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Enable tap / swipe / touch hold events for vue.js 2.x

Note: This is for vue.js 2.x only.


  • Common touch events, such as tap, swipe, touchhold (more)
  • All events support mouse and touch screen at same time
  • Optimized touch effects with touchClass option and v-touch-class directive
  • Binding multiple touch events on one DOM element
  • Customizable events with native-likely events handler
  • Allow splitting configurations for different DOM elements by v-touch-options directive


To install with npm or yarn, use

npm i -S vue2-touch-events

// or

yarn add vue2-touch-events


import Vue from 'vue'
import Vue2TouchEvents from 'vue2-touch-events'


In your .vue file:

<!-- bind a tap event -->
<span v-touch:tap="touchHandler">Tap Me</span>

<!-- tap is the default event, you can omit it -->
<span v-touch="touchHandler">Tap Me</span>

<!-- bind the swipe event, no matter direction -->
<span v-touch:swipe="swipeHandler">Swipe Here</span>

<!-- only when swipe left can trigger the callback -->
<span v-touch:swipe.left="swipeHandler">Swipe Here</span>

<!-- bind a long tap event -->
<span v-touch:longtap="longtapHandler">Long Tap Event</span>

<!-- bind a start and end event -->
<span v-touch:start="startHandler" v-touch:end="endHandler">Down,start/Up,end Event</span>

<!-- bind a move and moving event -->
<span v-touch:moved="movedHandler">Triggered once when starting to move and tapTolerance is exceeded</span>
<span v-touch:moving="movingHandler">Continuously triggering Event</span>

<!-- touch and hold -->
<span v-touch:touchhold="touchHoldHandler">Touch and hold on the screen for a while</span>

<!-- you can even mix multiple events -->
<span v-touch:tap="tapHandler"
    v-touch:swipe.right="swipeRightHandler">Mix Multiple Events</span>

<!-- using different options for specified element -->
<span v-touch:tap="tapHandler"
    v-touch-options="{touchClass: 'active', swipeTolerance: 80, touchHoldTolerance: 300}">Different options</span>

<!-- customize touch effects by CSS class -->
<span v-touch:tap="tapHandler" v-touch-class="active">Customize touch class</span>
<!-- or -->
<span v-touch:tap="tapHandler" v-touch-options="{touchClass: 'active'}">Customize touch class</span>

If you use vue and this plugin in UMD way (in a script tag) , this plugin is auto used. So it's not necessary to wirte Vue.use(Vue2TouchEvents).

<script src="path/to/vue.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/vue-touch-events.js"></script>


Global configuration (optional)

Vue.use(Vue2TouchEvents, {
    disableClick: false,
    touchClass: '',
    tapTolerance: 10,
    touchHoldTolerance: 400,
    swipeTolerance: 30,
    longTapTimeInterval: 400
  • disableClick default false. Use touch event only, will not trigger click event.

    You should keep this value default if you use your website on both mobile and PC.

    If your website uses on mobile only, it's a good choice to set this value to true to get a better user experience, and it can resolve some touch pass-through issue.

  • touchClass default: ''. Add an extra CSS class when touch start, and remove it when touch end.

    This is a global config, and you can use v-touch-class directive to overwrite this setting in a single component.

  • tapTolerance default 10. The tolerance to ensure whether the tap event effective or not.

  • touchHoldTolerance default 400 in millisecond. The timeout for a touchhold event.

  • swipeTolerance default 30. The tolerance to ensure whether the swipe event effective or not.

  • longTapTimeInterval default 400 in millisecond. The minimum time interval to detect whether long tap event effective or not.



Bind the v-touch directive to components which you want to enable touch events.

v-touch accepts an argument to tell it which event you want to bind.

<span v-touch:tap="tapHandler">Tap</span>

The first argument of the v-swipe callback is the direction of swipe event. It could be left, right, top or bottom.

v-swipe can accept extra modifiers. It means you can bind events only for specify direction.

export default {
    methods: {
        swipeHandler (direction) {
            console.log(direction)  // May be left / right / top / bottom

v-touch-options (v2.2.0)

v-touch-options directive allows you set a different configuration for a specified component. It will override global configurations.


v-touch-class directive allows you set an extra class on your components. If you already have a global config touchClass, this value will overwrite it.

For example:

<span v-touch:tap="touchHandler" v-touch-class="'active'">Tap Me</span>

Now, when you start to touch, it will add an extra active class automatically. And remove it when touch end.

If your setting of disableClick is false (it's default), it will bind mouseenter and mouseleave events, too.

So that you can use this feature to instead of :active and :hover pseudo class, for a better user experience.

/* before */
span:active, span:hover {
  background: green;

/* now, you can write like this */ {
  background: green;


v-touch:tap / v-touch

tap is the default event type of v-touch. It will be trigger when tap on the screen or click the mouse.


swipe means touch on the screen and move in a direction. The direction could be top,bottom,left or right.


longtap will be deprecated in next major version. Please use touchhold insead. If you still want to use this feature, please let me know.

longtap means touch on the screen and hold for a while. It will be triggered when you release your finger. (It's not normal when we use touch devices, so it's a good choice to use touchhold instaed)

v-touch:touchhold (v2.1.0)

touchhold will be triggered when touch on the screen and hold for touchHoldTolerance milliseconds. This will be triggered before your finger released, as what native APP does.

v-touch:start / v-touch:end / v-touch:moving

  • start is same as touchstart or mousedown.
  • end is same as touchend or mouseup.
  • moving is same as touchmovoe or mousemove.

These three events are like native DOM events. You can use these events to custom behaviors which this library doesn't support yet.


left, right, top, bottom

This four modifiers are for v-touch:swipe only, to specify which direction you want to bind events to.


Same as v-on:click.self, only trigger events when the event target is the currentTarget.


Same as v-on:click.stop, stops event propagation.


Same as v-on:click.prevent, prevents default event handler from firing.

disablePassive (v2.3.0)

{passive: true} is set for touch event listeners if your browser supports passive. This is good for user experience. If this is not what you want, you can use disablePassive modifier to prevent this behavior.


How to add extra parameters

As mentioned by #3, if you want to add extra parameters for v-touch, you can't do that like v-on. The hack is that you can let your method returns a function and handle the extra parameters in the returned function.

<div v-touch:swipe="myMethod('myOtherParam')">Swipe</div>
export default {
  methods: {
    myMethod (param) {
      return function(direction, event) {
        console.log(direction, param);
        // do something ~

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