Or compare with a specific commit or branch:

./ main

If the output is very long, you can simplify to just the affected packages:

./ --output package

This can also be used to selectively publish. For example, to publish all targets which are affected by the most recent commit:

./ "$(./ -o query HEAD~1)"

Packaging and publishing

Two types of published artifacts are supported - docker images and wheels.

Docker images

If a python_library target has an image_repository set, then an image will be built - e.g.


The resulting image will be tagged as namespace/my-library:{GIT_BRANCH}-{GIT_SERIAL_NUMBER}-{GIT_SHA}.

ℹ️ The library must have a file in its root namespace.

Python wheels

To build a Python wheel, pass the wheel and version arguments to python_library, e.g.

load("//tools/library:defs.bzl", "python_library", "wheel")


📝 Unfortunately wheel requirements are not automatically inferred from the deps argument, and need to be specified explicitly.


Both kinds of artifacts can be published using:


You can also publish a subset of targets by providing a query, for example:

./ //src/users/...

📝 The image registry and PyPi server are controlled via environment variables. The default values for this configuration will push to the local infrastructure found in infra/.

📝 Authentication with image registries is controlled by the regular DOCKER_CONFIG variable (or its default ~/.docker/config.json). This means users and CI can perform docker login commands before running the build and publish steps.

Dependency management

Upgrade Python dependencies

Python dependencies are (mostly) managed in a tracked Pipfile and Pipfile.lock in the root of the repository. To perform dependency upgrades across all targets, you only need to upgrade these files. For example:

pipenv lock  # Re-lock the Pipfile
bazel build //...  # Re-build with the new dependencies

ℹ️ You don't actually need pipenv installed on your host machine for this to work. You can run the same pipenv version used by Bazel like so:

./ //tools/python/pipenv lock

This ensures the correct version of pipenv is used when locking the Pipfile.

Upgrade Pipenv

Pipenv itself is not managed in the Pipfile to avoid cyclic dependencies. To bootstrap it, Pipenv and its dependencies are installed with using regular Bazel mechanisms. These are controlled in tools/python/pipenv/repositories.bzl.

To reduce manual effort required when performing upgrades, a script is provided which generates the Pipenv dependencies in the format required by repositories.bzl. Run this as:

python3 tools/python/pipenv/helpers/

Upgrade Bazel rules

A number of Bazel rule packages are used in this repository, such as rules_python and rules_docker.

These are managed as entries in WORKSPACE.bazel and can be upgraded by replacing with newer snippets, usually provided on the GitHub release of the corresponding package.

Interpreter/IDE integration

Since Bazel runs everything in sandboxes it is difficult to get direct integration with IDEs. However it is possible to approximate this by creating a root virtual environment containing the superset of all dependencies:

  1. Create a local virtual environment with the superset of dependencies installed:
pipenv sync
  1. Run a Python interpreter inside this virtual environment:
pipenv run python
  1. You should now have access to the modules under src/:
>>> from core.logging import logger
>>> from users.content_type import User

Since the virtual environment contains all of the tooling dependencies too, it should be possible to hook most IDEs up to this for the purposes of linting, code analysis etc.


This approach is not perfect, and there are a few drawbacks:

  • The virtual environment contains all dependencies, so you may find something works in your venv but fails when built with Bazel. Usually this will be because the target in question doesn't declare explicitly depend on a package you require.
  • This only works if all Python packages set their root import to the src/ directory - otherwise the import paths will differ when built.


  • Remote caching
  • Running tests for multiple python versions


A modern Python development set-up for Bazel.






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