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Flutter API GET and POST using Dio with GetX

Flutter GetX State Management Example

This Flutter project demonstrates how to use the GetX package for state management, perform API calls, and display data in a Flutter application.


  • The project uses the GetX package for state management, which allows us to efficiently manage and update the application's state.
  • We perform API calls to retrieve a list of students and display them in a ListView.
  • The project also includes a form to add new students to the list.
  • Additionally, a circular loader is displayed while data is being fetched from the API.


  1. GetX for State Management: We use GetX to manage the application's state. This includes controllers for managing students, text field data, and handling API calls.

  2. API Integration: The project includes an example of making API calls using the Dio package to retrieve a list of students. The API response is then displayed in a ListView.

  3. Adding Students: Users can add new students to the list using a form. The form validates input and sends data to the server.

  4. Circular Loader: While fetching data from the API, a circular loader is displayed to indicate that data is being loaded.

  5. No Data Found Message: If the API response is empty, a "No Data Found" message is displayed.

Project Structure

  • lib/controllers/: Contains the GetX controllers used for state management.
  • lib/views/: Contains the UI views, including the main screen and the student form.
  • lib/main.dart: The entry point of the Flutter app.


  1. View all students.

    Screenshot 1

  2. Add a student.

    Screenshot 1

  3. Showing snackbar on success.

    Screenshot 1

  4. After adding new student.

    Screenshot 1