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A repository with my vim configuration to sync across different development machines.

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VIM IDE deployment

What is this?

My attempt to have VIM as my main Integrated Development Enviroment.


After having VSCode consume 15Gb of RAM for working with a C++ project, I had to find a more lightweight alternative. I need control of my tools to have control ver the quality of my work as a professional software developer.


  • Open-source.
  • Battle tested.
  • Highly customizable.
  • Well documented.
  • Amazing community.
  • I already use in a day to day basis.
  • Lightweight.


  • Difficult to learn at first.
  • No magic, you get what you put on it.
  • Requires understanding the whole development process.


First you need neovim installed. This can be achieved several ways, using the default packet manager of your distribution, snap or pip. I prefer to go to the github repository and download the appimage.

The one liner to install the latest stable drop:

wget && \
    chmod u+x nvim.appimage && \
    sudo mv nvim.appimage /usr/bin/vim

The next step is to clone this repository at $HOME/.config/nvim:

git clone $HOME/.config/nvim && \
    cd $HOME/.config/nvim && \
    git submodule update --init --recursive

Then, you might want to install the YouCompleteMe to have autocompletion on several programming languages:

cd $HOME/.config/nvim && python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pynvim && python bundle/YouCompleteMe/

There are several ways of installing this plugin that can be checked out at the README of YouCompleteMe.

C++ Autocomplete and linting

It is needed to configure each C++ project in order for autocomplete to work with c++17 and beyond. YouCompleteMe uses clangd as backend for the implementation of the language server. This means that if further flags are needed, they must be explictly defined on a custom such as the following:

import os
import os.path
import fnmatch
import logging
import ycm_core
import re

def getIncludesUnder(father):
    return [str("-I"+x[0]) for x in os.walk(father)]

def Settings( **kwargs ):
  BASE_FLAGS += getIncludesUnder(os.getcwd()+"/src")
  BASE_FLAGS += getIncludesUnder(os.getcwd()+"/3pp")
  return {
    'flags': BASE_FLAGS,

Semantic completion and static analysis

Install and configure the latest versions for libclang and clang-tidy for your current distribution.

Enclosing of parenthesis, brackets, etc

For this I simply use delimitMate.

To enable it, we need to execute make all and make install.


Tmux is a teminal multiplexer that enables multitasking on your workflow. It also provides a way of keeping several terminals active on remote servers, which is very useful when the internet connection fails.

Tmux can be downloaded and compiled from (here)[].

To setup the tmux configuration file:

cp tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf

PlantUML configuration

I followed this tutorial.

Now you can use Plantuml* commands inside vim.


A repository with my vim configuration to sync across different development machines.






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