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Jammer edited this page Jul 3, 2015 · 1 revision

Welcome to the WPF-Prism-Demo-Part1 wiki!

If you’re a WPF application developer, you’ve probably heard about CAL by now. It seems to have a number of names that people know it by, CompositeWPF, Composite Application Library, Composite Application Guidance (CAG), and Prism. Frankly, it’s all a bit mad; from here on in, it’s called CAL. Unlike the growing issue of loads of different techs that essentially do the same thing, here we have a single tech with loads of different names!

Anyway, I have now been involved in two large Composite WPF applications. One for my day-job employer, a smart desktop client application using WPF/ WCF / CAL, and one for my own project. However, from my own experience and from talking to other developers, I think Microsoft sometimes do themselves a real disservice. CAL is awesome, and the documentation is very good and getting better, but the StockTraderRI is just a bit too much to take in at first. There are some excellent things people are doing with CAL (Daniel Vaughan’s Calcium, for one), but they aren’t really a strip it down to basics take on things; they are complex frameworks in themselves, so I thought I’d write this really cut down demo app.

You can read the rest of the article that accompanies this code On my web site here.

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