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jQuery.column v1.0

Copyright (c) 2011 Martijn W. van der Lee
Licensed under the MIT.

Simulate CSS3-style automatic columnization for the few browsers (IE) that don't support it.
It tries to follow CSS3 specification ( closely.

	context (required)
		This should point to the DOM node(s) that hold the content to be columnized.
		Typically this is a <div> element, but other elements are possible.
	options (required)
		An array or object containing any of the following options (based on CSS3 options).
		width (default 'auto')
			This option works like CSS3 "column-width". Use it to specify the width of each
			individual column in pixels or set to 'auto' to use the "count" option.
		count (default 'auto')
			Works like CSS3 "column-count". Set the number of columns to use. If "width" is
			set, "count" is ignored. If both "width" and "count" are set to 'auto' (default),
			the content will NOT be columnized.
		gap	(default 'normal')
			Like CSS3 "column-gap". Set the distance between two columns in pixels. If set to
			the default 'normal' value, the gap will be 1em, dependant on the context.
		rule_color (default '')
			Like CSS3 "column-rule-color". Specify the color olf the rule between two columns
			using any valid CSS color qualifier or name such as 'black', '#ab37e9' or
			'rgba(255,0,0,.5)'. If no color is specified or the value is set to an empty string,
			the color will be the same as CSS 'color' option.
		rule_style (default 'none')
			Like CSS3 "column-rule-style". Sets the line-style of the rule. These allowed names
			are the same as the border-style names. To show the ruler, you need to atleast
			set a visible rule-style such as 'solid' or 'dotted'.
		rule_width (default 'medium')
			Like CSS3 "column-rule-width". Specify the width of the rule line between columns.
			You can either specify the width in pixels by using an integer number or use any
			of the border-width names 'thin', 'medium' or 'thick'.
		split (default 'word')
			jQuery.column works by splitting the content up in parts which may be rearranged
			over the columns. By default any text at the top DOM level is split at every
			whitespace. The 'word' mode most closely (though not completely) matches CSS3
			splitting. Alternatively you can choose 'sentence', which splits text at
			punctuation end-marks or create your own method.
	Returns the selected DOM elements so you can chain this plug-in like regulaer jQuery.

	$('body').column();    				// Doesn't columnize content, since neither "width"
										//  nor "count" is specified.
	$('body').column({count: 3});		// Spreads the content of <body> over 3 columns.
										//  Columns are stretched to fit the available width.
	$('body').column({width: 250});		// Spreads the content of <body> over columns of 250px.
										//  Number of columns depends on the available space.
	$('body').column({					// Columnize with options...
		width:		'auto',				//  Default, this line is redundant.
		count:		4,					//  Spread over 4 columns.
		gap:		20,					//  Space columns 20 pixels apart.
		rule_style: 'dotted',			//  Show a dotted rule between columns.
		rule_width:	'thin',				//  Set width of rule to 'thin' (usually 1 pixel).
		rule_color: '#ccc',				//  Set color of rule to a light gray.
		split:		'sentence'			//  Keeps sentences together.
	Make sure you set atleast one of 'count' or 'width' to enable columnization.
Also see:
		A similar plug-in which works in a different way with different features


CSS3 column layout in any browser, uses jQuery






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