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Security: jayvdb/tox


Security Policy

Supported Software

Not all repositories owned by this organization are supported software. This especially includes forks and demos.

Supported Versions

In general, this is the matrix of supported versions for supported repositories (excluding any forks):

Version Supported
latest release
prerelease 💬

Unsupported Repositories


ℹ️ If a repository is a 🍴fork, it is probably not supported and shouldn't be used for production systems.

🍴Forks are generally used to test check-spelling/check-spelling and check-spelling/spell-check-this.

Demo repositories

This includes:

  • example repositories
  • test repositories
  • repositories named for other vendors (typically to demonstrate/test check-spelling against their software)

Security Notices

Accepted vulnerabilities will be issued a GHSA and possibly a CVE.

Reporting a Vulnerability

Please do not report security vulnerabilities through public GitHub issues.

Reports may be sent to:

There aren’t any published security advisories